This is Iran in the 70's.
Iran Before Sharia Law
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nice thread schlomo. sage
Fuck you faggot.
It was due to Anglos that the Revolution occurred in Iran. It was backed by Carter administration because the Shah was no longer being an OPEC puppet.
Both Anglos and Jews deserve to die in the fire of their own making.
Show your flag mehmet.
Blame islam for being absolute cancer.
The world needs Shariah. Any country without it is a degenerate shithole that tolerates immorality. Fact.
>muffled screams of married child in the distance
The Revolution was backed by Carter administration. Carter even called Khomeini a saint and gave him a load of cash. Also declassified CIA documents showed the USA was becoming dissatisfied with the Shah. I could provide sources if need be.
UK was in on it too.
Cue Iranian diaspora saying this is all the fault of le ebil USA jews
>W-we can't control when we get radicalized or not!
I don't deny the perfidious eternal anglo, but it's just a matter of weaponising the cancer of a barbaric stupid cult known as islam.
old school iranians are redpilled.
>tfw no qt persian gf
In the case of Iran, there would have been no Islamic theocracy if it weren't for the fucking Eternal Anglo. That's what I'm arguing, and I could give sources for that.
Also, there would be no ISIS either without the Eternal Anglo.
The Eternal Anglo are the biggest Jews and Arabs around, hence why they do everything from fund Saudi Arabia's Wahhabism and its expansion to other heinous shit.
I honestly hope the Eternal Anglo gets their shit hit very hard. I would have preferred Hitler won WW II.
Looks just like 70's US.
>Iran before the CIA
Just like Afghanistan in the 70's. Secular middle eastern countries looked pretty cool. Reminds me of Rhodesia and South Africa
Your country ruined the entire world.
just like when Iranian migrants rape women in Europe but Sup Forums stays quiet about those articles.
Its almost like all muslims are basically the same.
isis sleeper agents
Actually, it's the Saudi diplomats who abduct and rape your women, and they flee with diplomatic amnesty. Reports of them defecating and pissing on women were common.
The USA has been financing its widening deficit with recycling petrodollars coming from Saudi Arabia, so it probably remains quiet because of that.
Blow it out your ass
Exactly. Islam ruined it. The good thing is, I think they still would have been preserved from full on western degeneracy without the Islamic revolution.
>without the Islamic revolution
which was largely pushed by USA and UK
>putting thots back in line
wtf I love shariah now!
Is that Sean Connery?
reincarnation is unfalsifiable, satan.
that was iran during CIA
Holy shit
Iranians are white
You know what really confuses me Sup Forums
How the left can be pro islam and pro sharia when its about the least feminist and equality thing possible.
The mental gymnastics are staggering.
sharia law keeping tehran turbo sluts in check
If only we kept our women in check like they did the last 50 years.
I think this was in Iraq or Iran, cant remember.
Title out there is "1958, when Muslims laughed at the idea of imposing the hijab to women"
Its a politician giving a speech and makes a joke about ever conceiving a world wear women are forced to wear hijabs, and the entire audiences laughs their asses off.
tfw I'll never have a liberated 70's Iranian qt
the reason is because leftists are blind devotees of jewish sharia (political correctness). they do whatever their masters want. their masters want them ignorant, so they dont normally know anything about the ideologies they endorse or are too stupid to comprehend their ramifications. they are the zombie army of the elites. mercs. not much else to say. they are nothing like us.
Why would the US remove their puppet?
Also it has sence as Islamists in Afganistan were also supported at the same time.
egypt my man, gamal nationalised the suez canal
Thank you for making Iran great!
Women can vote in Iran though
This is gonna bite Iran in the ass one day, just like it did the West
Now now, preventing radicalisation is easy when the radicals are just poor fucked up groups that you can round up and publically execute weekly.
Compare it to the black lives matter movement. Both are groups made up of some disturbed individuals who attempt to kill to enforce their warped beliefs.
BUT, the US and the UK went in and funded,trained and supported those guys, with much better technology.
This is equivalent to a race of advanced aylmao's approaching black lives matter, providing them with force field technology and anti-matter weaponry and setting them lose on America.
Yes. It IS our fucking fault. Modern radical Islam is an american/western product.
If we stayed the fuck out of that area it's likely the Soviet Union wouldn't have collapsed and all of those sandy shitholes would have been Saudi-Arabia/South-Korea tier places.
Hmm. So how would you characterize Afghanistan where all the men fuck little boys?
Because the left prioritizes. It's very simple.
Left's #1 priority: destroy western civilization.
Islam's #1 priority: destroy western civilization.
When you recognize this, it makes perfect sense. No mental gymnastics necessary.
Same reasons why Americans fuck little boys and why we fuck dogs
I'm American. I've never fucked a little boy or a dog. Stop projecting degenerate leaf faggot.
Fake quotes made by Salafis and then spread by evangelists/Jews
This isn't unheard of. Muslims in the western sense are the 'oppressed'. That makes them good. It doesn't matter what they do.
Leftists and muslims have been known to team up. You know what the end result is? Iran. The Iranian Revolution was partially fueled by leftists who loved Marxist ideas. Of course when their leadership died and they weakened the nation, the Islamists took over.