>Schoolgirl has legendary holiday after pulling 4ft sword from Cornish lake 'where Arthur's Excalibur was thrown'
>Schoolgirl has legendary holiday after pulling 4ft sword from Cornish lake 'where Arthur's Excalibur was thrown'
Fake. That thing would be nothing but rust by now.
It's a magical sword.
This is pure propaganda, more likely she found it in a muslim sex dungeon.
Somebody played a prank and tossed their cold steel sword into the water. Some girl found it, and I guess we now have to deal with a tidal wave of GRRL POWER posts about how she's the new queen.
this would be awesome
Nor if it's the real Excalibur. IT'S REAL.
Excalibur was meant to be made of metals not known to man.
Who knows mayve it was strong enough to survive water.
>she becomes queen and goes on to purge the muslim filth from the lands
I for one welcome the new king of england.
so excalibur was a scottish claymore?
Fucking sweet!
it's a sign
Like any of you weebs could even hold a sword like that. All hail the new queen!
So that's king arthur eh
Stainless steel would be good enough you know, and it existed in small quantities. There are ancient steel pillars in India for example.
Where were you the day anime finally became real?
Fake! Arthur or Arturius Rex was a post Roman warlord and he sword he used would have been a spatha..that's clearly a late medieval bastard sword...
I would go to Bongistan and help her cause.
>the born king is a girl
>fate/stay night was right
Literally sais it's a 30 year old movie prop in the article headline.
Hilarious none the less.
Iron pillar
>girl holding rusted zweihander
>german sword
>Excalibur know in English legends
>not an English sword
you get the point.
Wrong if it's in the mud it can be preserved because there is very little oxygen in there
Actually the sword I wield on a daily basis is much heavier.
The difference is that no one is going to force me to bin it.
>over a thousand years and it's found by some loli taking a couple steps in the lake
anime is bleeding into reality. trump did it the actual madman
Just thank the good God it wasn't a mudskin, it'd be so much worse
Dont you know the Kanglish wuz Germanic n shit
This just makes it more real.
>rusty as shit
That is Excalibur you dumb fuck. Excalibur has always been prtrayed as a traditional longsword, not with those faggy spikes on the side
Dude. This is the legendary sword here. It's THE SWORD
It's time for the mother fucking thread theme.
>Scottish sword is so light even a loli can raise it.
An inch longer doesn't mean an inch stronger if the density is that low.
Clearly renaissance era zwiehander
Fuck off fake news.
disregarding magic, wrong, 1000+ year swords have been found mostly intact in rivers and lakes before.
Roman Britain era swords didn't look like that.
All hail our new loli queen. Long live the queen!
not steel - iron
> not rusty because people keep touching it
> impure iron dont rust so fast
True, I am also directly quoting from that era.
In England it would be metals unknown to man
get a life!
>be awesome dad
>daughter loves the story of King Arthur
>buy shitty chinese excalibur knockoff
>leave in peroxide bath in shed
>throw it lake
>take daughter to look for excalibur like she always wanted to
>she'll never know how much you love her
Most based response I've seen. The real King Arthur (probably Ambrosius Aurelianus or Riothamus, if not one of their sons) would probably have looked something like the cavalryman.
Except ya mum
Arthur: Now, once more, I must ride with my knights to defend what was, and the dream of what could be.
Saved to the "special" folder.
>dailymail as a source
fag believes this
>daughter loves story of King Arthur
>make your fake magic sword rust
Looks like a glorified chisel
Right. 4th or 5th century AD. He would have used a Spatha
Nah, euro mud and shit has magical properties they keep pulling immaculate weapons out of them all the fucking time. I mean they pulled a soviet ww2 tank out of one filled it and it started.
Post more lolis with swords.
the design of the sword is from the 16th century, its way too modern
and knowing UKucks, its probably a chink reproduction some neckboard threw in the lake at midnight because he was afraid of being rounded up and sentenced to death for being a white man in possession of an offensive weapon
probably the truest post on Sup Forums
i dont think the future queen/saviour would wear crocs...just saying
M8 read the article
1. It's a film prop
2. The entire fucking lake has dried out before and there was no sword
shuttup cunt you gotta make it look old somehow.
You jelly of my legit sword? Even in its raw stages it's mighty. At any point I could refine it into something battle ready but for now I'm focusing on strength.
This is now a Saber thread.
>cold steel swords
>any swords
>true post
Excalibur does not Rust nor does it look like that she also would not need the second hand or to brace herself against its weight since it is weightless.
I personally welcome our new loli overlord.
It's all so tiresome.
>implying the sword would show itself to someone non-worthy
I'm disappointed with you bongs
Praise Her.
It would have looked like some kind of an evolved spatha closer to the migration period swords.
if its weightless why doesnt it float off into space?
>Fuck christians and fuck white people, religion is retarded
Also leftists
>A girl pulled a magic sword from a lake?
Also see "voodoo origin of hurricanes"
>Wading through lake
>Just happen to stumble on a flat object
Doesn't that seem slightly staged?
Aka violently radioactive. RIP in peace loli.
Should have just used gold if they wanted it to last.
Calling dibs. She's my Saberfu.
I know OP sword is probably a discarded movie prop but RL example of a sword that survided 800 years in a river
Old Gods are waking up. They aren't happy.
I meant the total bullshit story in order to propagate GIRL POWER shit
I'd rather take The Magic Mirror of Merlin for that sweet x2 magic dmg.
But it literally has. Excalibur was stuck in stone and could only be pulled out by the true king of England
welp now she's cursed to be a loli forever
I wouldn't act like the cunt the Matilda of History was.
It is woman in general that RUIN nations.
The Lady of The Lake also gives the person the sword.
It has a Mass but no Weight for the wielder anyone else that tries to pick it up it acts like Moljnir and becomes unliftable.
You can't go find it.
Chemical analysis should prove where it's from. They do this for nuclear material.
King Arthur was a girl.
Excalibur was made by aliens, so it's magical metal that isn't known by Gaia.
This is what the real best girl looks like.
Oi! better bin that knife
Bobbies will most likely confiscate it during their next illegal weapon search along with a stick and a tire in their rainbow striped police car
>Excalibur was stuck in stone and could only be pulled out by the true king of England
>implying autism can be defeated.
>King Arthur (female)
Holy shit anime is becoming real
Queen slay! YAAAAAAS
if they were aliens why didnt they make a laser instead?
Isn't this shit just a zweihander ?