Sup Forums get ready for the idea of the century. Antifa has tried to silence us with airhorns and various noisemaking devices along with attacking us while masked. Well what if I told you there was a solution. Leafblowers. While carrying a rifle at a rally or some other weapon could land attendees in jail the police cannot do anything about the use of a leafblower they are in no way a weapon. However we can use them to our advantage for example whenever the mainstream media is conducting an interview with antifa we can interrupt them by "cleaning the park" also as we have seen antifa does not attach masks too effectively therefore with enough collective Leafblower power we can unmask them without laying a finger on a single rioter. In the case that we are attacked we can blast things such as limestone pellets or gravel at assailants or create enough dust to cover an escape. This is foolproof.
>leafblowers aren't considered weapons in America
what a savage land
Brilliant idea. Every politician elected has some sort of Leaf Blower Ban brought to them.
Playing with a leafblower? That's the most childish thing I've ever heard of.
Exactly any politician who bans Leaf blowers will look like a fucking idiot
Do you have a better idea? Lawn mowers are equally as noisy
Bump for interest
Thank you for your interest in the National Leafblower Association
shut up sqiudewedu san
i came into this thread thinking it was about blasting faggot Canadians
Well we can remove leaves too
make a youtube video demonstrating the concept
Reminds me of the reef blower episode of spongebob
I have a better idea. Dogs are allowed in public on leashes, bring your best friends to meet lovely new people.
>with enough collective Leafblower power we can unmask them without laying a finger on a single rioter.
I am having trouble deciding whether this is a shitpost or not.
Delet this
I'd flap my dick in front of if
KEK your day is coming leaf
I can see the headlines now
>The Alt-Rights Newest Hate Symbol Will Blow You Away (We Aren't Kidding)
banning leaf blowers will mean all the illegals go home...
>alt-right white supremacists blow hot air at peaceful protestors, does this mean that the alt-right is getting ready for more violence
>tune in at 10 cause fuck you
for you
>you madmen actually do it
>leaf blowers become prohibited in public and must possess and ownership licence or face 15 years jail and an unlimited fine
OP confirmed for Canuck disinfo Shill
i love this idea
But it's fun!
>Brings a leafblower to a commie rally
>Is undefeated champion
>I am a god among faggots
Oh hell yea
Fun? How could you possibly have fun with one of those oversized hair-dryers?
That's pretty good for a Canadian.
You mean mexican jetpacks?
you're a fucking genius you retard
Please do this
>bring leaf blower to rally
>fill it with glitter
>blow glitter at antifa
this is a 10/10 idea, needs to happen
The best part will be when mestizo landscapers become the new face (and sound) of White Supremacy.
Antifa would mace the dog, use clubs and knives on the poor dog. Leave him out of the fight this is mens work.
Then the police would shoot the dog and arrest you, the police are on the same side as antifa. They work as a coordinated team with antifa, against us.
I'm Mexican and I have a gas powered leaf blower. Where can i do it for keks?
>create enough dust to cover an escape
that's retarded
that is also known as a leaf blower in canada
This fucker right here...
Well played, leaf.
Fuuuuck, I knew this day would come
Pretty sure this is a shitpost, but it might work. You can use the leaf blowers to blast air at antifa with very little reprocusion. They couldn't use mace without having it blown in their faces and what will they do about it hit you with a club? They can't claim self defence.
Another good one to try is bringing amplifiers on carts with some kind of portable power source and run plugs round the sockets for some violent feedback noise. Ramped up to full volume it's not only deafening but downright painful on the ears. Could easily drown out their chanting and drive them away. Earplugs are an essential but it's a great idea to consider using to shut down their protests. Nothing about it being illegal either as it doesn't cause physical harm nor can be used any type of weapon other than a psychological one.
Right Wing Noise Squads when?
Americans blowing Leafs.
Sounds about right.