So funny to watch them get told they have to go back. They were expecting sympathy and cucked apologies, and the crowd is not delivering it. Many lost testicles have been found since the election of Donald J. Trump. What a leader!
Dreamers are crying on Twitter
Other urls found in this thread:
i hate the term undocumented immigrant. you are an illegal alien no an undocumented immigrant, or uncertified resident
I wonder if they could be fooled into adopting viva la revolucion-style rhetoric. It would alienate them from normies and maybe some would get arrested for threats.
>800,000 hispanics leaving my country due to this alone
No you faggot, you're illegal. What you do is illegal. You just want yuppies to feel bad for you so you use this nice word to hide the fact that what you do is against the law, therefore making you illegal. If you want to move here, sign the papers.
I wonder if California will be majority white again. One can only but hope.
>Actual Racist
My sides
why can't we chip all these illegal aliens so that we know if they try to come back into this country?
>but hope
And also work: never stop doing what you can to make it happen!
feels even better when you realize it pretty much means 800k democrat votes
Funny how they have no problem with Mexico's immigration system, which is far more strict than the US.
PIZZA CONFIRMED WISE Foundation (Minervan owl imagery?) emails mentioning PIZZA
1978 Chile scan menitoning PIZZA
New Delhi report connecting HUMAN TRAFFICKING with PIZZA PARLORS
Why do they have to write it as DREAMers? Can they really just not write it as Dreamer?
im getting attacked by libshits on twitter.
I turned around and let them know im not white and now they are the racists
I agree. Do you retards not get it? These aren't illegals, these are people born in America who lived only in America. Mexico is just as foreign to them as it is to you and me. It's like sending one of you back to Germany or England because of your ancestry. It's not even just Mexicans too, many Asians who could be your doctors, programmers, and engineers are also getting deported. They're getting sent to countries they have no connection to, how the fuck can you support shit like this?
Smash that ICE button
"Dreamers" is just a word, a piece of propaganda to hide what they really are. They are illegal and should be deported posthaste. They can cry in the country they legally have citizenship to occupy.
fuck off idiot
Time for the dreamers to wake up
I'm more about restoring America as a white country than anything to do with partisan politics. Though if the "Raise Act" sails through Republican controlled congress, then I may change my mind on what you've just said, user.
Nice. This is what should be said to them from now on.
Geez, the way they're talking you'd think they really hate Mexico or something. What's wrong with going back? Not white enough of a country for you? Didn't know Mexicans were so racist
Dreamers. They're dreamers, user. Just like Martin Luther King.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
They took a gamble coming here illegally and wagered on a political climate that would always look the other way.
Fuck'em. Fuck all of them.
>mfw another 800k flooding into canada
I love people that sympathize with people who break the law. oh wait, no, i hate you people
>there is nothing moral
>freeing up resources and opportunity for LEGAL citizens who FOLLOWED THE FUCKING RULES isn't moral
Daily reminder spics practice taqqiya too
its called taquito
It's about getting access to white people, lad. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking otherwise.
Or better yet just call them invaders.
reminds me of all the fags at a Trump protest with signs that said "Make America Mexico Again".
Sounds like a Filipino beer.
>These aren't illegals, these are people born in America
Um, no, sweetie. That's a lie.
>Muh morality
You dreambeans had since 2012 to figure your game plan in case the whole thing didn't work out. The threat was ALWAYS there. You know because of the whole ILLEGAL thing
They'll come for you next, this is how fascism starts. Not even joking or playing boy who cried wolf, this is real fascism. Deporting people who lived here their whole lives because they are the "other", just because you want to "fix" a demographic statistic? Does it really matter if there's 800,000 less Mexicans in the US? How does that improve your life in any way? What effect does it have? None, it just gets you off seeing minorities suffering. Jerk off all you like to the schadenfreude, just know when they come for you for wrongthink on the internet in a year and throw your ass out for whatever reason I'll be jerking off too.
>I'm ileagal
>I have rights
Ok, but seriously when can we make a constitutional amendment eliminating birthright citizenship?
Um actually they are illegal. The CA part of DACA is childhood arrivals.
Goodbye suDACAs!
Daily reminder that white kids have dreams too.
LOL, look how butthurt these lawnmowers .
>these are people born in America
No they're not you dumbass
Stay mad cuck
>out of at least 11 million illegals
that is at most 7% of all illegals
>mfw when DACA is terminated
Why is birthright so bad?
Why did this become a meme?
>omg guis why they call them dreamers when they are illegal wetbcks loooooolololol
>omg what dreamers mean?!? they have dream like martin luther king??
Because it's a fucking acronym
>How does that improve your life in any way?
Wtf are you talking about? It improves my life in every way. Rule of Law Reestablished. Borders enforced. Hostile foreign invaders gone. Ugly short fat shitskins not in my line of sight. Wages at the bottom end increased. Crime down. Rents down. How is it in any way bad?
Daily reminder that the 'D' in DACA stands for 'Deferred', which means put off until later, and that now is later.
So morality means something to one. Breaking laws is moral, even without knowledge of said law. So do we only accept guilt of law to be in admission.Sorry I will just play stupid. I am very good at that character.
>Being born in USA makes you American
>Being born in a stable makes you a horse
America isn't home base for random births
Chinese literally have schemes where they fly in moms who are close to giving birth, house them in private homes with private doctors and give them citizenship via tourism
The dreamers will make Mexico
Birthplace citizenship could be ended RETROACTIVELY with a simple majority vote.
>They'll come for you next, this is how fascism starts.
no they wont. my parents were legal
>Not even joking or playing boy who cried wolf, this is real fascism.
no it isn't "real fascism"
>Deporting people who lived here their whole lives because they are the "other", just because you want to "fix" a demographic statistic?
not about fixing demographics, it's about not breaking the law.
>Does it really matter if there's 800,000 less Mexicans in the US?
it matters if we uphold the law
>Jerk off all you like to the schadenfreude, just know when they come for you for wrongthink on the internet in a year and throw your ass out for whatever reason I'll be jerking off too.
deport THIS, racists!
Umm. If they were born in America, they would automatically be citizens aka anchor babies. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is illegal Mexican children brought here illegally who were granted work permits and promises by Obama not to deport. You have to go back.
> When your firend's dad tells you to go home but you know your home is a shithole
Tuesday Trump will end new enrollment in daca and give those who are currently enrolled an opportunity towards citizenship.
Screen cap this
>this is how fascism starts
So I don't get what a 'Dreamer' is, exactly. If they're college kids who aren't citizens of the US, that's just a foreign student and that's allowed. If they're workers from another country, that's the H1B thing, which is also fine.
What makes the Dreamers different?
They're here illegally.
ummmmmmmmmmmmmm because its racist
they dream to repopulate the southern states with shitskins
They look like sandnigger terrorists. Good riddance
I am once again proud of my vote for Trump. Son of a legal immigrant from Mexico btw.
Yeah, like there is no way they could have purposefully named the act with a catchy acronym...its just a coincidence.
Meme some la raza reconquista that they kept threatening while whorebama was president.
No nation in there right mind jus give citizenship away so wastefully. It's obviously an abusive (of the actual citizens) interpretation of the 15th Amendment which allows such a policy which is designed to ethnically replace the majority of the populace.
Good evening citizen!
>it just gets you off seeing minorities suffering
sure does beaner spic! hahahahahah taco niggers btfo
They came here illegally. There is currently no path to citizenship for people who came here illegally. Visa overstays can still marry a US citizen and get a green card and then work towards citizenship. These people need to go back in order to return legally or else they can never be Americans.
m8 we're at like 30% I don't know if illegal alone will fix that
I'm just going to start showing up and AK47ing these "Dreamers" fuck em.
How is it bad?
They were not born here. They did not immigrate here legally. How is that hard to understand?
You people are sick these are human beings who did nothing wrong. It's not their fault they were brought over as children they are just as American as you and me they are no different
fbi pls go
Now that this is apparently settled, I'm going to need your ideas on how to get the others out of my country, lad. If I'm not mistaken I heard that the number could even be as high as 50 million; have you heard similarly?
What else can be done?
Well duhh. The problem with Daca are that some entered in their mid 30'2 and cannot pass citizenship guild lines. 400,000 dropped and crying foul because some asshole told a 35 yr old man to say he was 16. Now that old bastard cant pass a basic physical.
Don't celebrate yet. Congress could make DACA legal and permanent and Trump could cuck it out.
Never underestimate corporate power over Congress.
If it's brown, ________________.
They can dream in Mexico, vato.
They also say a lot of lottery winners end up miserable. I'll deal with that when the time comes. For now, you have to go back.
It will take more than this to return California white again. The most latinos are in LA, approx 4 million officially and at least a couple million illegals.
these fucks have been talking shit about their free rides for years, now they are crying and completely ass blasted, BTFO irrevocably and expect us to feel sorry for them. fuck off you entitled spic brat faggots
mmm tastes salty
California is totally fucked. We need a wall around your shitty State way more than we need one around Mexico
All these threads about Dreamers reminds me of that Supertramp song I always thought was out of place in every movie trailer in the 00s I've heard it in. It couldn't be more relevant now, the lyrics are perfect.
FYI they're called DREAMers because DREAM is an acronym for "drugs rule everything around me" as per this culturally appropriate song: