
>redpill threads deleted from Sup Forums
seriously mods?

Other urls found in this thread:




Holy shit did you put this in autosage?


they deleted my soy boy thread too :(

kek did they remove the autosage?

Faggot mods all over Sup Forums, I go to Sup Forums and browse a thread about good comic runs, mods delete for no reason. I come here and browse redpill thread, mods delete for no reason while twenty provoking shill threads shit up the catalog. Gookmoot needs to vet his janitors better.

I see, they re-implemented that thing where OP can't bump the thread.
They could have mentioned it.

Because it was a 'flamewar' thread, dumbass.
OP can't bump his own thread, faggot.

Not true, i've seen Op's bump their own thread as recently as yesterday

Only after another IP. Lurk moar.

It's "new" that the OP can't bump his thread. It used to be like that for a short time but they removed it.
How in the everliving fuck do you see that as a flamewar?

This didn't bump
Stop making shit up

Mentioning reddit, duh.
Well, flame bait.
Also OP can't bump after a sage post.

god it seems like theres more fucking shills on this site than people now.

Mods are fucking CANCER

They rather have nigger threads and fucking


threads than real fucking information. Who the fuck runs the mods on 4 chan they should be gassed

I ironically announced sage in an anti-DACA thread earlier and got banned

Mods are shitskin dick sucking faggots

This shit is fucking cancer

I posted foia.gov pizzagate information and got banned.

Yep. We were infiltrated long ago but now it seems they're no longer holding back.

Not sure what is happening tonight

I said kike and got banned too, fuck these sneaky hot pocket eating niggers

But seriously do any paid employees work here or is it just fucking shills who got mod positions?



Really makes me think.