>Hes right ya know.
Also Lets be real here. Democrats are mad that Trump is ending DACA because they see a chunk of their potential voting base getting their walking papers.
>Hes right ya know.
Also Lets be real here. Democrats are mad that Trump is ending DACA because they see a chunk of their potential voting base getting their walking papers.
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Cletus in Bumfuck Kensucky is sure going to be replacing Manuel the biology major university student getting deported, right.
Manuel is a menace in the lab.
Manuel kidnapping & torturing a 14yr girl.
He was such a Dreamer
Yep. While else would Democrats completely forsaken the white working class voter bloc. They figured by the time Hillary finished her first term enough beaners would have flooded in to turn enough red states into swing states.
> Manuel the biology major university studen
Chong and Wang in the department will take up the slack, spic.
lol what happened to
>they only do shitty jobs you won't do!
It is not losing voters-it is the Mexican drug cartel which funds and controls most Mayors of Sanctuary cities who need these little "dreamers' for their undocumented drug mules, baby hookers, street fighters and rioters . The media only shows you the so called "success" stories-UNDOCUMENTED means just that for thousands of the drug cartel's slaves and enforcers. Obama brought in DACA FOR the drug cartels and the CIA drug runners who use them.
>Manuel the biology major