For all of your moaning about shitskins, the fate of the white race, etc. the problem is literally just whites not having enough kids or not caring enough to have more.
If you solve that then the problem's pretty much over.
For all of your moaning about shitskins, the fate of the white race, etc...
(((print more money)))
Both these swede roasties have been repeatedly raped by mohammed and faisal at this point. Who fucking cares anymore?
Which is due to the economic problems we have due to subsidizing third worlders. Think about it - the amount of wealth and food we SHOULD have with today's technology: we should be having like 16 kids each. Think about it: in the old days, families of serfs surviving on a loaf of bread and a slice of cheese a day still had like 2 to 6 kids each tht made it to adulthood. It's really insane when you think about it, white Americans should have way more kids.
The categorical imperative is a nice theory but it's not going to solve white genocide bruh.
>Let's just convince white people to have babies!
Naive. Also, look up r/K-selection theory.
>Implying the world's problems are race reltaed
Most would say Sweden's problems are from migrants, but aren't the migrants themselves a product of a deeper problem with the Swedes to even allow them in the first place?
They are Finnish you nigger.
This shit reminds me of token. Whites are the elves orks the shitskins that eye thing the jew.
Who cares you asiatic faggot, you're all snow niggers to me.
Society has been purposely engineered this way. Shitskins coming in and ruining shit is just another piece of the puzzle. But it's a more immediate problem than the looming white birth rate problem. That said, my fiance and I are determined to have at least 5 and up to 9
You bitter pussies aren't men enough to carry on your bloodline. I have 3 kids its fucking easy. We were designed for this.
>Whites don't have kids because they are smart enough to examine the factors of raising a child and determine they cant provide the essentials in the current enviroment
>Meanwhile Jamal knocks up 7 different women which are taken care of via the taxpayer then the mother gets food stamps rent paid and jamal goes to prison, also tax funded
The scale will tip and when they cant get no more gibs they will chimp out which will usher in the fourth reich
>They are Finnish you nigger.
Everything north of Germany is socially and culturally Norway, or Norfrica as it shall soon be known.
Look at the bright side! So-called Finns will have an even better source of energy than geothermal when they harness the giggawatts generated by Mannerheim spinning in his grave after all the sandnigs they adopt vote to become a Putinist protectorate.
The real way to win is breed like niggers, then let the babby mommas leech off the state.
It works.
Kids are incredibly annoying and take away your ability to make more money.
It's easy having no time for anything except dealing with kids?
Who needs horrible white women when there are brown babes out there who need to get BLEACHED?
my city is fucking majority spic, how will pumping out a ton of white kids here help the white race? theyll just mix into the spic majority
we need segregation. we dont need a growing population.
girl on the left is literally perfect.
Except the low birth rate alone isn't the problem.
Mass immigration + low birth rates = the problem
I hope that was simple enough for you to understand faggot
No apologies for being knee deep in your women.
you are a virgin that masturbates to
Can we have a hard reset? This channel is getting boring now.