What is he saying to Bush in this picture?
What is he saying to Bush in this picture?
Other urls found in this thread:
"Delet this"
I fucked Ted
>you are expendable. do what (((we))) say or else.
>i'm so hard right now
Mission Accomplished
>"... i call shotgun, you got it on the way here you doublenigger"
Have you chose the one you are keeping for the night sir
the end of times has just started
"Hail Hydra."
>reply to this post or your mother will die
it is done
Itty bitty baby
nothing, he's about to start licking his ear lobe
Slide it
"It's under way"
You don't think it was "America is under attack"?
"It'll be sixteen years before the goyim figure out this was a false flag."
Mission Accomplished
why not google it nigger
"We just set off the thermite. ETA for first collapse is one hour"
>the pathword ith... nipple
"It's free real estate"
Get behind it faggots.
>you kept America safe
>just tell right wing retards that for the next 8 years, they're so fucking stupid they'll believe u
big up big up it's a stick up stick up
This moment should have proven something was wrong with the official story. The President sat like an idiot while there was an attack on the country. Such a high profile target like him should have been moved ASAP.
>but muh kids would get scared
No, fuck them. That's a pathetic excuse.
kill niggers
"Sir, your errection is showing."
>"Your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post"
Hey remember than new century shit plan your dad came up with? He just did it, now i know you didn't want it to happen but your pa, rumsfeld, and cheney went through with it. Act cool bro