Hey cunts, i am Natsoc in his twenties, who has one Jew ancestor (Great Grandmother)

Hey cunts, i am Natsoc in his twenties, who has one Jew ancestor (Great Grandmother).

So i am 1/8th Jew.

My Jew ancestor was a atheist, born into a atheist family.

She and her husband where both Natsocs, and worked for the reich.

The majority of my bloodline is Northen and Southern German.

I am Anti Semitic, and have had brawls with Jews.

Also, what do you guys think of Natsoc Jews like Adolf Eichmann and Reinhard Heydrich?

Other urls found in this thread:


Jew Nazi?

All Socialists should be thrown from helicopters.
>Even the Nationalists ones.






>So i am 1/8th Jew.

Relax - the white ethnostate will need borderline sub-humans to clean toilets and sweep floors.

>thinks national socialism is the same as Marxist socialism

They are alright for infiltration and counter opposition.

Stick to your own gene pool and find a ashkenazi female which high european content.

Nothing worse than a self hating race.
Nazis wanted everyone to be nationalist.
Slavs, meds, ect.

It's why hitler built israel.
You can help us defeat the Elite Zionistic Kabbal schwartz magick yids but


But have to say this doesn't happen often!

So what do you think about Israel?

>National Socialism isn't real Socialism.
>This meme again.
You cucks are literally racists marxists.

same here man,ugh i mean goy.

I personally don't know, i mean it is good because now they have a homeland and leave our countries, and than again they stole the land of the Palestinians, and have an Army.

So it's difficult



Also am i still a goy?

It must be hard to identify who is a goy in these days!

>That self-defeating attitude.

why do you hate jews?

Schikelgruber hmmm

In this case your efforts and achievements towards the survival of the white race and removal of non whites and jews will count and will either grant you a status of (honorary) aryan and a place in future society or a mark of subhuman and a place in the oven.

Do i really have to answer that?

Are you new on /pol, are you over 18?

So it's the standard conspiracy theorist answer then?

There are a lot of different people on this website, and they're not all holocaust deniers.

Mate i don't look Jewish, and have a non Jewish name.

Also as i said my Jew ancestor was already a Natsoc, and Hitler didn't kill her!

And i want to stop the Zionists and the non whites.
Because i have a brain!

I am a holocaust denier!

In all seriousness, Hitler was a Jew and if you're as dedicated as he was to the cause then I see no reason why they wouldn't except you.

It is a more refined Völkisch soziolism!

That's fine, I just wanted to know. Do you also believe that the Jews are currently plotting the destruction of the white race via multiculturalism?


Well i am a full blood patriot to the white race.

And as i said in my post there where a lot of Jew Natsocs, over 300 000!

They where also patriotic, because they had a heart and a soul, not like the rotten Zionists!

Adolf Eichmann is a good example!
He was born in Sorana a small village outside of British ruled Palestina, he moved with his Father to Austria and became a proper Austrian, he spoke fluent Hebrew and Jiddisch, but was Christian and felt German.
Hitler new about this, but saw how patriotic he was!

>imagine being this retarded

Your people just Starve too quickly that's all.

Jew here. Nobody Jewish would consider you such. Sorry to break it to you, edgelord.

Yes, but it's not a conspiracy theory, there are facts about this!

Read the Talmud it's all in there!

Pic related to Talmud!

Half of those texts don't exist. The other half are not the Talmud. Idiot. First one for example is a court. Not the Talmud. It's debating a case of punishing a Jew for killing his slave. Retard.

ddon't you kikebros follow the same standard of the Nuremberg laws as to prescribing Jewish blood?

Hard question for you Chaim, am i a Goyim for you or not?

With the papers of my ancestor i would get a Jewish passport.

I would never want wan though!

which ones are real?


It depends on which side your jew grandmother is from
if its from your fathers side then by jew standard you are not a jew but by "nazi" standard you are some sort of a half-breed.

>Adolf Eichmann and Reinhard Heydrich
Neither one of them had Jewish ancestry. But Erhard Milch, Emil Maurice did and I think that they were great.

This is why my ancestor became a Natsoc, you are the spawn of Satan and pray to him.
You give birth to a un brainwashed child, and try to make it rotten like you, but sometimes it doesn't work, because of the persons having good souls!

Nope. There's a long list of shit involved. He's ethnically Jewish enough so for Israel, but the fact he knows shit all about the religion (can't even figure out what the Talmud is) shows he's Jewish by name only.

Google each "source", you'll see.

See, he's a LARPer.

1/8 is fine. I defer to nuremberg laws on this desu.

Sieg Heil.

well if you dont act like a kike and admit the crimes they did then you're ok, if I remember the natsocs only hated full blood jews and if I remember correctly also half blooded jews

Nazis didn't hate Jews that were German before Jew.

>"Deutschblütiger German-blood 1/8 Jewish Considered as belonging to the German race and nation; approved to have Reich citizenship"

your good and by the Nuremberg laws considered not a jew


I'm 1/4 Jew. I'm not exactly a Natsoc but I sympathize with Hitler's goals and hate Jews. No one in my family has practiced in 80 years and I have no identity as a Jew

They did great!

But Eichmann was a Jew and Heydrich too.

Here is the link to the Eichmann prozess, where it says that:


So there is hope

>Mischling zweiten Grades Mixed race (second degree) 1/4 Jewish Only partly belongs to the German race and nation; approved to have Reich citizenship

What's the Hebrew word for taqiyya?

Did this guy get reincarnated into Weev?

Hey Dumbass, Nazi's aren't actually racist. Whenever you hear Hitler say the word Jew just imagine him saying the word banker instead. Problem solved!

If anybody was racist it was the damn Bankers trying to take over his country!

Yeah that's why I don't worry about it, worst case scenario I'm not a major voice in the movement because my name is German-Jewish


There's always hope, son

There's no word, but that concept is a rip-off of our 3 things you can't break the Torah's commandments for:

Murder in non-self defense

Pretty sure Christianity has something similar

No. There has never been any conclusive evidence to suggest that either did. Your shit texty website proves fuck all. There were only rumors that Heydrich had Jewish roots because of his appearance as a child and the Eichmann nonsense is conjecture at best. Eichmann was so hated by Jews that he was hunted down and abducted from South America and brought to Israel to be tried and executed.

He sounds unhinged more than anything tbqh

Hitler didnt build israel

Christians also have souls Moshe

You see there are also more of us.

There are even anti Zionistic non beliving Jews in Isreal.
Mostly from Russia.

Christianity is just a reformation of Judaism. Just like Protestantism is a reform branch of Christianity. You got your concept of the soul from our faith and we probably took it from some Canaanite religion.

Also Moshe is kinda an old name now. It's like "Earl." Use Ari, David, or Aaron, more modern.

Nuremberg laws make you not a jew as long as you're not practicing. So you're okay and so are other natsoc part jews.

You're still not Jewish. Anti-Zionist Jews are common as hell, I'm one of them. You clearly know jack shit, dude.

SSNP Member/Hardline Balli Kombëtar, no youre white, an aryan really. Have good day mr, AMA

The text is in German, so you might can't read it, and it says everything in there.

It is the documented conversation Eichamnn had with the Judge.

And the reason he got hunted down, and was the most hated was the fact that he was a Jew who helped the Goyims in their eyes.

man those guys are not anti Zionistic.
They just beaten the shit out some sudanese migrants and drug addicts, uploaded that shit to vk with NatSoc rock in the backgroundd,its more like a scene thing.

The blood will tell.

The guy's been posting fake shit the entire thread, lol. Next is gonna be that rabbi who fled to Iran after getting kicked out of Israel and pretends he's the voice of the Diaspora for Iranian propaganda.

>Both were based off of collectivism & nihilism.
>Both were totalitarian.
>Both were anti-free market.
>Both had centrally planned economies.
>Both had state controlled capital.
>Both had state welfare programs.
>Both played identity politics.
>Both targeted workers with propaganda.
>Both failed miserably.
Socialism is Socialism. National Socialism is just another flavor of Socialism and like all flavors of Socialism will always fail.
>InB4 you try to change the meaning of Socialism to match your narrative.

Your post proves nothing.

Eichmann wasn't a Jew.

Maybe Temple Judaism, but not the Talmudic Judaism that forms the basis for modern Judaism


God you Zionists are just evil!

If one of your choosen people calls you out, you come with these bad counter attacks.

Talmudic Judaism comes from the same Judaism. The Torah is the same. The only difference is the day to day life. The only difference is laws created for the sacrifices were adapted to fit life without.

Gonna keep larping?

I am like him, but without the cuck part at the end!

Oh, no reason in particular.

>It's why hitler built israel.
He didn't though wtf

Iran is #1 kys

Ben zona!



The Jew is scared that more like me gonna join you against their Zionist anti white beliefs!

He literally tries to shut it down!

Here is a good Redpill against the Zionists!


Its just that he is impressionable because he doesnt really know the full picture.
People here cannot be anti zionist because its suicidal,without zionism patriotism the country and moral will die out and we will be cucked by the arabs.
On the other hand people like you and him abroad who doesnt really understands how is it like to live here can afford to say they are not zionistic because it doesnt affect them.
Without zionism we will be like the American and western europeans with white guilt.


It doesn't matter what you say, Jews can't comprehend why anybody would dislike them and will simply brush off your explanation as jealousy or ignorance

Just Jewgle "why do people hate the Jews" and you'll see tons of articles written by Jews (because I ask a gazelle how to hunt, too) saying that Jews are a light unto nations and always fight for good even if other nations resist. It's never their fault

Lighten up, Francis. If you think what you worship as your history was the apex of white culture you're an utter moron. I usually laugh at these as troll threads but for some reason I think you might be serious

Israel is merely the newest incarnation of Jewish evil

>implying orthodox jews werent pesecuted by the soviet authorities
man i agree with that those stinky rat marxist jews are fifth colum traitors and should be remembered as traitors, but today the situation is different and you should distinguish between globalists Rothchild "jews" and Zionistic "jews".

There is no distinction. Rothschilds helped start Israel. Jews help Jews first and foremost, that's why Israel will never actually reign in degenerate diaspora Jews

All Jews have within them a seething hatred of white Christianity. All of their actions towards Edomites are steeped in this hatred

No I don't? Lol

Is this what you base all your stupidity on? A false assumption that I'm constantly scheming against you? Are you paranoid or retarded?

you will never walk the white path to Latvia

Your people have acted against whites for centuries. Even if you yourself don't believe you are against whites, you are still part of and contributing to the tribe that is working so hard to destroy everything we hold dear

There are too many (((coincidences))) to ignore that it's a problem among greater Jewry and not just a few bad Jews

man you larp too much....
there are jews like Soros who fund anti Israel leftist NGOs groups who fire up Palstinians in the Palestinian Terretories and slader Israel.

On about the hatered for white Christianity imo USA Jews are really like that but in here people who think like that are dumb mizrahi usually or orthodox Talmudic devils.in my "community", the Russian Israeli community, people are mixed or even full jews but they grew up among christians and are taught not to mock something a different man finds sacred.

>Hurrrr look at me cherry pick 55 random Jewish women who were feminists, clearly that shows it's ALL Jews

There are ~11 million of us alive today. What percentage of 11 million is, hell, i'll humor you, 5,000 Jews?

>in my "community", the Russian Israeli community, people are mixed or even full jews but they grew up among christians and are taught not to mock something a different man finds sacred.
Are you a Russian Jew?

Dworkin, Friedan, and Steinem are three of the most central figure of 2nd wave feminism. And don't give me that "not all" bullshit, are you going to say that migrant rapists and suicide bombers don't represent Muslims and they're actually peaceful, loving people?

Picking random names on that list you have everything from guest article writers to interns.... Are you fucking kidding me dude? You named 3 Jews, btw. Of how many "central figures" of 2nd wave feminism?