
Nazis btfo

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>Millenial Democrats
i mean, you don't even have to say anything to have a counter argument

Defining a dreamer as an immigrant without a criminal record is self defeating to this argument. Are the only reason theyre in the country is to work, so the fact that its not 100% with jobs is a problem in and of itself.

>100% of illegals have done nothing illegal
Inb4 anchor babies are legal.

They are criminals by existing here. Fuck off with your dem propaganda you niggerfaggot.

100% of Dreamers have broken the law.. Compare that to the DNC. #SameThing

they could be genius neurosurgeons but they'd still have to go back. what part of GO BACK do these people not understand?

>100% of DREAMers have no criminal record
>DREAMer, an illegal immigrant who entered the United States as a minor

wait a sec, are you telling me it is LEGAL to illegally cross the border if you are a minor?

They aren't even anchor babies

Cool, Trump just solved the Entry Job Market.

Now you can't use the excuse "There are no Jobs"

Good luck Antifa people.