
Pocket Watch or Wrist watch?

I'm a pocket watch gook

both are fedora tier

Ahh jeez.

Bell and Ross is a good company. Good high end stuff


Watches are massively obsolete. No reason to have them.

Wristwatch. Pocket watch is too fedora tier.


t. Citizen EcoDrive Masterrace.


Pocket watches is where it's at.

>Pocket Watch

You mean like a cell phone you probably already have?

wristwatch. pocket watch is called a phone.

Take this faggotry to /fa/

Christ all might, these aren't essentials to life. Just little things to enjoy.

Wow can this board get any faggier?

Cell phone
>he doesnt have a job where he's constantly bumping into things or moving around, whereby both a wristwatch and pocketwatch might break
Nigger i can barely wear glasses at work safely

Bruvs how you gonna know the time when your phones get raped by an EMP attack??

>Being able to tell time is obsolete

Look at the sun and the many thousands of resource "dollars" i didnt blow on a glass crystal ball i just broke. You can tell retarded people it's sapphire and not mother of pearl

This. EcoDrives are GOAT.

I had one. Pawned it

>Look at the sun
Unless you're the President, enjoy your blindness, fag

Tough. Im a Leo. Im allowed to look at it

i ain't not never needed eyes nohow

Whatever. Look at shadows. You know what I mean

In such a scenario specific time won't matter anymore anyway.
No, having a dedicated device for telling time is obsolete when everyone carries something that functions as a watch and other things.

Two is one and one is none.
You lose nothing by having an easily accessible time telling device strapped to your wrist that you don't have to dig out of your pocket and wake from sleep mode to check the time.

>Dude speedometers in cars are obsolete, just check the app on your smartphone!
Stop being a millenial faggot.

Someone make the wristy chad and the phone-fumbling virgin.

You already carry a pocket watch: your cellphone.
I like to wear a wrist watch because, for some reason, digital clocks make me feel rushed, and give me a distorted sense that I have less time than I actually do. Analogue faces give me a better visual sense of time, and I feel less stressed. It's a bonus that a decent analogue watch is a nice fashion accessory.

Also, watches allow for a good truck in meetings if you're a professional. It's considered rude to check your cell phone during meetings, and even if you don't think it's a big deal, it can easily rub people (often your bosses) the wrong way. Instead, just do what everyone used to do with their watches: you take it off, and lay it flat on the table in front of you. You can glance down at it to check the time, instead of having to look at your phone, or make an obvious turn to look at the wall clock in the room.

This works in school too, when giving a speech, or really in any social situation.

Spend 2 days in the woods or at sea or go diving and your phone is about as useful as a brick. Only basement virgins don't carry a watch.