Is this guy certifiably insane? Does he really believe that starting a war will be anything other than suicide? Does he actually think he can win?
Is this guy certifiably insane? Does he really believe that starting a war will be anything other than suicide...
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You've never met him or heard anything he has to say except what your own government tells you, and have a fucking look at their track record.
He's not looking to start any war he just doesnt want to be fucked with and be up there with the best(having nukes).
Its just the msm with another project fear. Kim has had bombs for years and done nothing with them, it was at least a week ago no different to Obama vs Kim but media is hysterical because they want to meme MUH NUCLEAR CODES for Trump
There'll be no war.
China is about to launch a gold backed currency which will make the petrodollar obsolete.
That's what this beatup is trying to hide.
Glowing abos
Mate. The US has been pushing this guy fr decades with constant similated invasions conducted right on the NOrK border... China has offered resolutions to this that the NORKS have agreed too. Basically they will stop all millise tests and cease development of the Atomic bomb if the usa stops its military drills on the border.. Both Obama and Trump have rejected these offers.. The "whoaaa he is a madman!!!' is mainstream media bullshit. They want to invade this country to take the 6 trillion or so worht of minerals and install a central bank as it is one of the last countries on earth without a central bank along with iran. Other countries that did not have a central bank included Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan and some others that all have something in common....
He has China on his side. Ignorant dog thinks his meme countries still have power. The West is a fucking laughingstock. The power has shifted to China and NK has China, Russia, Iran, and Dennis Rodman in their court.
China is outsmarting the U.S at every turn.
You're retarded if you think Kim actually wants a war
Wait- what will this do?
North Korea only accelerated their nuclear program after the US invasion of Iraq and Bush's "axis of evil' speech. You do the math.
They are undeveloped shitholes?
Now that the US found 8 trillion in minerals in NK, he knows it's over. He's going out with a bang and taking as many people with him.
Hes a big fucking boring fucking nothing burger
it took me five minutes to remember maralinga. then I laughed.
for anyone wondering, the UK tested 7 fullsize atomic bombs on aboriginals and an additional 700 dirty bombs. craters of melted desert glass. all the abbos in the region went blind. it was really horrible, but so is eating your newborns.
Watch Gaddafi's speech after Saddam was deposed. You'll understand Kim after that. He's making sure the world knows there will be consequences if the war machine chooses him next.
He is certaintly not the kind of person the american MSM make him out to be. I doubt he is insane.
he thinks he can extort tribute, because big daddy china will protect him
That have all been invaded by the US..
Iran will happen soon. Once they fuck Syria over. troops already in Afghanistan It looks like they are surrounding Iran
He's looking to prove to his people and the west not to fuck around with him, after being mocked for so long, and from the ambiguity of his own people.
he was educated in internationalist banking rogue state Switzerland and he flashes Freemason hand signs
you do the math
yeah it's just a giant media conspiracy that north korea is an alternate universe where their ruler is an immortal god king that defeated the western imperialists
>1 post by this NSA shill
His father and grand father may have smart and projected insanity as a negotiating position, but this guy is just an immature little brat who probably believes his own propaganda.
Destroy your Jew economy. RIP murica... chage yor dollars for something else. The Rothschild already did
China's currency being based on gold means its value is value is guaranteed with gold bullion.
Petro dollar has no gold guarantee, its value is based on what people are prepared to trade it for on the open market.
A gold based currency is bad news for any nation using the American petrodollar, means that China's currency won't devalue as gold value remains fairly constant.
If people want to trade in the gold based Chinese currency, USA won't be able to remain as the global currency and the value of USD will plumet, to the point no one will lend money to the USA as its value has no basis. Not an economist, but hope that's a reasonable explanation.
He is not starting the war, the USA troops are near HIS border, not the other way around....
Larp harder jungle nigger
don't mind all the Freemason hand signals, it's all just a coincidence
>Does he actually think he can win?
He already won!
all just a big coincidence
As opposed to Trump being literary Hollywood Hitler who wants to genocide all black people?
Should I be surprised that I never heard about this before?
>China will fudge numbers to make up illusory gold backed currency
>havent beem to pol in a while
>stop by
>half the board is pro NK
Nuclear weapons bring peace. U.S. do not want other countries to have said capabilities. Really wondering who the bad guy here is...
He's actually dumber than Trump. So...yes.
does anyone else think it was weird when GWB diplomatic staff said that NK (at the time Kim Jong Il) sabre rattling was in fact the desired policy by GWB administration
yes, the belligerence was wanted/approved/desired by deep state officials
oh and he always flashes Freemason hand signs
still believe he's just a madman like CNN tells you?
This article from 2016 says the United States has the highest gold reserves
>1. United States
>Tonnes: 8,133.5
>Percent of foreign reserves: 74.9 percent
>5. China
>Tonnes: 1,797.5
>Percent of foreign reserves: 2.2 percent
What's stopping the US from rebacking their currency in gold?
Into archive
the renminbi is not backed by gold in the first place
The kims are ultra-redpilled. They tricked their gommie people into installing a literal absolute monarchy. Prove me wrong.
Kim never set off an earthquake in China from detonating a nuclear device like he did yesterday.
He also never threatened the US directly, they always used elaborate metaphors they could deny later but now it's "we're going to nuke the US"
Get comfy and grab some smores to roast in the radiation because this happening is about to kick off
He is being instructed by China to act this way. North Korea is their only ally and they provide a good distraction for the US so it can't focus on China's trade war with it.
>starting a war
It's the other way around burger
He needs to look mad, then implement a MAD, then start to negotiate.
Ideally, every country on the planet should have at least 2 nukes and a MAD.
Could be bullshit, true, but optics and confidence are everything.
the Chinese currency is not "gold backed", hell it's not even gold convertible
just because the Chinese government purchases and holds gold, doesn't mean their currency isn't more of the same fractional reserve garbage
oh and the Chinese have much more gold than they report publically btw
>Is this guy certifiably insane?
No, quit the opposite.
>Does he really believe that starting a war will be anything other than suicide?
He's not the one that's going to start it if one does start.
>Does he actually think he can win?
He knows he can't win, that's why he's developing nuclear weapons / ICBMs. For use as a deterrent.
I see everyone has fallen for the MSM lies again.
The only thing the US can do is threaten to recognize Taiwan's independence and give them nuclear weapons if China doesn't cooperate. However, the US isn't smart enough to do this.
Kim is absolutely not insane. He will absolutely never start a war, and the reason for that is that he absolutely knows there's nothing good that will come out of it. Anyone who thinks Kim is insane is politically retarded and actually falling for his games. You have to realize even if a Western state was retarded to preemptively strike, Kim will just seek asylum in China, who will be supporting him 100%. In all that confusion, China also invades Taiwan with a sizable force and no one can do anything about it.
He's a perpetual adolescent surrounded by yes-men who are justifiably terrified of trying to reason with him.
>Does he really believe that starting a war will be anything other than suicide?
I suspect the nuke threats are not aimed at foreign nations but internal dissenters.
the chinese would dump kim in a lake if they could do it for free
he killed jang song thaek, and he was their man
Kim is the actual 4D chess master, Drumpf is stuck giving utterly predictable responses without landing a single punch. Everybody is getting played by the master of sabre rattling.
Fuck Drumpf and fuck shart people.
he's young and relatively inexperienced. he's surrounded by people who would be more than happy to find an excuse to denounce him and seize power. everything he's doing is to prevent himself and his family members from being publicly executed for betraying the revolution. nothing more, nothing less.
>he thinks the value of gold has any basis in reality
>he thinks it doesn't go wildly up and down with speculation
This, they turned commie bullshit into a nationalist-traditionalist Jew-proof ideology.
I suspect the nuke threats are aimed to western people by jews.
Jews want to make someone a common enemy. Giving then the answer or solution to deal with the horrifying enemy.
Hail jews will western people say soon.
gold is the only objective form of value
i read it in an ayn rand novel
Remember when your currency wasn't a joke? It was based on gold.
Not insane. We are building a fighting force of extra ordinary magnitude. We will have your gratitude.
He's just the next hyped up boogeyman the kikes will shill to continue military spending.
remember all the economic crises that helped create? Being stuck on gold is like being stuck on a foreign currency you can't control or devalue, like Greece right now.
lolbertardians fuck off
Nah mate, not an economist, redpill me on why a gold basis is a bad idea.
I just did dumbass econ 101 student
He wants a viable nuke to use as a bargaining chip so he can get more food to keep his population of gook slaves under control.
Nah, a mouthful of shit isn't an explanation. How about some background?
It's geopolitical strategy. The international community is putting up a great big wall of smoking theater overpressurizing North Korea's suicidal rhetoric. The state is supposed to collapse, capitulate, or prove once and for all that the people who rule it really are that suicidal.
He's not fat. He's just big boned
He has to options open to him ramp up rhetoric or go quiet. Nukes will be a massive asset to NK whether they use them or not they can sell them to people determined to bomb the US. He is a smart man playing the cards hes been dealt.
I don't mind NK having nukes. It's not our business to "free" other people, that mindset just leads to wars like Vietnam and Middle-east that only help special-interest groups. If the Norks want to be free, they should free themselves.
But if Norks attack us despite us not giving a shit about them having nukes, then we glass them.
This is objectively the best way to handle the situation.
>for nearly century now US has done nothing but shove its dick into small nation-states whenever it wants to for pr/natural resources/as scapegoats
>want to get nukes so you have a deterrent so they can't do that so effortlessly
>this is insane
He's actually doing a fantastic job of showing just how limp-wristed the West has become. He's firing missiles and doing whatever the fuck he wants while we counter his actions with empty threats. He knows we're not going to do anything. He's just proving a point.
When the picture is photoshopped and it still looks the fat kid whose mom cuts his hair.
Winter is coming, Norks will starve, Asian Bird Flu outbreak incoming.
Where had he ever said he would start a war ? He never said that nor did the best Korea propaganda said that.What they said was: If you attack us we attack you back.Thats it.
Exactly. The UN likes to too big but it's a paper tiger. Completely useless in anything it threatens. These people live to serve the state and will gladly walk into an inferno if the leadership tells them to.
There'll be emergency meetings called and tough talk and nothing will come of it.
Do you really think the US public could stomach a war right now?
Especially with Soros and friends funding the anti war riots
It's not suicide if your name and greatness is immortalized in history.
He's 100% redpilled.
Saddam: gave up WMDs, cooperated with US.
Qadaffi: gave up WMDS, cooperated with US.
Assad: gave up WMDs, cooperated with US.
Just because you play nice with the Americans doesn't mean they won't stab you in the back the moment the opportunity rears its head. Bannon had it correct: there is no scenario of war with NK that doesn't leave Seoul flattened in 30 minutes. Americans aren't going to do shit, and they need to be reminded precisely why. Kim's standoffishness will ultimately save his skin, and his country.
When your currency is based on gold it is limited by how much gold you have. The only way to create more money that way is to get more gold or have the price of gold go up. Of course, when you find a lot of gold it's price goes down, devaluing your currency and causing an economic shock.
A gold backed currency has benefits but also cons. The aforementioned issue and of course the fact that your economic growth is limited by how much gold you can back it with, and failing that, how much of other people's gold backed currency you can get through trading. The British economy took a particularly large hit because they sold some of their gold reserves which really hurt growth and caused a depression even.
In growing economies with static money supplies, growth is observed by prices going down.
The war never ended
Listen to this guy OP, he's imparting wisdom.
Inflation is inevitable even under gold backed currency, it's just slower.
yes. finally somebody else gets it.
Also- Only two countries have voluntarily surrendered their nuclear arms stockpiles, South Africa and the Ukraine. In the case of the Ukraine, losing the Crimea wouldn't have happened with such a deterrent. Kim needs this.
Truth be told, selling Japan and S.K some nuclear capable Subs may prove an adequate equalizer in the short term, but with the North mastering their ICBM tech I'm sure they're more than happy to sell to a now fiscally flush Iran. Thanks Obama.
tl;dr never give up your weapons.
This guy gets it. Kim bet on Trump to drain the swamp, but because Trump took too long, Kim's fortifying NK for the incoming asia pivot.
Look up the council on foreign relations. They were planning on a toppled Syria by 2016, but because Obabo fagged out, theyre setting their sights on China.
Except that the Ukraine coup was staged by Victoria Nuland and her CFR paymasters. Crimea would still be a part of Ukraine, if Nuland and flunkies had not engineered the ouster of Yanukovich,
correct. and i seriously doubt that coup would have been possible at all had Ukraine still had a Nuclear option.
I think there's still hope for Ukraine to set itself straight. It's a shamble at this point. Low wages, low employment, they buy their coal from the US (lel). Lons of problems with nepotism and corruption. Remember those Right Sektor neo nazis that were at the front of every event back during maidan? Well the Ukraine army turned on them and started shelling their positions. They are pissed because the new regime is slowly genociding the nationalist groups in Ukraine.
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