Low Testosterone Cause of Rise of Unmanly Men in West

Low sperm count causing low testosterone and thus low aggression or fighting spirit in Western men. Is this affecting African American men as well? I know African men are not affected. Look at Sweden, they really are no longer men. Our guys are just not as aggressive anymore. We have lost the will/instinct to fight, or really defend ourselves and families, like our great grandfathers would've and we don't really realize how much we have lost that aggressive edge man needs for survival.. Some of it is probably cultural but we have been weakened by the injections maybe they give us as kids? I know plastics have played a role, but the demise of the western man almost seems to have planned or have I been on Sup Forums too long.

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>rompers or lace shorts
How about death before dishonor?

>Low sperm count causing low testosterone

I was born 1984. Did I avoid the gayness?


>obesity effects female fertility more than obesity in males, because hormones, fat positivity almost exclusively female
>birth control pill designed for women and thus effects women more
>even mental states like permissive aggressiveness (u go girl!) raises testosterone, decreasing fertility and intelligence in women
>>trying to convince me men are the sterile ones and that this isn't fake media shifting responsibility

This isn't Sup Forums, we have only one waifu here

no, faggot.


>Lauren the kike
Get out redditcuck

Just have a daily physical activity or job. Its all you neets and desk job faggots shooting dust out of your cocks.