DACAs can't vote or receive benefits

>DACAs can't vote or receive benefits
>but can work and have to pay taxes
Why kick them out? They're literally free money

Other urls found in this thread:


Because if you keep DACAs it sets a precedent that having a group of people that can't vote or receive benefits, but can work and have to pay taxes, is okay. Eventually that group will inevitably grow over time as more people attempt to take advantage of such a program. Then when that group gets large enough, they will demand political rights or "amnesty".

Basically, DACAs are non-citizens, allowing them to stay in the country and work erodes the institution of citizenship and invalidates the process of actually becoming a citizen.

Also, there's the fact that they're taxpayers that can't vote... Taxation without representation. The exact opposite of what this country was founded on.



they will ALWAYS be referred to as ANCHOR BABIES. no exceptions. no newspeak. ILLEGAL ALIEN is also acceptable.

I'd take a thousand dreamers over the scum that inhabits this board

>baby's mad that nobody wants to be around a retarded faggot tripcunt

you werent popular in highschool and you arent popular here. how sad. maybe its you.

Anchor babies can't be deported, they were born here

>Also, there's the fact that they're taxpayers that can't vote
So can people on working visa's vote? Or international companies who do business in America? That ship sailed long ago

Anchor babies need citizenship to actually anchor them somewhere, DACA applicants don't

Add sterilization and it would be perfect till then no.

>So can people on working visa's vote?
They aren't citizens of the US, they have representation in their homeland. Illegal aliens like DACAs don't have representation anywhere.

>Or international companies who do business in America?
Corporations aren't people so this is irrelevant.

Birthright Citizenship should be revoked, 11% of all newborns are anchor babies. Deport them all, they will never be American.