ITT: Roll for who is the DNC Nominee in 2020

As the picture shows, the candidate is picked based on the last three digits of post number if those three digits are the same (e.g., 333) or are sequential (e.g., 456 or 765)

All prospective candidates included are based on those discussed as potential candidates in stories published by Politico (, Newsweek (, or the NY Times (, or are characters on Sex in the City.

> Joe Biden (former Vice President).
> Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.).
> Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)
> Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
> Mark Zuckerberg (Founder & CEO of Facebook)
> Gov. Terry McAuliffa (VA).
> Sen. Cory Booker.
> Gov. Andrew Cuomo (NY).
> Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH)
> Robert Iger (Walt Disney Company CEO )
> Howard Schultz (Starbucks Executive Chairman)
> Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.)
> Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.)
> Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.)
> Sarah Jessica Parker (a/k/a Carrie Bradshae)
> Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.).
> Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.)
> Gov. John Hickenlooper (CO)
> Gov. Jay Inslee (WA)
> Gov. Steve Bullock (MT)
> Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.)
> Jason Kander (former Missouri Secretary of State)
> Mark Cuban (Businessman, NBA Team Owner).
> Dwayne “the rock’ Johnson (Actor)

>no hillary clinton rematch on there


Trump will win regardless

> must be a nigger
> must be a woman
The answer is clear.


This guy

fixed. ----234 is now HRC


If triples deray wins

that vest


You almost got Hilldawg for yet another go-around.


We got a winner, bois


this is gonna be better than the first go around

I could live with some more Trump-Pocahontas banter

Lets go hilldawg


Michael Moore

Zucker 4 the win

Mario Cuomo is the most realistic if Democrats decide they actually want a chance to win. He's a failed Governor and not moderate by any means, but he's also not thrown in with the antifa paramilitary wing of the party and hasn't done anything specific to scare working white voters into turning out for Trump in heavy numbers. He's also a decent talker without coming across as completely fake.

More likely, Democrats won't nominate him because he's a fucking white male. Joe Biden runs into the same problem plus being 800 years old. Even worse for Biden, he has a long record of heresies against the victim hierarchy.

Democrats will probably either put up an empty suit like Booker or a crazed radical like Harris just to feel good about themselves. No matter what, it has to be someone who isn't a white male. Voting for white men makes you a bad person.

And this is why they don't stand a chance short of the economy falling into the abyss.

How do you think his brother being a CNN anchor plays into it?

And not just any CNN anchor - one of the more ridiculous ones ("Remember, it's illegal to read wikileaks")