This is the best weekend in years. DACA done, we're about to nuke the commies in NK, and now Alex Jones has gone full 14 (if not 88).
Alex Jones Just Red-Pilled Millions On White Genocide!
Other urls found in this thread:
It's about time..
I often disagree with Jones but he was spot on. The words of they EU official were chilling.
It's like these fuckers read Orwell and thought that shit was a good idea.
Damn those pigs rewriting history. Poor horsey
This sort of thing needs big attention, and AJ just gave it big attention. Spread this to normies.
These Marxists tried to ban Orwell's books. That didn't work, so now they are using his warnings as a literal guidebook. It's horrifying.
>i am smarter than all those fags who compare the world to pop culture references - i compare it to the one dystopian novel i was forced to read in high school
fucking kill yourself
Big if real
Good shit from Alex, when he gets it right it can really get out
It's kind of crazy how palatable Alex's points are here. It's not crazy neonazi larping about white genocide...I feel like I could show my grandpa this video.
White genocide is just a fact at this point.
What is your problem? Do you spaz out like this in person?
Alex Jones is controlled opposition, so normies will think that white genocide and Martian slave children are equally ridiculous concepts. This isn't going to help.
people bash AJ and Rush Limbaugh for being cucks because they don't name the (((name))) and haven't gone full identitarian.
they forget that if AJ or Rush were to do that, they'd lose their shows, which reach millions of people (and also lose all their income).
they are doing what they can to move the overton window to the right and red-pill cucks and normies. give them a break.
>uh-oh, my ineptitude with analogies has been exposed. better move to ad hominem
do it
Spotted the cia niggers
then again, they dont like accepting the truth when it's right in front of their face either
>Alex Jones Just Red-Pilled Millions On White Genocide!
No one is going to believe a tripfag leaf. Are you new here?
your initial response was ad hominem to begin with, you fucking faggot
I made a comparison to a dystopian novel because it's fitting. Is that hard to understand? the fact you think I'm projecting some intellectual superiority by referencing Animal Farm just reeks of insecurity. If I wanted to get highbrow I would name drop Gregory Berrycone.
lol you racist shit heads are celebrating that alex jones is on your team.
There's nothing wrong with race mixing. Mulatto girls and guys look fucking hot. You make white genocide sound like a bad thing, and make it sound like you are being literally murdered.
kys kike nigger
Oy vey
Probably his best since last joe rogan jones out
nothing wrong with being mixed. also nothing wrong with being white. also, nothing wrong with ensuring that white people continue to exist by having a homeland on the continent that they are indigenous to.
>A famous book that can be compared to today's world was referenced
>Better insult the user for mentioning a book that multiple-yes, MULTIPLE-people around the world know of
>I bet he doesn't know all the secret obscure books with deep meanings that I read
People like you are pathetic autists. Just shut the fuck up for the sake of everyone else.
Whites birthed western civilization and almost all of the scientific and technological advancements around you, not to mention libertarian philosophies of free speech and gun defense for the people. The reason you don't you care about the genetic behaviors and intelligence that lead to that culture and achievement is probably because you're ignorant.
You're so immersed in it you take it all for granted. White culture is so rich and diverse it's like recognizing the oxygen you breathe. You don't think about it. You should fear a future with less whites. Whites are already a global minority. Once you gain some sense, you'd want a future where whites remain the majority cultures in the United States.
Whites in the majority in the US is the only thing preserving the United States from total (((globalist-communist))) take over making you a slave of NWO-Jews.
>I wonder who could be behind this post
niggers and spics are trash.
He's a demagogue conspiracy theorist who covers for the Jews. I don't trust him. Remember folks, even Satan tells the truth once in awhile.
He might redpill some bluepills though, which is good! Have a bump
It was just posted retard and it's a clip from the show which millions of people listen to.
No idea why we don't push the white genocide meme harder. It genuinely scares people. We should start talking about Rhodesia more
the madman did it
Lol, you act like talking about Jones keeps DACA going
>you will live long enough to cleanse muslims and communist filth from your ancestral homelands
Yet you answered the obvious reason why I'm tripped, look in the mirror meme flag.
AJ is back on his game?
Glad to see.
>muh overton window
but really, do you ever stop to marvel at how far we've come in a (relatively) short amount of time. I know we haven't won yet - far from it - but for the first time in a long time I can see light at the end of the tunnel.
Niggers and spics are trash. We need to push them back as is our constitutional right.
thank you. the shitlib shills are fucking stupid.
Our power level is rising. ALEX JONES IS
There's an intentional (((news))) silence about communist blacks raping, torturing, and slaughtering all of the innocent white Afrikaners in South Africa and Zimbabwe. If we had truthful news in the US, the public would be mortified and doing anything they can to help.
The mainstream is prevented from knowing the real politics of South Africa. All they know is "apartheid" but not the far worse parts that came after. Apartheid wasn't good but it was literally suppressing radical violence against whites who had lived there hundreds of years ago before most of those blacks ever lived there.
Wtf I love AJ now
I loved Alex, now I love him more.
There's no wonder why there's record numbers of whites flocking to the alt right.
was the colonization of south africa the worst decision ever? srs, what a fucking waste of resources.
Why does Alex Jones sound like he has a frog in his throat?
At the rate we're going, getting called a Nazi or racist will be common and treated as nothing special in 5 years' time.
They literally "colonized" mostly empty land. Nothing was colonized back then. Their mistake was bringing in blacks from the middle part of Africa for cheaper labor. Same parallel mistake to North/Central/South America and the transatlantic slave trade largely led by Jewish elites. Slavery is awful in any form but elites are the only ones who benefited while the rest of the society (the commoners) suffer from the net effects of it down the road with violence wreaked upon their lands. Meanwhile elites gate themselves off from it all. Cycle on repeat.
i bet he smokes like a chimney
>This. We have gone far past fighting for our freedom of speech or hate speech if you will and gone into survival mode. I grew up surrounded by good people. Who were interested in helping each other. Now we live in a shithole full of niggers and crime. PLEASE fight for your countries while you are a majority or we will surely perish from this earth.
What would his Zionist masters think of this? Is he going rogue?
What a disgusting image.
Accidental greentext
it doesn't take a genius to figure that a white person going and settling in africa would generate animosity among the africans there, there's a reason why blacks are the most discriminated minority, and contrary to what the left would make us believe, everyone is born racist.
you're living on borrowed time faggot, leave as soon as you can.
Get out while you can if you can. Stay strong and find a way to help others too. The anti-white leftist-Jew media doesn't care about saving South African whites. That has to be your wake up call that South Africa is a lost cause and the native whites who have more ties to it than most of the blacks won't be spared. It will fall. SAfrica isn't the place to be a martyr. The cause of resisting the NWO goes much larger.
I can toss you a bump for AJ finally talking about White Genocide
Alex Jones is a kike puppet that fear mongers.
what's the point of such shitty bait? don't you have something better to do?
There were hardly any blacks living there a couple hundred years ago. Most people don't realize that. They think it's the opposite because the (((media/school))) feeds them lies as if whites are the only ones capable of harm. Meanwhile blacks continue to genocide/rape/torture and practice slavery in 2017 just as they have 300 years ago.
t. Globalist Shill
>Muh Alex is controlled opposition STRATFOR narrarive
t. Shill
thank you. spread this to conspiracy-minded "normies" who think the alt-right are all murderous evil nazis.
jesus christ niggers are so dumb
I saw this coming when he started pushing the narrative that the Democrats wanted a Bolshevik revolution. Not a communist one, he kept saying Bolshevik specifically, the most echo-y of all types of communism
Oh snap! It's on!
when the globalists realize that all of their actions, subversion, treason, and destruction, has justified their full blown and entire extinction, I think then they might back off and try to find peace. i don't think (((they))) comprehend how honorable, righteous, and just their complete and total eradication actually is. they want to collapse the entire world and cause the death of countless lives for their neo-marxist globalist world order; their deaths and systemic genocide are therefore entirely justified.
To take their "hate speech" and "love not hate" rhetoric and spin right back at them:
their so-called paradox of tolerance justifies their physical removal
their total destructive actions against whites, nations, and the people of this world justify punching and killing them
their arrogant and haughty actions are far more supremacist than white/black/chinese/mexican/etc pride
their ways of backstabbing, infiltration and periodic destruction justifies their complete dissolution
exactly. In the video OP posted he even pointed out Peter Sutherland by name. It feels like he's giving up trying to be subtle and going as far as he can without literally saying "it's the kikes"
Its not a coincidence that base of his mic stand make the star of isreal (moloch)...
>What a disgusting image.
>Perhaps we should address it instead of cowering away?
he just got divorce raped by a jewess. the gloves are off.
Is there a source for the EU dude talking? Not a shill but I can't fucking stand aj and can't listen to his voice. Went through it but would just prefer to not have to 'filter' him out? I mean happy someone is saying something but that guys just too much. It's the first step n the path to here but I'm way beyond it.
Is he /ourguy/ officially now?
he should be. who else? the alt lite is cucked, and the hard-core far-right types have been purged from the internet.
>their so-called paradox of tolerance justifies their physical removal
Interesting way of looking at it, and true.
>Unpopular Opinion:1984 was predicting an outdated idea of a failed late industrial world that never came to be, and sevilance is only part of it, and the serviallance is not really foretelling and doesn't take a genius to figure out
Flame war begins
It really is the kikes.
>Oh wait it's almost like animal farm was just to awake ppl of what was happening in Russia
>And that 1984 is a socialists idea of what would happen at the late industrial stage
user, it needed to be said.
Fuck you.
His main platform is radio
Jones has always been /ourguy/. Listen to his show and count the number of times he says "globalist". He fucking knows globalist means jew, he has done so many thousands of hours of research on the subject and constantly names names of globalist jews without actually calling them "jews". It's the only way for him to stay on the air and have a chance of redpilling people, if a normie hears someone screaming about jews they dismiss it and turn it off immediately. He has named the jew on multiple occasions but keeps it to a minimum and leaves it for the listener to figure out.
ill dab to that
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ffs dude. That's the way mic stands are designed. I'm a musician, and I've got one of these. Does that make me a worshipper of moloch?