How often does Sup Forums wank?

I wank 2 to 3 times a day. But I feel bad about it and suspect that I am doing it too much.

How often do you do it and how much is too much?

Yikes. Thats way too much. I used to crank one out way more than that when I was in the late teens early 20s. Its a huge waste of your time and energy. Break the habit. Its harder than quitting heroin. I rub one out once every 3-4 days now.

Like once every three or four days. I stopped the porn jew like a month ago and don't miss it at all.

10 times a day, every day. it's what fuels me.

About 3 times a day. Too much is 10, which i once did consecutively.

wtf is wrong with that dick?
The skin on top is gone!

Once a day. I'm pretty sure the ideal is once every two days.

nofap isn't hard you stupid degenerates

yeah but my dick's hard that's the problem

At least 3 times a day, sometimes as many as 5 or 6 if I have a day where I don't have anything else to do

once every day or two, and even that feels like too much.

Generally once or twice a day, sometimes three times if I'm off or something.
I understand it's not an ideal lifestyle and it's probably beholden to a shit ton of psychological consequences, but it helps me manage my stress in an easy, relatively mild way.

to my birthday my wife, allows me to jerk off, while i watch her beeing fucked ny any stranger at the swinger club. this is so hot.

Preserve your manna. This keeps you focused, sharp, and ready at all times.

I quit porn 2 years ago and jerking off shortly after. It's made my life great.

I don't fap. I fuck my gf 2-3 times a day

if you just stop you won't get spontaneous erections anyway.
the more you fap the more you want to fap.

Wanking like your pic is a good way to stretch your foreskin out unnaturally long and turn your penis into an ugly ant-eater.

Just so you know.

Once a day, maybe every other day if I'm actually busy with something. Usually just to help me to get to sleep quickly more than anything else.

5x minimum
30x maximum
I'm always horny 30 seconds after cumming.

I once fapped for over 24 hours on lots of adderall. I am a shitty, miserable person.

It is healthy to do it once a day or every other day. Not more than that.

Hey look it's another 'my mommy didn't tell me i had phimosis' post.


How many times a day do you piss? Who the fuck counts these things. You wank as many times as you need to if you get the urge to release when a woman isn't around.

In my teens, I could easily go 12 times in one day.

used to fap every day to porn, now its down to once every 2-3 weeks and i feel like a fucking god... you automatically start to sort yourself out, you WANT to workout, you WANT to sleep early, eat healthy, read books, socialize, approach qTs, start hobbies and none of it is forced... literally EVERYTHING i was worried about gets taken care of since i´ve quit/reduce the porn jew

Once or twice a day every day, if I feel like it rarely three times.

10 times a day

That skin glide gets me hard every tiem. Im on the grail of seed. Do kegels. Usually once a day so I shower myself in it practically. Good for combating ass cancer. Buy aneros probes :)

What the FUCK is that shit.


2 or 3 sounds about right for a normal day, but as much as 4 or 5 if I'm partciularly randy or sometimes not at all for a few days if my cumdump is coming to visit. Just depends, really.

>That skin glide gets me hard every tiem.
>mfw cutcucks will never know that feel

Traditional costume of both Sweden and Canada. It has a long history but it essentially boils down to being a male chastity belt with a urethral plug.

its a birdcage for your wiener with attached catheter so you can still wizzle.

Ahaha you know it. Im debating if rings are worth it or not. Restoration and bath mates were

Probably 1 on avarage. Recently I was away from home for 11 days and I didn't wank once.

Why is showing a graphic depiction of penises ok, but the word "wank" needs to be censored? I hate that "let's just replace one letter with a *! That'll make it discrete enough"

It actually says wink. It's the new fad among teenage boys to have their dicks 'wink' like that while the cutfags cry themselves to sleep.

2 x a week to maintain optimal performance at all times.

Once every 2-3 days. Let the juices build up for those massive loads. They're always the most satisfying, especially for hands-free orgasms.

Never, unless one of us is away. BJ in morning before work, fuck once or twice depending on how tired in the evening

Once a week, maybe twice if the gf isn't putting out.

That sound. That very slight if any smell

I eat my own semen. 2x day. 32 yrs old.

A Jew bit it off

D-does the tube go in the wee-wee hole?

Nofap is a plot to hinder your spiritual development. If you really want to break free, edge yourself for several hours straight.

As long as you know you can go without, you do you OP. I do have to wonder how you can manage more than once a day on average though. Where do you find the time?

underrated post

No more than once per week. I've heard that jacking off releases oxytocin in your brain which makes you more relaxed and emotionally stable.

>don't fap guys. Think of the spirits!
>I mean...fap but don't cum guys! Won't someone please think of the spirits!!

t. Prostate cancer

Your seeds have to be expunged some time. 2 years of full ball bags?