/DGG/ Dethroning Google General

Email me directly if you want to participate: [email protected]

Many of you are like me.
> Be Frustrated that we arent able to really do anything
> Pretend that using ad nauseum is really doing anything
> Think 'what can I do against a massive company like Google?'

Make no Mistake...
> We are under siege
> Google has outright declared war on the internet and the public
> It's time we actually do something about this
> Censorship is getting out of control
Google is now utilizing its large capital base, near advertising monopoly, political pull, and legal team to crush anything and everything.

Google has parlayed its advertising revenues into hundreds of other projects
> Joint ventures for a windfarm off of the east coast
> Google Fiber
> Face Recognition software
> Data Mining
> Google earth
> etc

Other urls found in this thread:


Google receives approximately 90% of their revenue from adwords and other advertising.
This revenue literally subsidizes the rest of the company.
The first 6 months of 2017 44B of 50.7B in revenue was generated by advertising.
There is a finite window until we are fully encircled by the ultimate corporate evil and a major proponent of internet censorship and elimination of wrongthink.
Frankly we may already have reached this point

As of Nov 3, 2016 the Android operating system has 88% market share for all smartphones currently.

Our current efforts which utilizes ad nauseum is not enough. The current tools at our disposal are not enough. Our scope is too small.

I am calling on Sup Forums to participate on a massive scale crowdsourced design discussion
1 single person cannot make a difference
Collectively - we can make a difference.

I do not want to discuss design specifics here. I want to discuss how to organize, in a private space, and eliminate the prying eyes of the hydra that is Google

What is the approach?
> Elevate all competitors of google to reduce revenues
> Build new tools to combat google
> Map out all currently known google projects

Don't be lazy Sup Forums
>If you want to make a difference. Do Something. Get fucking involved.

I'm all for dethreoning Google but like how?
even this shitty website has Captcha service by Google.

The only way to destroy Google is to destroy their servers and corporate HQ by force.

They can blackmail any politician and person on earth.

They can probably blackmail most of the CIA and FBI.

Youll never take down Google, shitlords.

This is not a simple solution. This has to be a multi-headed attack focused on reducing their revenue. That's step 1.

It can be done absolutely. but we are going to have to be insanely creative. Nothing we have today at our disposal can actually work.

Good luck.

I'm pissed about Google but rn I'm more pissed about the rise of degeneracy in the west and the decline of white people desu.

You're such a clown.

>People thought it was impossible to fly a metal tube through the air
>People thought it was impossible to magically generate light without fire
>People thought it was impossible to send information instantly across the planet

With enough thinking and willingness to do, any problem can be solved. All we need to do is find a way to take away their advertising market share and the snowball effect begins.

What email should I start using?


All the best to you.

Appreciate the sentiment. If you can assist in any way, please let me know.

Blah blah blah... Let me say it again. Youll never take down google, shitlords. Read it again slowly if you have trouble. Maybe ask a parent or guardian.

Cool, continue your shit posting good sir.

Might be shit posting, but its true all the same. Google does not like nazi scum. Its 2017, idiot.

How about we create a video hosting site that gives 100% of the profit to the content creators. Just charge them a yearly subscription fee of like $100 a year

Even if you're not shitposting giving away freedom to spite someone who has different opinions is retarded. And you deserve the totalitarian shithole you are making for yourself.

Not a bad idea

Agreed. Unfortunately even if he is shitposting he probably is not interested in his freedoms.

I am though.


So - what would the best medium be for conducting a design discussion outside of the prying eyes of Google? Assuming chat logs could be pulled from places like discord.

I view AdNauseum as a start. AdNauseum only clicks ads on pages that you visit. What we need is a much more aggressive tool- a weaponized ad clicker. If we had a script / plugin that crawled the web and clicked on random ads (starting with more valuable ad search terms) then we would hit Google much more powerfully than AdNauseum. Call this tool something catchy like ClickZero, because widespread use of it drives the value of an ad click down to $0.00. Leave your computer running around the clock and ClickZero works all day. Companies will stop buying Google ads if their traffic is garbage. It might be best to target high profile individual companies whose departure from Google advertising programs will be newsworthy in and of itself and encourage others to follow suit.

Guys, this is the Achilles' heel of Google. They seem omnipotent with all of their billions of dollars, their extensive influence, and their volumes of information on almost everyone. And yet almost all of their power and influence stems from ads. Make their ads worthless and Google becomes almost worthless.

This is a good start yes. we would need a large scale tool, which could utilize multiple browsers at once, and change IPs and potentially spoof mac addresses regularly

Google = DOG

DOG is GOD backwards

The DOG fetches stuff from the internet for you to make you think it is GOD

That's their secret. That's literally it. Knowing it takes away their power.

Since they are dependent on the internet, get off the internet.

Break the Goolag.


Brave/Tor + Qwant/startpage + hooktube + zeronet + vpn + protonmail + custom android rom


Exactly why these people need to be taken down.

But the internet is our only hope

The fac that they are squealing men's they are feeling the heat. Keep pouring it on.

time 4 bing


Who cares, they're harmless.
Become wealthy and powerful yourself instead of giving a shit about one corporate or another.

If you're already wealthy and powerful then what the fuck, just live your fucking life.

Right, so let them trample our rights? censor everything? That's a great idea.

Dogs you may think of as harmless, but what happens when they try to take the place of humans? Are you going to allow yourself to be fed and watered by a dog?