Are there any downsides to ending DACA?
Any at all?
Are there any downsides to ending DACA?
Any at all?
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If a lot of the deportations aren't live streamed, that would be a downside.
Muh fruit will cost $1 more
I just hope it stops them from rigging the election with illegal voters.
less mex pussy
stop saying that my grandparents use that word for weed. they're ALIEN ANCHORS
What the fuck is going on here?
I'd never even heard of DACA until 10 minutes ago.
Left-wing propaganda to attack Trump when someone gets sent back to Mexico
Is that a kid though? He looks like a grown ass Mexican manlet
>implying hes had.. "mex pussy"
Tissue shortages from all the libtard tears
These fucking parasites are everywhere around here
It's always one or two goblins with a bunch of little shitskins running around them, never less than 3 kids, like some sort of beaner planetary system. they need to fuck off
more liberal complaining. i know theyll never stop, but this will increase it. im just tired
Holy guacamole. I was having an average day until I saw this.
Jesus christ how terrifying would that be, some demented midget mexican retard nigger crawls into your stall trying to look at your balls. If you defend yourself as he walks over youve just assaulted a poc retard with your dick out. Some kike jew lawyer masturbates to that scenario everyday.
shit thats my cousin
curious, are you the single poster who constantly posts scully from that one episode?
I'm 100% behind ending CACA but ..where we going to take them? are we going to dump them on the Canadian border or send them to Israel?
No, I do have a x-files folder that contains mostly scully though. I also may or may not masturbate to said x-file folder jpegs on the daily.
I still say they should make a show of it. Like COPS.
I'd watch errday
That webm is terrifying
Especially the last frame where he's really close up
concentration camps
Who says it's over?
Washington horseshit is to say "X will happen in six months/years"
It never happens, or is saved at the last minute in an omnibus bill.
Ok, what is going on here?
legal immigration here
>got STEM master and phD degree in America
>worked so hard in the past 5 years
>Published papers and won awards
>got job with package over 300k
>pay heavy tax every year
>finally got me EB1A green card
>the spics do nothing but move here illegally
>can stay
what the fuck of this?
they should go back and apply for visa/green card if they really like this shit land
Stopped reading after STEM. Nice joke though
I saw it in a vine compilation. The guy just laughs and says "wtf nigga i'm takin' a shit wut are you doin' lol". There's no context or anything. I like to imagine he was letting in 6 big burly mexicans and they all raped him.
Those spics just can't respect borders, even in the men's room. It's in their nature to enter illegally.
ya that guy could be like 40
Spics will riot like the niggers did at Ferguson
i'm a spic, but people like this are a shame to mexico.
literally nigger-tier birthrates fucking hell wrap it up, or go to fucking planned parenthood where they're waiting with open arms.
i don't want to see that shit in mexico when/if they're deported.
>they do the jobs nobody else wants to
Sure sounds like slavery.. besides, I thought they were our doctors and engineers?
The only "downside" is there wont be as many cheap houses in the run down ghettos because the poverty that shit up the neighborhoods is gone.
Get your international calling card, hit him up, and tell him he has to go back.
There's actually a sizable difference between spics and niggers. I doubt you'll see riots. I work with Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and Cubans and they don't give a fuck about illegal immigrants. They make a lot of jokes about it, though.
That said, we've all had to have meetings before with our far lefty boss about our insurance and whenever she makes eye contact with one of the older ladies and she gives a knowing nod and alludes to her not having insurance for some special reason. I always wondered what that was about.
Potential geniuses working for foreign powers and fucking us over because we thought brown was useless.
Mexicans are majority non-human so they don't deserve representation.
oh, and also grow your own food. depending on where you live you wont be able to do fruit other than apples, but grow your own vegetables. In the window grow indoors with hydroponics.
Thats what Im getting ready to do. I cant find decent produce anywhere.
Every tomato I pick up at walmart is covered in flies or mold. I got a pack that looked decent the other day, well they were small but looked ok.
They tasted bland as fuck.
Literally the next day I went to make a sandwich and one of the tomatoes had molded up like a motherfucker over night and there was what appeared to be a razor gash in the tomato, the plastic bag it was in was completely intact.
>mfw there was a non english speaking muslim woman stocking produce that night
Im done with this retail garbage, and so are alot of other people. grow real food with us user.
Goddamnit Pablo... I said Ocupado! ffs
What are you. A nigger?
Yes, Mexico full of people that will vote for the most Left Candidate.
oh wait, that is not a downside.
The only downside is mega corps won't be allowed be pay slave wages for bullshit work that should be living wage jobs for citizens.
that's what road trips to Hong Kong are for
They do a lot more jobs than you think. Every restaurant, most farms, janitorial work. We could hire niggers for these jobs but they're too lazy and incompetent. And whites and asians are too conditioned for other shit, they don't wanna do these jobs anymore (especially not farm labor). We gave out visas for them to do farm work in the 40s, we're gonna end up doing it again once we have a labor shortage.
>1 post by this ID
All of them went to shit-tier schools and milked the welfare system.
They're at best C students.
Something wrong?
Who's gonna adopt all those anchor babies?
I know they're just going to be moved to foster care homes, but I wonder if they can handle lots of kids all over the country moved in suddenly. With the logistics that agency employs, I wonder if they will pull it off or maybe just chose to have lots and lots of human sacrifices that month instead.
Lost my fucking shit, lmao.
>Are there any downsides to ending DACA?
What did a 2 post leaf mean by this?
I went to a B school and a wetback got a Harvard interview. What have you done with your life user?
Try and not get a boner over scully saying omg over and over.
I mean, I carry a gun
Less taco stands and cheap labor?
Well, go make mexico great again in one of their top tier schools faggot. Oh, that's right, you know the only fix for your shit county is leaving it.
>What did a 2 post leaf mean by this?
Is 3 post ok?
Sauce on this?
Oy vey
You mexishits are so easy to spot its hilarious. It's always the go to "nigger" name calling. That's only because niggers are the only people on this earth considered worse than you.
You don’t seem to understand. As much as black people don’t want to do those shitty labor jobs that illegal Mexicans are doing, it’s still a job. And if you cut the welfare system and made unemployment available for 6 months only and it’s done, they would be pretty motivated to do those shit jobs that have become available because it’s better than being hungry and homeless.
One down side will be the endless virtue signaling from liberals how they care about spics , when they only give a fuck about themselves.
i live in a duplex and my neighbors might get deported. the problem being they might get replaced with niggers.
They should've never been brought to the US in the first place. Blame their parents. US citizenship is not a world-wide right. It means something to be American. Deport them all, don't allow them to become citizens if they were 18+ when they crossed the border. anyone younger can apply. Strengthen the border, stop illegal flows, attack visa overstays. We're a country we choose who gets to stay here and who doesn't. Don't like it? fuck off.
You have to go back.
And speaking English should be a requirement to become a citizen. I’m tired of going to the grocery store and seeing Spanish on all the products. Enough is enough.
>tfw no hot fbi agent to listen to your wild conspiracy theories
I want to be in ICE so bad, but I have a fucking DUI on my record and laundry list of mental-illnesses on my record. I'm fluoride free now, but the things I've done in the past still haunt me.
I thought about going full vigilantICE, but then I remembed the story of that one guy in California who didn't make the cut for his local fire dept. so he went out to the woods and started a fire with plans of putting it out and becoming a hero. Ironically, the fire raged out of control and ended up killing more fire fighters than any fire in US history.
You like them as (((neighbors)))?? The fuck is the matter with you?
My HVAC business would be fucked for about 6 months. No big deal, its happened before.
the only white people I've hired in the past year were felons, or older guys.
everyone else are Mexican.
good people desu, but they have to go back.
Its hard to find good white people, because almost all of them are educated, and don't want to install HVAC units in 100-120 degree weather for 15-30 bucks an hour.
I wish the Brits can send me over some of their Poles,Ukrainians, and Lithuanians.
their cooking smells weird but theyre not bad desu.
I'm betting LA, San Jose, Austin, El Paso and NY won't seem so blue anymore come 2020.
What the fuck is that kid up to? Someone fill me in?
I KNOW! I call them Oompa-Loompas! Just little orange creatures with no distinguishing individuality among them. They all look the same, act the same, act like fucking parasites that will play dumb and then stab you in the back...
That's what pisses me off about me. It's like a herd of animals. Animals that overbreed too, forcing their spawn on the rest of us.
I served 6 years in a SOF unit, have a BS in Physics, I'll come work for you.
Getting into places where they don't belong just seems to be second nature to Mexicans.
Less democratic voters ;-;
The reason biz don't want spics so bad is Bc they don't want to employ niggers
Simple. We put all blacks and wiggers on welfare notice. Get a job and keep it in 60 days or benefits end.
If you live in AZ, come by Penguin Air & Plumbing.
He's a Navy guy, and if he likes you, he will pay for you to get your schooling and licence. Stay two years, he will buy you a brand new GMC van, and a allowance for tools and equipment.
can't give you numbers or names because it will compromise my identity. I'll prob be one of the people interviewing if you come by.
Why are they all so fat and ugly?
They're way beyond nigger birthrates.
God damn. Stop diving them foodstamps
A job is a job.
Where are you located?
>only 0.3 more than blacks
How is that way beyond?
this video is kinda creepy, why that "kid" got closer to the dude taking a shit?
Isn't that what they said during 1861-1865 about cotton? look how that turned out, just fine. I think we will do fine in this day and age too.
I would certainly lose my shit right quick if some fetal alcohol syndrome kid crawled into my stall.
>gets a lot cleaner without spics
maybe I will make a visit to LA once it gets a little bit cleaner
is not just the awkward goblin crawling in, that he walk closer to the man and cut the video like that.