Sexy NeoNazi gets 363 matches on TINDER
This is kind of funny. Looks like a catfish though
>being this autistic
it's OP larping to prove a point.
It's almost as if women care more about looks than politics
how many people here wouldn't wife up antifafu? Same thing. Be a chad, do what you want.
Can sexy ppl get away with racism?
Women love the Fash
Women don't care if you're a serial killer
If you're a Chad they wanna fuck you
It's a grim reality. Thank God I'm into trannies
>how many people here wouldn't wife up antifafu?
I sure as hell wouldn't.
>Are you Jewish?
based Chad
Looks like we're back to square one.
The best bid a man can make for the admiration of any women (even the most pious) is a display of undaunted physical prowess.
You mean when women just want to get fucked, they don't care about ideology? I'm shocked
The male version of this is a 10/10 throwing herself at you, and you go along with it even though she has pictures with antifa. They're not looking for a partner, they're looking for a dick (not a jerk, an actual dick)
>90% real
Wrong. Many are easily thinking in the back of their minds
>i can change him
>holmes gettin all dat goth pussy
get that pussy holmes
that's it's own kind of other thing I'm sure
Women are fine with anything as long as you display confidence and dominance.
Women prefer youre a serial killer actually
F-fucking Chads
That's bullshit. This is tinder, they're just looking for a good night of dicking
>tfw peaceful high IQ psychopath
No wonder women want to fuck me and I'm not chad
I must just be a super mature serial killer that is tfw too smart to kill
>tfw chad genocides your whole skin color
Proof women have no true political convictions.
Location and what were the other pictures? A lot of places can change the matches.
>wife up antifafu
Fuck? Sure, but I'd never wife antifa scum.
Has anyone ever thought of flooding tinder with fake accounts and fake pictures? Might be a nice way to fuck it all up.
How do you recover from the nuclear blackpill? Everything you've ever done to improve yourself is meaningless; the genetically determined width of your face is all that matters.
Bro, tinder is half bots
>get a match
>get a bit excited
>receive a message ten seconds later
>"I want to get fucked click on this link to chat"
I've had pretty good success with tinder, I'm a young white guy with a college education and I know how to dress reasonably well. But the bots are so fucking annoying. And I live in a vacation city, so there's so many people who are only here for the week
Exactly why it's so beautiful. They're vaginas are literally dripping wet thinking about getting fucked by a chad Nazi. This Chad has balls, and with balls and the Lord Jesus Christ's help one can accomplish anything.
Jeffrey Dommer got mad pucci when he was in jail. Letters and gifts ect. A guy who murdered people for enjoyment and had sex with their decomposed bodies.
Women are fucking stupid.
I think they are too stupid to even realize what his political leanings are. It's Tinder, they are just looking for some dick and have tunnel vision. Not saying it would go a lot more different IRL, but especially true for Tinder - the dumbest, sluttiest broads on there.
You might still have other good traits like being a good charismatic sweettalker of course. If you truly are a psychopath then those traits often go hand in hand.
Look at this lanklet. THIS is the true face of the Republican party.
>posting r/incels shit on Sup Forums
Thoughts? How about, SAGE.
Is width really important? My face is wide as fuck
Has anyone ever dated someone from tinder? Or is it strictly a pump and dump app? Ive never used it.
The bio was obviously changed after this pic was made.
wtf am i reading
Stop being a little faggot and letting tranny boy pucci loving homo psychopaths fuck your arse...
That logo, is that the MDE World Peace logo?
Lawl Chad- Nationalism FTW every time
If you're not top 10% of men, don't even bother.
Some study figured out that only a handful of men in any given area get almost all the girls.
Tindr is interesting only in that it is the logical conclusion of our degenerate dating culture before outright prostitution.
F-Fuck off chad!!
Started a new game on Very Easy and realized it's still too difficult for him.
Women are masters of mental gymnastics. They are literally reasoning in their minds that he can't be a racist bigot because "look how hot he is".
Didn't you know that only guys women aren't attracted to are bad?
Aye, it be true
Started out as a dating app, quickly turned into a hook up app. I downloaded it a while back to troll when I was bored. But it quickly grossed me out and I deleted it. Idk how people can just agree to meet up with a total stranger from a freaking app. For all you know they can be a serial killer, an organ harvester or a cult recruiter. Sends my paranoia into overdrive.
Yeah but the bots are geared towards women. Just get a picture that gets a ton of responses. Fuck up the system.
>they are all ugly
left that part out OP
also looks are everything JFL @ some incel trying to do this
Do it again but put the quote in english you retard, this doesn't show shit
This is the ultimate fucking redpill
If all of us white men were fucking chad looking natsocs, we would get all white women back to our side.
Wow big surprise women are weak minded. Get strong and get sexy, impose your views on them with male aggression and they melt right into your character.
Holy fuck you're right
>Shitting on Anders
He is a national treasure
You are probably right. It's just that from reading those convos the only one who even seemed to catch on was the one who asked him about swastika tattoo. The rest seemed completely oblivious. Either didn't catch on, or like you said - rationalized it to themselves.
Yes we do user.
Roasties defend hypergamy by saying they should be allowed to trade up for better genetics, but they go for violence over genetics every. single. time.
Tinder can be awesome sometimes. I hate living in libtard capital of the east coast though. Too many femnazis who turn me down due to getting hints of my political affiliations. Fuck I almost got invited to be the bull to a very cute lesbian couple but the whores picked up on my Instagram likes and never hit me back up. At least I got to make out with them
T.Chad tho
Nice coping mechanism
??? Nigger what was this
Not a chad, but very in shape guy here...yea it's ridiculous if a woman sees an in shape guy with shirt off you can pretty much get away with talking about race realism including to black women. The hypocrisy of women, and the dropping of their values for someone they find attractive is very sickening.
I want to write a bot that creates tinder accounts, posts pics of male models, and swipes right on every female match.
Its just more enjoyable to make humans experience pleasure rather than pain when the world is already full of pain
Why kick a dog when its down when you can help it?
Shills will slide this hard
The fact they're even open to talking to him though. Look how most react to ethno-nationalists.
There is a ton of them.
>falling for photoshopped tinder conversations
celebrities can not, so probably not.
Evolution has taught women that when a culture conquers the culture they were born into, they should conform to the conquering foreign culture
When cultures fight, men are killed and women are married
The pic is photo shopped nerds the original was some stupid joke about how he stole a candy bar and one of the skanks even says she did the same thing. Letting women vote was still the biggest mistake
Alt-right is watered down Nazism for virgin betas/omegas. True Nazism is for alphas. Of course those alt-rights guys cling to their social club because they can never live up to true Nazi political activism and determination.
Wtf am i reading
Of course also reason for women having orgasms during rape
>No proof
Lurk more faggot it comes up every time in these tinder threads
Of course sweetie :)
>mop hair
>probably circumjewed
>is on a "heterosexual" dating platform
He's got the squint eye/bite jaw things goin on and the olive skin. But still a pass from me
>not going extinct with some autistic beta orbiters idealogy
>sticking your dick in crazy
>not fucking the crazy out of a bitch
I insert my redpills orally and anally
This is the best way to spread any movement, have chads on the front lines
when I met my girlfriend of 5 years I basically disclosed myself as being openly racist and made a bunch of nigger jokes.
We might be onto something lads.
Proves something everyone already new: women are tindr dont give a fuck about ANYTHING other than if the guy is hot. There have been countless posts of fake tindrs with child molesters, abusives, etc.
To be fair, its meant for fucking. Not having a relationship.
He who controls the youth controls the Chads and he who controls the chads controls the females
>not openly showing admiration for fascist figures in front of girls and having them think you're handsome AND well read
Yes, women are this shallow and pathetic these days.
rule 1. be attractive
rule 2. dont be not attractive
It's fucking real!
MDE will never die!
Look at me.
Yea too bad the majority of us are average looking NEETS that aren't confident enough to be an open racist