Why are blonde hair and blue eyes so important?
Why are blonde hair and blue eyes so important?
blonde bitches suck dick real good man
because it is the norm? Pretty standard if you ask me.
Unless you are talking about the new world then I guess true blonde and bright blue eyes might be quite rare.
The blond girl is like the smell of the queen in the ant nest, she doesn't really exist on-site she just exists as a concept to keep the near-sterile workers in check.
It isn't really
It's not a dominant trait
We cant fucc dat wit bitch if deyball is sistahs jizyah nowamisayin?
It's neotenous. That's why your pic related girl bleaches her hair
its 3 am stop shilling already jfc u guys never stop go to bed
We need poblatitition of wit gurls to muh dik, 20% pobalalalation of non BLACKED wit gurls to continue havin a renewable resource of wit gurls gotnit hommie?
Because it's beautiful
Sustainamobility word
That's a stupid argument. Someone could equally say something is important "because it's rare". Why is it intrinsically so important to begin with?
It´s peak beauty perfection. Furthermore, it is very rare compared to the rest of the world.
They are a trait only found among whites so it's an identifying feature just like nappy hair is to blacks.
Not what dictates whiteness but an undeniably white trait
Its a sign of femininity like light skin tits ass n alil waist
People link white with purity. It's just how it goes.
dark hair light eyes best tier
as I said its only important in places it is rare. Nobody thinks twice about a blonde blue eyed person here.
I am pretty sure it has something to do with distance themselves from non-white people. As blue eyed and blonde haired is a white people only thing it removes any doubt about your heritage. Its lack of confidence mixed with some good old fashion racism.
Thank you. Probably the clearest post in this thread.
no only my post was good bitch since only varg needs to be consulted on this issue not some anonymous bitch ass
>It's not a dominant trait
Yet it's highly valued
We need poblatitition of wit gurls to muh dik, 20% pobalalalation of non BLACKED wit gurls to continue havin a renewable resource of wit gurls gotnit hommie?
its kinda silly as the combination of blue eyed with blonde hair is only the majority in the Nordic countries.
It's easy to lose, so it signifies purity of European genetics.
>inb4 someone posts pictures of albinos
Gota protect the minorities.
I have blond hair/blue eyes. How do I make sure my children have them too? Should I marry a grill who also has them?
race is way more than just physical features
Rare, in one generation though CRISPR will change that and it will be purely dependent on how aesthetically pleasing it is, I think people will settle on green as it just looks better.
Because Sup Forums thinks they have magic powers, and catlike night vision superpowers, and contains intellect of the next Einstein of the white world.
Maybe this is important to mixed-race mestizo mutts like you. But actual Europeans whose bloodlines have been here for thousands of years don't give one fuck.
They're indicative of northern European traits which imply higher IQ
If you're so stupid that you can't even answer that question you shouldn't even have kids to begin with, fatburger.
Wonder if real BLM or nafri
(Nafri stands for North AFRIcan)
Blonde hair and blue eyes have been making dicks hard since the beginning of time. There are ancient documents about how blonde women are worth the most.
So white people without blonde hair and blue eyes should count less? What's so magical about blonde hair and blue eyes?
By humans, not genes. Evolution is not innately good.
the white race is a really fragile thing, like said. it's the most clearest way of isolating white people from other groups
white essentially means light featured Caucasoid person, that's why southern europeans are sometimes excluded from the definition because they're swarthy like Middle Easterners
They signify the white race dying out to bigger and darker dicks.
I never understood this, out of all the stereotypes on this board, why does the dumb blonde stereotype just get conveniently ignored? Most blondes I've known growing up, and I met a fuckton of them growing in an unusually German part of CA, were dumb as fucking rocks. My best friend, God bless his soul, has the IQ of a fucking tomato, I had to teach the motherfucker how to do his taxes, tutor him and his friends with math, change their oil, fix their computers and help them through anything history since they data dump most things over night.
I will say this however, they really are some beautiful sons of bitches, them and the women which they've helped me hook with on some occasion. I love them don't get me wrong but boy can they be fucking retarded, its like I'm living on a preserve full of beautiful idiots
Treasuring blond hair and blue eyes is just another tool we can use to keep away (((((((((((diversity)))))))))))).
You are not going to have blue eyed blond hair people if you import shitskins. If you breed with non-whites you'll get little ugly deformed babies with brown eyes and black hair, and an IQ of 80.
The more blue eyes and blond hair we have the whiter we are a society. The less white we are the more these traits will disappear.
Nice revisionism, kike.
The stereotype is that blonde girls are dumb. What the (((sterotype))) ignores is that those dumb ''blonde'' barbie girls have dyed hair.
The stereotypical ''dumb blonde'' is someone like Paris Hilton or Pamela Anderson, neither of them have blonde hair.
And you chose to hide your flag why?
These guys are a blonde as it gets weirdo, I always chalked it up to them being American since I've never met an honest to God European except when my friends would get visits from their cousins from Germany once in a blue moon. I don't hate them man and I definitely don't want them to go away or anything, I try to encourage them to be proud of who they are and they're really catching on to it but they're just fucking dumb as bricks dude.
I will say this however, some of them are really good on common sense while most others aren't, its usually the older fellas
i know right lol why do polar bears matter its just hair color lol if they all die we still have bears lolol
I am not talking about your anecdotal evidence, kike.
>hurr hurr I know a few blond people and they're dumb, wtf I hate white people now
because they're ours
>why does the dumb blonde stereotype just get conveniently ignored?
Because its wrong.
See the post you responded to then see pic related.
The southern parts have the lowest and the more north you get the more likely you encounter high IQ people
Shut the fuck up slavshit rapebaby.
Ahahaha irrelevant shithole SHUT THE FUCK UP
At least I am not a fucking leftypol sub-human who spends his time raiding Sup Forums for free
I just don't see it bud, like I responded, I chalk it up to them growing up in the US, either way I don't want them to change, they're such nice people and if I could I shoot any niggers or other beaners who try to move in.
You ever find something thats just beautiful and just want to protect? I found it mane and I'm gonna fucking cry if it goes away
Lmao shut the fuck up lithuanian slavshit genepool retard.
None of you pol altright betas will ever matter. None of you will DO anything that will ever matter.
You are wasted space. Wasted semen. Wasted oxygen. Just like how the consumerist society feeds off of middle class drones, Hiro and Breitbart feed off of your battery power to be relevant and gather profits.
You are utterly insignificant. It is fortunate that your irrelevant shithole country is a russian HIV hub and is dying out.
Just kill yourself pronto
>higher iq
Blond hair and blue eyes are both recessive traits. Autosomal recessive is one of several ways that a trait, disorder, or disease can be passed down through families. An autosomal recessive disorder means two copies of an abnormal gene must be present in order for the disease or trait to develop. So if someone in good health and displays inherit recessive genes they are likely to be a good match for healthy offspring. K
It is not important, it is essential. Shows they have a history outside of being decadent degenerate whores and great genes. Asian women are nice to talk to, but physically they don't make my pelvis want to make gestures like white, scando style women.
They aren't.
brunette hair and Green/Hazel eyes is the true master race
but it's not
Holy shit. You are so fucking stupid. The IQ of loser altright must be literally 40 points lower than average.
Typical leftist projection. You're talking about yourself. What a self hating loser.
What could be going on in bergjudenland that has you so upset today friend?
Have you ever been to Scandinavia in your entire life as an inbred hick?
It's perfect for big black cock.......
OP, here's your exact same girl girl looking more natural. I told you she bleached her hair.
A warning from an oldfag boys...Don't fall for a fake blonde. You'll be dealing with a phony for as long as you stay with her - potentially a life sentence if your careless or stupid. Don't be a cuck, real blondes are far more uncommon.
I'm a blond myself but I have a problem with blonde women, I call it blonde blandness, there's something pretty bland about most blonde women, aesthetically.
Yeah keep ignoring your irrelevant shitholeness, lithuanian slavseed scum.
Without my country you wouldnt exist, and your blink of an eye utter shitholeness and hyperbolic whiteness that you claim (but is bullshit because everyone from turks, to poles, to tatars to slavshits ejaculated in your whore coward ancestors) would be forgotten even faster.
Compared to us, You are the lesser children of a lesser nation of a lesser race.
Yeah ok, I was just looking for a generic picture of a blonde girl.
That is some pretty shitty attempt at trying to fit in.
Do you really believe people on Sup Forums talk and think like this?
Says the inbred mountain hick whose country did literally nothing in all of history, except maybe serve as mercenaries at one point. I bet you're not even Swiss but some albo shit.
Blonde hair isn't important tho
Gents, you're arguing with a rando on the internet, its not like you're crusading for righteousness or something, you're just reinforcing anyone who thought blondes are a bunch of retards.
You're better than this, or maybe not
Good boy. Now youre slipping into the rightful despair of being born a useless, irrelevant, subhumab lithuanian HIV+ neger.
See? You have pavlovian obedience towards real whites. Good boy.
whatever you say kike
It's the ultimate sign of what the shitskins don't, and can't have. Hell, most whites don't even have it, talk about the cream of the crop.
Implying genes are not expressed in human form.
You are literally retarded.
I guess it's important if you are attracted to those features
Because they're hypnotizing.
Cream of the crop in what sense? All I see so far are insecure Americans clinging on to "muh whiteness" because they have nothing else.
It's aesthetic.
they are qt and rare
The following subhumans are not white, germanic or of western culture:
Time to wake up from your fantasy, commieblock sewer insects.
>All I see so far are insecure Americans clinging on to "muh whiteness" because they have nothing else.
That is correct. White nationalism is for rootless Americans who have no ethnic identity whatsoever and can thus only rely on skin tone.
>Cream of the crop in what sense?
Rarity. I could be wrong, but blue eyes and blonde hair are among the rarest eye and hair colors. Certainly more than black and brown of either hair or eyes. I would imagine only true red hair, and maybe like grey eyes are more rare.
I know plenty White Americans who are proud of being of German Descent, the interesting ones are the ones of English descent however (especially the ones whose family go back to the colonial days), their pride goes deeper than race.
and the flag was revealed, good shitposting ahmed
You misspelled "goy" twice.
Also you're running out of non-buzz words pretty quickly, I suggest you lurk more to succeed in your jewish tricks.
Then why didn't you kill yourself yet?
Because you see, they show you that you're not dealing with your average saiyan warrior anymore. no, they are a signal of the legend! the legend you fear!
sauce, sergio
But regular Romanians are ok? Alright thanks kike.
So? Having a hooked nose is pretty rare too, why does that matter?
They are not important,but are both aesthetically pleasing and rare,so should be kept from extinction if possible
>muh hurritage: the post
How can they be "proud" of something they were never even a part of? If they haven't read Goethe or any of the cultural products from their country they really don't have anything to do with Germany. It's just superficial larping to mask their insecurity.
Because in this case blonde hair and blue eyes are something unique to whites. There's a the rare case of a nonwhite getting something, but the general idea is that those traits = white.
Some of them were still in touch with family back in Germany, shit one of the churches around here has a service for the old timers who still speak German and sing hymns in German. My best friends mother is some sort of genealogist and they have this big ol' family tree that goes back centuries, pretty neat, I wish I even knew who my great grandparents were.
You have to understand, to a bean who spent a most of his life drifting and living around niggers before settling down here this is a lot to take for me, I've seen a lot of pride from mexicoons and niggers but to see pride in something that actually has substance to it is something else
red hair > blonde hair
because diversity is our strength
The Nordic man has the golden sun in his hair. He has the sky and sea in his eyes. Blonde hair and blue eyes are the markings of this blessed race, one that is destined to rule land and sea. These traits must be protected at all costs.