Sup Forums can't refute this
refute this, sweeite
*unzips dick*
>100% of dreamers are here illegally
compare that to Trump supporters
You cant youre circumjewed
What kind of 1984 shit is this?
What is their definition of the word "dreamer"
>100% of criminals have no criminal records
Seems like someone needs to look into your shitty legal system if that's the case.
Hi Jewmpf
>my family's middle name was Christ
That's not weird at all
Quality emu post
>My being in this country is a crime, but I'm not a criminal
Probably a pretty close comparison since niggers vote Democrat.
Where were they born?
Hi faggot.
Your opinion is irrelevant as always
Fuck they got me. Off to dismantle American sovereignty!v
more jobs for actual Americans when they are gone.
And 100% of them have to go back.
Ok kike whatever you say
>bullshit rhetoric
>two hurricanes
>Sup Forums can't refute this
100% of them are illegal, with only an illegal EO between them and returning home. Hence 100% of them are criminals along with king nigger. Retard.
Is dreamer a term for border hoppers now?
>millennial democrats
>no criminal record
>illegally in the country
Pick one
Oops there's no wall
This wont get any replies. Anyways bye
If he doesn't end the program, they will keep coming.
Good point. I thought it just meant "illegal immigrant", but now they must be using it as a dynamic filter for cherrypicked illegals who look productive.
No faggot, it's whatever you say.
You should do the world a favor and neck yourself.
Illegal alien must be tortured. My home this is strict policy. Similar to Otto
>millennial Democrats
>NEETS who tell everybody to pay for their college debt
>Trump supporters are jobless
This is so autistic.
You're a DACA until you engage in a crime.
Illegal immigration is still illegal, even if you are underage.
DACA got a longer stay of time, lots of time to prepare for the return home.
Mexico should be making ample welcome to these people. So many of them are now Doctors, Mathematicians and lawyers, I'm blown away. They're going to make Mexico Great Again.
And without trade with china you will be starving peasants. Any state that does this fucks themselves. Seattle with its $15 min wage has like 1.9% unemployment
>100% of any set of data
you want to know how I know you're lying?
100% of dreamers are getting fucking deported, senpai.
How can 91% of people of any national origin aged 0-31 have jobs? Is the Democratic Party secretly supporting child labor?
>no criminal record
>in country illegally
yea, but we're staying in the country, so there.
Is this fact Verritâ„¢ certified?
Doesn't matter. American citizens are American citizens. Dreamers don't have a right to anything.
Also, 100% of them are illegal, and thus they should all have a criminal record.
100% of democrats are retarded
Trade will not be relevant when America is on fire. Soon.
Eek a penis and etc etc eek the sign of the covenant grab them im a retarded latent sodomite pedo REEEEEEE. Ribbit
>is a priest for Freud and nothing else
Waste of my time
I dont doubt it
I don't like spics desu
>100% of dreamers have no criminal record
Wrong. 100% have a criminal record
-citation needed-
No one cares, if we could get rid of legal spics we would, when will you fags get it. We hate you because of your subhuman race and culture not because of a piece of paper that says you can be here.
>Mexico should be making ample welcome to these people. So many of them are now Doctors, Mathematicians and lawyers, I'm blown away. They're going to make Mexico Great Again.
I know you're being sarcastic, but that's not wrong
Mexico is going to ostensibly get thousands of young, educated , cultred citizens for free, why the hell is the mexican president still fucking with trump
(dont answer that I know that I'm just beng rhetorical)
That's because in order to be eligible for DACA you can't have a criminal record. That doesn't mean there haven't been plenty of people under DACA who later went on to be convicted of a crime and then lose their DACA eligibility.
That sounds like some mighty fake news, theyre telling me that 100% of 800,000 anchors are absolutely crime free? Statistically impossible baybay
You know that all sexual desire is rooted in the instinct to procreate right?
We don't have to we're here legally.
Please do it. Stop wasting time. It's been 50+ years for you guys to sign a peace treaty or fight and force us to sue for peace. All talk. No action.
good riddance. we need those jobs for white men. AND why in the fuck didnt they get green cards of theyre such law abiders.
>100% of Dreamers have no criminal record
100% of Dreamers do have a criminal record because they are *illegal* immigrants.
he will be re-elected ya know.
>Do you like Trump as a person?
>Poll shows mostly no.
What they don't ask is if they like democrats more
>Millennial Democrats
I'm sure he's not pulling that out of his ass
>everybody born to criminal parents on american soil is a crook
Nice minority report. Are you an abortionist eugenicist too? How much we've fallen. Or we realise what liberty even means to begin with. Everybody became unbiblical assholes because bibi put brown people here so they blamed the anti zionist left
>im a nationalist and a globalist
100% of them are committing a crime.
They will be out of work soon enough haha.
>trump supporters need to work like slaves instead of living like freemen
I cant wait for 2018
>dont have sex with that snake you will die
>snake tells woman exactly what you just told me
>immediately dies and is banished
Don't care. They're going back. Also
>Come here illegally
>Somehow now a crime
100% of them are criminals. We know that for a fact. You can't refute it with
>muh feelings
>illegals here
>have jobs
>trump supporters don't have jobs
>"they took our jobs"
>we should deport illegals so legals can have their jobs back
It needs no refutation as it is literally the argument itself.
800,000 people
Average age of 25
Not ONE of them has a criminal record?
Seriously? People will actually believe that?
With the amount of homeless I see I sincerely doubt that.
What kind of strawman is this?
I never said those things.
All sexual desire is rooted in the instinct to reproduce. You know that and choose to be a faggot anyway. You are a disgusting human being for denying the reality of nature.
kys pls.
>no criminal record
Fucking idiot kys
>And without trade with china you will be starving peasants
The US had roughly zero trade with China before the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979. I don't recall Americans being starving peasants before 1979, but I do recall starvation being a major problem in China.
>Seattle with its $15 min wage has like 1.9% unemployment
The minimum wage in Seattle as of 2017 is $11 and the unemployment rate is 2.6% as of April. The economic consequences of policy changes take years to wring out.
You seem to have a lot of difficulty with basic and easily found facts.
>100% of any population not having a criminal record
Wow, that's quite the claim.
>dreamers were born here
>implying drumpfth has the ability to deport natural born citizens
You are an retard.
Even if that were true (it's not) neither of those things are a factor.
The snake told her she wouldnt die. Just like you. She died and covered her tits in infamy
You got a serial number for that?
>Sup Forums can't refute this
100% no criminal record
I guarantee this to be false. Please provide me with sources of this false info.
I'm actually only being half sarcastic. I'm very much against illegal immigration. I'm also against population replacement, for all nations.
I am against illegal immigration, because it's an inhuman franchise. Just a glossy version of slavery.
I'm against population replacement here. I think that populations grown and shrink per market demands (Japan + Automation = lower need for people digging ditches).
We have a fucking H1B program to import Poo's because we don't have enough programmers. So I would think Mexico would be fucking excited at getting permanent highly skilled residents back.
My only thought to why they would appose it, is that the Dreamers will return to Mexico, realize it's a shithole, with corrupt politicians, and without a way to "flee", instead they'll "fight". Fight at the ballot box. Fight in their culture. Hell they may even fight in the streets. 800,000 highly skilled and enlightened individuals could turn Mexico around.
At least all Trump voters were actual citizens.
(Women) think it makes them interesting to speak in code
Don't worry about it
I have a job.
Nice strawman.
Completely irrelevant to the conversation we were having. You are not only intellectually dishonest, but also deflecting with you strawman.
hey look its that one wild homo from feggit
>(((millennial democrats)))
Contact your traitorous representatives and demand they remove all illegal trash from United States soil.
Nope. Adam decided to take on her sin. He wasnt lied to nor taken a fool because men and women were created differently and woman is a clone. With his dick. But i dont know nature. You do. The number one rule is to each his own KIND. But you dont care
You lose DACA status if you commit a crime that would cause jail time. So it's a built-in No True Scotsman clause. All the DACA recipients have no criminal record, because if you get a criminal record you lose DACA. Note they didn't say none of them have committed crimes, just they haven't been found guilty of any.
Complain all you want but the decision was made. Bye bye pablo.
100%? What ass was this extracted from?
Being there is fucking torture, even memezuela has stray dogs to eat but not in your shithole kimmy.
>100% of a group of people in this country illegally who have repeatedly broken any number of state and federal laws regarding and not limited to identity theft and tax evasion "have no criminal record"
>91% of the above somehow have verifiable employment despite undertaking vast and ongoing criminal efforts to evade any sort of detection whatsoever
totally fag
i love it when they just make shit it up, it's hilarious.
Only 9 percent unemployed?
How the fuck did they come up with this number?
because we fucking DEPORT them when we catch them committing crimes, so, invariably, those left behind will have no criminal record.
>trump supporters don't work as much as ILLEGAL FUCKING IMMIGRANTS
>all those lib college kids have more jobs per capita than trump supporters
you do realize you're arguing with the aids riddled leaf. he rarely makes any sense. just rambles like a retard.
>cites nothing
>ignoring the fact that 100% of them are criminal.
Looks like McDonald's has clued in how cucked Canada is. Don't forget to thumb this fucking thing down!
>100% of a population DEFINED by a criminal activity not having a criminal record
Even bolder
Not having a criminal record seems to be some kind of great achievement for mexicans. Tells you all you need to know about those mestizo subhumans.