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Burning man
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That's hot
I guess the fire is rising
moloch was fed
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Did anyone get it on video?
> be unbroken chain of DNA existing for billions of years since the first organisms evolved from the primordial soup
> jump into fire
Really makes you think
he kind of looks like an american indian so really, nothing of value was lost except to maybe a liquor store owner who gets the gibs that the gubment sends injuns
won owe fore too?
Can I get a quick rundown
one down
Burning man festival ends with the large symbolic burning of a giant wooden man (pic related).
Traditionally the crowd are kept back from the fire until it's weak enough then people will run around it dancing and such.
This year someone got past the perimeter and ran into the fire and died.
Now then the three competing theories are:
> Drugged out of his mind (unlikely as the perimeter team are quite good and would have caught him if he was that far gone)
> Suicide (Happened at a smaller regional burn a few years back)
> Sacrifice (This is the festival of the Rothschilds, pagan symbols, missing women, etc...)
>This year someone got past the perimeter and ran into the fire and died.
Thread anthem:
amazing, feel bad for the guy who had to watch
fucking hippie, i am glad he killed himself
I went to a local small potatoes burning man. loads of fun and the music wasn't that bad. would recommend. I didn't even get intoxicated
He just wanted to be like his idol, Burning Man.
>a pagan died
nothing of value was lost
>Man burns alive at Burning Man
Burning Man: Origins (2017)
God the Southern dorters (or however it's spelled) are so f*cking hot
his anthem
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You forgot:
>Dumb enough to go to fucking burning man