>Refugee children in Sweden are falling into coma-like states on learning their families will be deported
> The condition causes healthy youngsters to deteriorate into a comatose-like state after learning of their impending deportation,
> It is believed to only exist among the refugee population in the Scandinavian country, where it has been prevalent since the early part of this century.
> The main ‘cure’ for the condition is for refugee families to be awarded residency permits – something even recognised by the Swedish Board of Health and Welfare.

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why not just lie and say around the little shit that they have residency


the poor children
fuck borders and laws and shit

This used to be a thing with the yugos as well, the only medicine is to go back

>maybe they won't deport us if we play dead

That's a shame.

Genocide when?

>inb4 that british boy screencap

>You can't make this shit up
>checks source
Oh sweetie yes you can

>april 1st
Lol nah


People only respect one thing at the end of the day - force

If you don't force these people out of your country then they will take advantage.

1 2 3 4 lets start a race war

>April 1st
>refugee children

>loudly announces I'm a doctor "here I'm sorry for your child being in a coma we are grantinf you full citizenship" kid wakes up. "Gotcha bitch"

The Swedish word uppgivenhetssyndrom sounds like what it is: a syndrome in which kids have given up on life. That's what several hundred children and adolescents have done — literally checked out of the world for months or years. They go to bed and don't get up. They're unable to move, eat, drink, speak or respond. All of the victims of the disorder, sometimes called resignation syndrome, have been youngsters seeking asylum after a traumatic migration, mostly from former Soviet and Yugoslav states. And all of them live in Sweden.


So, from gipsy-like tactic of screaming and making a mess, they started the theatrical coma shit.


sweden seems so hopelessly child-like and retarded death is the only cure for them

Then just send them back with them?

i'm sorry, here, take my country, you need it more than I do

Well i was taught and use the sternum rub on people who are unresponsive and if they dont respond to the pain then theyre dead and just to throw them into a grave

>they can't stand up for their own country and fight to liberate their own shithole

That's where you're wrong kiddo

They're Muslim and therefore brain-dead, donate their organs.