Anyone got any speculation on who will be the democratic nominee in 2020? We should start running our smear campaign now against potential nominees to make sure the normies are aware of how bad they are.
Anyone got any speculation on who will be the democratic nominee in 2020...
Seriously. Stop.
Some governor
they'd probably use bernie to get as many allowances as they can from reditards again. they probably tour him on an open casket, tho
By your logic: burn down redit. Stop bernie
Look it up. About 20 people are on that list. Mayors, governors, celebrities. It's only going to get longer as the election gets closer.
No need to smear anyone, the vote will be ten times as diluted as sanders/Clinton. Never interrupt your enemy while they are making mistakes.
If Trump is beatable it will be Zuckerberg he will buy it.
Otherwise no need to worry.
So smear Zuckerberg.
Looking like Kamala Harris with Michelle/Chelsea/Liz as potential running mates. She'll mop the floor with small hand cheeto man. She will end white nationalism for good.
Yeah it seems most likely to be Zucc
Kamala Harris is the only logical choice for them at this time
With bantz like that you're sure to get people fired up
Bullshit if Trump is beatable Zucc will probably buy it.
Otherwise it will be Deval Patrick and he will lose. They ain't running another woman after one just lost so badly.
90% Joe Biden
Should be easy with all the pedo shit he's done
I don't really think we should do anything since their voter base is gone. Trump ended DACA so no more votes or them.
Good i love nazit tears. Bunch of internet virgins aint stopping diversity. Brown is the FUTURE
No, brown belongs down the toilet.
>Kamala Harris
All boxes checked. I agree. That's who I'd put my money on them pushing.
Says the proxy shill.
Fuck yourself
Fuck off with this bullshit.
Get fucker Drumpfer. How does it feel to watch your orange idol run the most corrupt disastrous administration all time?
I like Orange Juice, thanks for asking!
we don't run smear campaigns. telling the truth about "progressives" has much the same effect without the whole "lying" part.
They will probably try their identity politics again and run Harris,.. but it will fail just it did for hillary.
Who ever they want.
If Zuckerberg is the nominee, will anti-semitic meming hurt him or will it backfire and help him?
It will hurt him. Everyday more and more people see blatant kikery for what it is.
This faggots black bull