Who's in the wrong here?
Rohingya persecution in Myanmar
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Muslims, as always
>sleeping next to a mad dog
meant this
>ashin wirathu
His name is literally "Asian Wrath" said with a chinky accent.
a. wirathu
Yeah.. the Burmese Buddhists. Just because they're Muslim doesn't make them bad, the uncomfortable red pill here is that it's Pakistani and Arab culture that's offensively incompatible with the west, not Islam. This actually makes us racists, which is why we'd prefer it was Islam, but it really is just Pakistanis and Arabs. Rohingyas are Bangladeshi, they're fine. Bangladeshi Islam is about as close to Christianity as any Islam besides Bosnian Islam.
No, really, it's just Arabs and Pakis that need to leave. Islam is fine, it's these two that are rapists and sleazebags.
Keep it up, based Burma. Might consider providing some transportation help across the river, so they don't bitch about drowning in the river, but if it's any trouble don't bother.
They've known they should leave for years.
Reminder to subscribe to Ashin Wirathu's channel.
Funny enough, in Burma they only have first names traditionally, Ashin is the equivalent of "Lord," it's a religious title, not his name.
Funny, that's not what the Burmese say. I'll take their words about the Rohingya over yours.
>Islam is fine
Islam, the only thing to trigger buddhists so much that they resort to violence
Bangladesh is wrong for opening its borders to the "refugees".
Idgaf. There is an open genocide against whites going on in South Africa. Too worried about my own people to worry about a bunch of brown 3'rd-World burdens.
Thank you, but it appears to be in Burmese.
They are sort of full of shit.
Bangladesh was founded as a muslim nation to separate from India, what do you expect them to do? Of course they'll open up for other muslims.
You should care, the Burmese buddhists are leading the way into ethnic cleansing more than serbians, they're an example of how to protect against islam.
They're all Muslims. Let Muslims be with Muslims, and other countries be free of Muslims.
>My own people
Some faggots in South Africa.
European must stay in Europe, Nigger must stay in Africa, Chink must stay in China. Simple logic.
>muslims "persecuted" wherever they go
what a coincidence its just like jews being kicked out of every country at some point
>commie advice
And like always, it entails letting whites be killed by niggers. You are the Islam of politics.
Automatic weapons on the otherside of the river works aswell
>Ill take the genociders words any day
Muslims are no doubt innocent, they're so nice that they're persecuted and hated by bigots everywhere that they set foot in. Juts like jews, bigots are jealous.
Genocide is the only "final solution."
Maybe rohingya shouldn't have chimped out against the Buddhists. You may only kill the kuffar without consequence in muslims nations like the United Kaliphate or the emirate of France.
so glad whitey brought m e to america for free. Fuck that region.
>not speaking Burmese
I know though, I don't speak burmese beyond mingalaba which means hello. Still, good to know he has a youtube channel, he also has a facebook page but I don't have facebook so I don't care.
Bangladesh isn't just muslims, it's ethnic indians who got infected with islam and then became violent and separatist, they should embrace hinduism and join India.
South Africa was pretty much empty of people, the Bantu who are now the majority blacks genocided the Khoisan while the Dutch/Boer were living peacefully on the coast. SA is white land except for the most northern part which might belong to the Khoisan if they hadn't all been killed by Bantu.
Most of us are jealous we werent the ones that pulled the trigger.
It's a minor difference?
When the west clashes with Arabic Islam it's like asking us to regress female culture by a few thousand years, we're not doing it, and the consequences are that they feel entitled and justified to sexually assault our women, which is the sleave bag mindset: they're either "allowed" because she's a slut or they're blameless men who can't honestly be expected to keep it in their pants.
The problems between Arab men and Germanic women is more than a few Rohingyas living on the edge of a Buddhist village. We must acknowledge where the real problems lie and it's Arab culture.
Of course it's still an anti-pacifist religion.. but I'm still yet to hear a counter argument that my problems with Muslims isn't actually a cultural problem with Pakistanis and Arabs. Yes this is racist, but it's honest at least.
just want you nazi fuckers to know this is your fault. last time a fascist dictator was in power 6 million people were murdered. Do you really think its a coincidence now that trumps president the genocide is beginning again? This is the world you people created. They day its you being lined up against the wall to be shot you'll realize the mistakes you made and you'll burn for them.
I think it's better to wait and see what happens. If they're still massacring people after killing all muslims and jews, then it could be a problem. Before that happens I don't see a reason to worry about their actions.
Shit bait.
Whether or not Arab culture is a problem, we know that concentrations of Muslims are definitely a problem -- regardless of what you think of "female culture". They are a problem because they act out and try to conquer you -- this is well documented.
It was 7 million stupid goy
You're wrong in making the distinction an ethnic one, Islam would have been fully compatible with the west if the mutazilla reformation had taken place but now it's all ashari filth. Arab and paki culture has been shaped by ashari islam but the ethnic groups themselves might be redeemable, they're still not niggers.
That's fucked up
They have no problem, as far as I know, with Jews. I'm a Jew and enjoyed a 5 day vacation there, found them very friendly for the most part, in the major cities and the tourist attraction Bagan.
They have a problem with Muslims, and I fully agree that's a problem they're best to solve.
The government of Myanmar for not protecting the rights of their own subjects and citizens.
>saudis and pakis fund jihadis
>jihadIs do some stuff
>few attacks
>government brutalizes a bunch of people (1000s, msm is lying abvout death toll) who aren't jihadis
ask yourself:
>where have we seen this before????
>what are they doing??
Stop being edgy and pay attention. Saudi is not our master, we (or (((them)))) are theirs. PAY ATTENTION.
>what are they planning? What resources? >What strategic significance? PAY ATTENTION.
>afghan was about china
>ukraine was about russia
>read the grand chess board
600 gorillion!!! six hundred fucking gorillion! get it through your thick mongoloid skulls! you fucking NAZI anti-semitic fascists and your revisionist figures!
they have been fighting the government on and off for 50 years wtf are u talking about
When they were re-branded from Burma, apparently all their history disappeared.
You know you are pieces of animal shit if have managed to piss of even Buddhists
Buddism is the most peaceful religion on earth that goes so far as to preach indifference towards evil.
Muslims are literally beyond evil for them
Like a virus with an incubator you period, they first piss of from their Muslim shithole and begin to settle in land that's not muslim, then they begin to breed like rats, as soon as they feel significant in number they begin to attempt to squash the host, slowly infiltrating institutions, claiming opression to rally for special rights, all the while carrying out an open war and terrorism with the hands of extremists, with the ""moderate""" majority engaged in perpetual outcry and social mobilization at the host for reacting to it.
Hate on Jews all the want ,rightfully so, but fact of the matter is noone is as pathetic in claiming victim status while being outwardly agressive and murderous at the same time as fucking muslims. Noone is this much of a cancer to people living in immediate vicinity than fucking mudshits
Kill all muslims, islam is cancer.
He is a very wise man.
Have the Rohingya tried NOT being Muslim?
>he needs to ask
Cultural, not ethnic. Pakistanis are a similar ethnicity to Marathi and Gujarati, both fine by me.
I blame Pakistani and Arab culture, the first one for some extreme sexual permissiveness and the second for cultural segregation. I've met Indian and Bengali Muslims, I definitely didn't have a problem with them until they were radicalised by Arabs, namely when he started believing verbally assaulting women was Islamic and permissive if they're not Muslims. That's Arab culture, that men and women must do and think and be different in every way.
Arab culture is so tied into Islam, right down to forcing the language like the Catholics tried to force Latin, that I can actually acknowledge the problem whilst denying it's an issue with Islam.
There's no "wait" when it comes to genocide. I'm not going to "wait" until they're all dead before forming an opinion.
Literally every minority group with a counter legal system does, BLM uprisings were almost about trying to replace western law with street gang law.
>saying dumb shit about Buddhism
Just a religion, bro, to make it obvious they still pray instead of meditate. Mediation is considered beyond what normal people are naturally capable of.
>I blame Pakistani and Arab culture, the first one for some extreme sexual permissiveness and the second for cultural segregation.
*gender segregation.
If you don't let the boys talk to the girls they won't know how later in life.
Muslims are being fucking destroyed. This is actually Buddhists slaying Muslims, keeping them from destroying their culture.
>I'm not going to "wait" until they're all dead before forming an opinion.
Then come to Europe and stop the muslims before they start genociding us.
Guys we need to send Wirathu a new high end editing PC, QHD cameras, lighting equipment, high quality mic and get some community translations going.
Go donate to Wirathu, remember if he goes down then Burma as a whole is lost.
>Literally every minority group with a counter legal system does,
so i should tolerate them?
>BLM uprisings were were about george soros trying to destabilize America
and he should be killed for it
i dont see the point ur trying to make
keep trying retard
lol and this
>It's just Arab culture, Islam didn't nuffin
Piss of Ali
Bangladeshi Muzzies managed to find a way into German rape statistics despite being virtually non existent
I trust Buddism over muzzie filth
It's literally their religious duty to outbreed the Infidels and submit them to pisslam
Fuck off with your death cult apology spastic
Buddhists react not for nothing, if they started to act out indimidation kills you know Muzzies managed to piss them off
You know you're fucked when you have to go to Bangladesh as a refugee
Based burmese monks.
based buddhist warrior removing mudslimes
>Bangladesh was founded as a muslim nation to separate from India, what do you expect them to do?
So was Pakistan.
Why is everyone against the Buddhists? How much of a psycho religion do you have to be to make the Buddhists respond violently? And how much of a faggot do you have to be to become a White apologist for aggressive, expansionist Islam?
Buddhist already had it enough because smelly mudsleme always act like an asshole pompous.
Based Buddhist removing parasite from their soil.
what of the hindus these peaceful rohingyas are still killing?
dont you pol shits feel like pussies?
even buddhists are doing something about muslims and you wimps are sitting on your computers hoping some reality star does something
I bet Sup Forums would bitch if SEAsia would start genociding white sex tourists