>China says President Donald Trump's trade threat over North Korea is "unacceptable" and "unfair."
i cri everi tiem
>China says President Donald Trump's trade threat over North Korea is "unacceptable" and "unfair."
i cri everi tiem
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What is unfair is that china refuses to help calm down the ever growing threat on NK, while they constantly threaten us.
He'll go on twitter and say some more mean stuff
All talk and no action from the orange orangutan in chief.
>What is unfair is that china refuses to help calm down the ever growing threat on NK, while they constantly threaten us.
Times are changing burgers.
I don't mean to be a dick, but now is not the time for shit posting. Unless you are serious than I totally mean to be a dick and you are literally a traitor.
Who has their military on whose borders again?
You are blind if you think there is only one way to persuade a nation, China literally is repsonsible for 80% of NK imports and exports. If china got tough on NK economically it wouldn't really hurt China at all.
Usa has destroyed countries and changed regimes who did not trade oil for Us dollars....
>you are literally a traitor.
I would gladly fight and die for DPRK than ever side with this imperialist shit hole of a country.
>Trump runs on basically instigating a trade war against China
>Gets elected
>dprk all of sudden has functioning icbms and hydrogen bombs even though most experts were predicting they would not be be able to independently develop them for at least a decade
Really caramelizes your onions, doesn't it?
I know, right.
SK should just make their own nukes. Same with Japan.
eat shit filthy gooks
that means he found a sensitive spot
time to exploit it
learn a bit of your own history m8
Fuck off, not in the mood for your shit while there's a happening.
we totally need to follow through this time
We have to push@realDonaldTrump on Twitter to start a war with North Korea already
This is reason for our war with China/Norks. Israel will demand it. Gotta keep master happy
Reported to tips.fbi.gov
What threat? NK is nowhere near USA and USA has bases in almost every country on the planet. If anyone is a threat, it's USA.
>14 y.o and/or chink detected
Trump actually is going to slap serious trade sanctions on CHYNA for not doing enough to reign in Fatty Kim III after the security council meeting on Monday. Russia and CHYNA will protest, no fucks will be given by Herr Trump.
Nuclear war imminent boys, run outside tomorrow and fuck the first woman you see
China refuses to do anything about NK. If anything, Trump has been very generous and forgiving.
It ends now.
china can kill itself (faster)
I'd get SK to make their own nukes, to piss of China. And get Japan to own offensive weapons; Japan building aircraft carriers would be awesome.
They can bitch all they want, but they had a responsibility with NK to stop them getting nukes. So, tough luck there.
Oh no what do we do without the aliexpress garbage and cheap smartphones
Then why do you live here? You can just get up and leave.
>Gotta keep master happy
Uh. If you switch petrodollar the whole US economy tanks idiot.
>USA has been constantly invading countries for decades.
>Fearful Kim tries to acquire deterrent.
>Americans cry
Face it, America is a nation of hypocrites. Only country to use atomic bomb against enemy nation and on civilian targets.
And you cry when another country tries to acquire one for defensive purposes.
Haha chinks and norks got you by the balls.
China using the Norks as a proxy military?
>the same china that cheats and steals everything they possibly can complains about unfair trade policy
Air pollution in China is so bad people are getting lung cancer in record numbers. China is literally killing themselves with something that could be solved relatively easily.
I thought the chinks were supposed to be smart?
NK doesn't use their weapons as a mere deterrent
Which is why we are going to go after China for daring to infringe upon the petrodollar. (((They))) don't wanna lose control
No, we just do what china did... And give them to them. To taiwan too.
>actual nuke sets off 6.3 earthquake in CHYNA today
>Trump has finger on the button saying 'you're with us or against us'
>Doomsday clock moved to 2.5 minutes to midnight, closest since 1953
>No backing down by anybody
>commie flag
China doesn't want to deal with migrants. If NK got attacked, it's guaranteed that they'd be flooded with millions of refugees overnight.
>succsefully test hydrogen bomb
>constantly threaten us
>not a threat
This isn't another middle eastern situation, Kim is literally begging the US to annihilate him. You can't defend the norks with a straight face
>who is George W. Bush axis of evil for 200 dollars?
Pretty sure there won't be any migrants
Burgers have US troops on NORTH KOREA'S BORDERS
>the chinese knowing what fairness is
Damn we should get China's diplomats on the comedian's circuit with material like this
What is the best outcome for this shit? What happens to NK and its people?
So how are we going to divvy up Chinas land when we kill all of the inhabitants?
that's because China is helping them, how dense are you?
They feign anger while laughing at the norks standing up to the US and winning (so far)
>Russia and CHYNA
Just China, Russia is actually in agreement with us on this.
Our burgers are only there because Kim won't stop telling us that he'll glass us and crack the earth. North Korea isn't an innocent degeneracy free utopia that's being stepped on by imperialist murica, they brought this upon themselves and continue to poke the bear with a stick
How is it unfair that we don't want to do business with the ally of a country threatening to nuke us on a regular basis?
It sounds like an easy choice to me.. do business with your largest trading partner, or keep spoonfeeding the psychopath who keeps threatening to blow everyone up.
It's odd that people are suggesting that Donald said this WOULD happen when it was clearly just a floated possibility.
Regardless, it's going to be stupidly difficult to achieve isn't it?
Ignorant burger who never opened up a history book detected
The reason this all started was the US puppet military dictator you installed in the south who caused border conflicts with the north which started all of this shit in the first place.
>Put out a warning
>China goes along with warnings
>Put out threats to not do stupid shit
>China goes along with threats
>Put UN sanctions on NK
>China goes along with UN sanctions
>NK ignores it all and does shit with obviously china-provided tech
>China cries about it not being fair that they have to abide by agreements
Literally fell for the fucking trap. Didn't call out China by name and China took the bait and cries about it, as if it's somehow unfair for us to not allow them to trade with NK if they want to trade with us.
Stupid fucking Chinks
>you will live long enough to see the USA get nuked by chinks
Did you really think all your warmongering wouldn't bite you in the ass eventually?
They're not, they're just sneaky cheaters the Jews of Asia
>Stupid fucking Chinks
it's called "playing the west like a fiddle:
get ready for ww3, fuckers.
It's hopeless. We're all too powerful to do anything.
go defect to nk already, you stupid fucking dumb shit
the moment you talk back, they'll take out pieces of your brain and torture the shit out of you
you stupid fucking idiot
China does not give a fuck about the leadership of North Korea.
China just wants to keep control of the rare earth deposits in NK and they do not want a close ally of the USA on their border.
If the NK regime is ended, china will lose out on rare earth trade and USA will benefit and they will have a strong USA ally on their border "South Korea" or by then just Korea,
I hope you guys fuck up china. All those chinks in USA will hopefully piss off to cuckanda
Actually, it's called the classic Chinese character going back centuries and having been documented by everyone who has ever dealt with them.
>saying one thing
>doing another
>lying to your face about it
>expecting you to accept the lie
>going back to doing it some more
Recently, the west just found it more politically convenient to go along with it all and not call them on their bullshit. Trump is calling them on their bullshit. China is incapable of dealing with being called on their bullshit.
Where were you when the Chinks got pecker slapped in front of the entire world by the Big American Cock?!
Sounds like those insectoid fucks have a choice to make, then, don't they?
Oh shit china is scared of a little trade war?
Good luck ching chong.
China has done a lot against NK over the years...
Is it me or is the IQ of the average american poster on this board dropping by 2 points every time Trump tweets ?
>China has done a lot against NK over the years...
Should we suck Kim's dick with our high IQ tongues and see if that helps?
>China doing anything against NK
no it hasn't
They've done zero for meaningful actions.
They trade with them still. They don't stop the nuke buildup. Nothing.
It's like morons saying "China is helping global warming because they said they are", when in fact they're as bad as ever.
I'm POP culture now
This is important. Russians aren't as friendly with China as people think. Also they're direct competition with each other as regional powers and trying to (re)claim the superpower role. Russia also doesn't want another shitty nation diluting the bargaining power of nukes.
Fake codefag, real one has "oCbrgLyIyM"
anyone think Kim is cute in a chubby way
>It's like morons saying "China is helping global warming because they said they are", when in fact they're as bad as ever.
But they said instead of increasing emissions by 10 billion tons next year they'll only increase by 5 billion
>China cuts emissions 50%!!!
they've closed their banks to NK transactions, closed their joint industrial zone and have been applying trade sanctions for a while.
the only thing they can do more would be a declaration of war, Europe continued to trade with the IIIrd reich even during the war.
All the problems would cease if the U.S. just fucked off from Asia.
Fuck off Jay.
Tell Angelina I love her.
he reminds me of a penguin
You potato nigger don't think you're all coming down with us? Kekeroni
>China pls stop trading with the norks they are insane
I thought China hated NK anyway.
China and Russia should never forget that there is only one super power and that is the US.
China looks like a completely idiot to back off a crazy shortie who would nuke China too
China is good economic ally to us. US can not push them around like false puppet korea and Japan
his penis is probably uncut and tiny due to his size
i bet the women he fucks have to pretend BIG TIME
>trade threat
lmao. its just a possible scenario among thousands. to actually get spooked by it is hilarious. weak
Countries that trade with North Korea
According tofigures from KOTRA(Korea's Trade Investment Promotion Agency) there were around 80 countries that traded with Pyongyang in 2016 including:
Purge incoming.
they said already that they would only back NK in case of unprovoked aggression, if NK started shit they would leave them to their fate.
NK isn't insane, american foreign policy and the people who gobble up state propaganda are.
The fact that this board is turning into interventionist neocons is really a testament to the death of Sup Forums.
oh..... china is standing up for north korea now...
what a surprise........
if that fat cunt fires a missle towards any of our allies, north korea will be dust.
china is back them up, blow china of the face of the earth aswell, fucking useless country full of ugly cunts and scheming snake oil salesmen.
We will not need their assistance if they withhold it. We are building a fighting force of extra ordinary magnitude. We will have your gratitude.
This. Important to note.
Next thing you'll see
>It was the Russians
NK is the largest source of human suffering on Earth you retard
>nuh NK a good boi just like assad a good boi
Closed A bank to NK transactions, not all banks, you think anyone cares? They just take it to other banks
Their trade sanctions are on paper only and dont actually exist
They have been giving them nukes
>extra ordinary
>The fact that this board is turning into interventionist neocons is really a testament to the death of Sup Forums.
The board was shit a few years ago but since Trump got elected it got flooded by the most braindead Americans who back everything he does and cry
How can you look at this situation and not see North Korea as the good guy?
>NK is the largest source of human suffering on Earth you retard
I know you're trolling but I bet some people actually believe that.
you're full of shit and you'd know it if you actually informed yourself, a couple years ago NK actually even threatened China with war over the trade sanctions...
Just send the nuke already
Times are boring as fuck
most asians do this, they are sneaky and scheming by nature.
they honestly think they can still get away with their old tricks. and when you call them out on it they get mad and act like your the one with the problem.