if you could have obama as a slave what would you do with him?
If you could have obama as a slave what would you do with him?
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Holy shit!
Is this real?
Where did you get this?!
i would sell him, i bet the saudis will pay a large sum to have this nigger on a pole
Ask him to get me a beer from the fridge so I can say "thanks, Obama"
Off him probably
Reveal to me secrets he learned during his presidency and then reveal those on recorded video which I would post simultaneously on different sites and social networks online revealing that truth to the citizens of the world.
Then do my laundry and other assorted small jobs.
make him use his charm to convince everyone that slavery is okie dokie
honestly probably also this
thank him for creating 16 million jobs
I stand by my firing squad statement that I made on Facebook in high-school. FBI be damned.
looks like that was the same time the ACA was enacted (mar 2010), which forced employers to cut full time jobs and "create" even more part time jobs so they wouldnt have to pay for their health care
More than half of those people probably aren't employed or are working part time with no benefits
what was it? it got deleted
This is an Obama hatejerk get those facts and figures the fuck out!
Piss on his bed
I would ask him to fuck my wife .......
I'm pretty sure it was the original alien photo that got Sup Forums temporarily shutdown the first time it was posted.
One-man human centipede
Obama job creation was 95% full time. You morons should try actually pulling up the jobs data rather than falling for fake news headlines from ZeroBrain, Infotards and investors.com
Deport him.
Fly in eleven thousand pizzas and hotdogs from Chicago
Fuck I need to see this
sell him
flay him living
first i would castrate him like we should have done to the slaves at the beginning
make him the president of the united states and have him destroy it from the inside
Force him to eat nothing but gay wedding cakes until he dies.
I saved it, but now I can't find it in my files...
>Being this new
Send it to Liberia
smoke dope and tell jokes. just hang basically
Remember when American presidents still had dignity?
Because I do.
Fah q I've seen it before or at least some iteration of it not sure if I've seen the original because it gets deleted like that
I'm getting abducted fml
>they dont count people who arent looking for jobs as unemployed
>classic resurgence after a recession
yea retard of course the economy will start going up
a german sucking up to a nigger
hmm nothing out of the ordinary here
I'm going to expose what a fucking retard you are.
Please explain in your own words what this:
>>they dont count people who arent looking for jobs as unemployed
has to do with charts of job creation
Go ahead. Don't be retarded now.
Just go to 4plebs and look for the thread, newfriend
>I'm going to expose what a fucking retard you are.
i replied to two posts you filthy leaf
And I linked both.
You can't answer the question. You know you can't.
Wtf does this:
>>they dont count people who arent looking for jobs as unemployed
have to do with charts of job creation
There's always cotton always needs to be picked somewhere.
Aaaww, need a safe space, little Trumpcuck? :3
Not sure why deleted but it was this.
>private sector
Dig a deep hole, lay down in it, and bury himself.
Because it's being spammed in every thread along with some other post
>You can't answer the question. You know you can't.
an increase in jobs doesnt really mean anything, especially when the employment rate is still so high. Jobs should necesarily increase along with the population
also can you prove obama had ANYTHING to do with this process I want you to link a specific action
maybe ill move to germany, your whole country is a safe space
You're now on the same level as the anal avenger
Oh well...there it is anyway... Questions answered for my Sup Forums bros.
the unemployment rate*
my mistake
Release him.
Probably look up the most painful torture methods and get started.
Oh noes! I hate myself now.
Explain wtf does mentioning muh not counted in unemployment rate has anything to do with 2 charts of job creation.
(You) (You)
(You) (You)
Or just admit it doesn't and that u were just regurgitating stale talking points.
Forced him to fuck his tranny wife. I'm pretty sure it was vice versa.
surgically attach his left leg to his right arm and his right arm to his left leg.
address my other points and maybe ill think about it nigger lover
I actually answered your question already if you read my fucking reply
youre chart doesnt mean anything, IT IS A REGURGITATED TALKING POINT
Lol your main point is btfo in 2 seconds. U4 includes discouraged. It's 4.6%.
Most right wing retards have no clue what U4 is.
Remeber, safe spaces are GOOD, little Trumpcuck :3
Tie him up in the front yard and let children stab him to death as payback for all the children he has undoubtedly raped and sacrificed, probably. Maybe make him eat my shit out of the toilet to save water.
Obamaleaf, you have no idea how much I love you
Set him free
Outside the US
wow thx bro
give speeches for $
Haha that was me too
really lol
i thought i had some other german ones saved but that's all i can find
nvm just found another
Also, check out this butthurt farming thread I started yesterday
It's almost a 1 post by this ID masterpiece, but I had to post a second time to laugh in the face of the guy who thought saging it would accomplish anything :^)
Neckbeard inbred with anime obsession detected
Nope, that wasn't me, glad to see your fanbase is growing
I'd beat him into sageing and reporting this /thread on every device in a 2 mile radius.
lol holy shit wow it's still going strong? im gunna give it a bump
yeah im trying to save a compli from every country
OH! Check out this thread where I explain my early vote for Merkel:
Further down there is a Dane asking if "Obamaleaf was always a German on a VPN", best compliment I've ever gotten :^)
lol holy shit i remember that one
i saw that a few days ago
i was in that thread but i dont think i posted
people were claiming that it was a fake ballot right lol
and u said it was a mail in vote
the election is coming up soon anyways right
merkel is gunna win huge
afd gunna be btfo
>afd gunna be btfo
Yeah they're polling in the single digits, it's giving me a huge boner. Also Merkel pretty much dominated the debate last night, and I am so glad I could contribute to her imminent victory :^)
yeah i pretty much called it all at the beginning of the year
trump and brexit are the only 2 right wing populist wins and they're both full of regrets now
ill help u shitpost when merkel wins
when is the election finished?
after obama and trudeau, merkel must be 3rd for most hated by pol
oops lol i said schulz would win
actually my predictions weren't so great lol, wrong coalition in holland and unfortunately it's not looking good for labour in norway
>when is the election finished?
The election was finished 6 months ago lmao, but she'll officially be declared God Chancellor again on 24th September.
Have some bonus, sweet, crispy AfD tears :^)
I'm actually a lefty and I never thought I'd vote for a conservative party, but I just couldn't bring myself to vote for Schulz, he's a bit of a pompous ass and I don't think he really has leadership qualities, so I decided Merkel was /mygal/
>Have some bonus, sweet, crispy AfD tears :^)
Look at me, I forgot to attach the bonus sweet, crispy AfD tears :^)
Why is the alt-right so whiny all the time?
lol is she still the leader? i haven't really been paying attention much to german politics but i thought she got btfo or something
lol afd in the single digits will be hilarious
do u think merkel will crack 50%?
i remember briefly when schulz was skyrocketing then he crashed right back
alt right are nothing but whiny little bitches
everything is projection with them
they call others cucks because they know deep down they are the cucks
>lol is she still the leader? i
Yeah she's the party leader, but get this, their front-runner is actually a lesbo who has a son with her partner, plus she's ex-Goldman Sachs, so she's ultra-neoliberal
How awefully progressive of the AfD, huh? :^)
sell him
those right wingers sure love goldman sachs
I would wonder how did I end up with him. He is useless, only consuming resources. I would sell him to some other sucker.
Probably force slave labor on him.. make him make dresses that he's forced to model while I post online. This would all be in his own cell of course. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to provide a bathroom, so he gets a bucket and 2 scoops of ice cream every day.
The guy who said he would have Obama do his wife. I'm with that guy.
I'd make him suck Michelle's penis.