Why is lesbian sex approved but gay anal sex is wrong?
Why is lesbian sex approved but gay anal sex is wrong?
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Bible is only against sodomy leviticus 20:13
Gay anal sex spreads AIDS and tears the anal lining causing all sorts of medical problems that we the taxpayer have to cover. Lesbians just lick each others cunts for an hour or two. You might get herpes, but that's worst case. AIDS is par for the course for gays.
Because it's hot.
Why sud communists ban homosexuality in the Soviet Union?
some studies have actually been coming out that have said most lesbians are literally just a phase and women grow out of it.
gay men are not so easily swayed.
men having easy sex(gay men are very promiscuous) is very corruptive for society because it lowers their ambitions anyways. That's why i think the bible is against it; for men to enact sexual hedonism is a bad life, and turns societies rotten.
It's hot
Clean vs dirty.
Because men can breed both women but two men fucking eachother does nothing.
Because USSR was against degeneracy.
That does not mean they were against exporting and cultivating degeneracy in the West for destabilization purposes.
Lesbians don' exist.
everyone, even in the ancient world, knew women have no morals, they act out their narcissistic nature practically 24/7.
Men are held to a much higher standard.
Lesbianism is disordered, but it does not cause immediate health and social problems to the same degree that male homosexuality does. They are both immoral and against nature, but male homosexuality is worse.
I'm bisexual so I like both
Because morons are fooled by porn depictions of lesbians. Real-life lesbians are almost all disgusting, mentally ill, and ugly.
Because lessons don't really exists, it's just a phase for attention seeking bipolar women
Who cares?
STFU you sick little perverted freak.
I'm against lesbian sex too. It's pretty disgusting to watch. I'm against porn in general though and think that is also disgusting to watch, so that's probably why.
What's perverted about loving all genders equally? It makes threesomes more intense
No dick = no sex, just child's play
But two women giving eachother the succ also does nothing?
How can men even compete?
Cute girls who try to satisfy their raging libidos while staying true to their husbands are fine.
Ugly dykes who try to be edgy are not.
Not a faggot if I like girls just as much as guys, if I was actually gay then sure but I'm not. I love tits.
Because lesbianism isn't real and only ugly women self force remove themselves from the gene pool.
The problem with homosex is it only worsens the already shit low white birth rate and a lot of attractive intelligent white men are into gay sex therefore removing the good white genes from tue gene pool and furturing the destruction of the white race.
do women even get off on tribbing or is it just a sexy meme?
it's not a threesome if it's 2 guys, that's a train, faggot
Men are disgusting pigs and have become obsolete prove me wrong
A sexy train
Do you want to be banned for life
Everyone loves tits, even the gays.
This is dumb
A man can eat her out and fuck her
Because weren't interested in looking at two cock and no pussy or tits in sight? And also having to see them having sex to another guy?
You know the answer yourself
I can assure you that the average fag isn't the cream of the crop top % of the gene meme pool
because anal sex is gay and nasty
How would you know fag
it's cute, gay is disgusting
Jews have simply made lesbo shit more mainstream to mindfuck impressionable females - divide sexes further. They are slowly bringing gay shit into the mainstream now.
Men are dirty smelly violent animals
You're supposed to fuck them both.
Lesbianism isn't for watching, it's for taking advantage of female nature.
Straight women love that though
It's a meme.
actually, gay anal sex isnt wrong. no homo
Good thing they invented everything - and even made that shit movie those clips are from.
Because anal sex between men is dirty. Men have hairy ass holes with shit caked up in them.
Only a woman knows how to handle the female body. Men are dumb and selfish
>anal sex -- wrong
>literally 95% of porn in existence -- wrong
are you an autism?
>literally 95% of (((porn)))
women are memes
Why you dykes hate men so much?
Explains why lesbians have the highest divorce rates of any type of married couple.
life of privilege
Men are trash
men asses are unhygienic and hard.
hence why gay men are prone to stds
3rd and 4th problem developed when women got the right to vote.
Why are you laarping as an angry lesbian?
Dick or GTFO pig
because nothing is hotter than two female tongues twisting and wrapping around each other in a saliva drenched orgy of the mouths.
These are /thread.
Im tolerate LGBT people, as long as they're hot lesbians
You get shit on your dick, son!
Lesbians aren't approved. They deserve the rope as well. Most dykes are fucking disgusting pigs. Those "hot" lesbians are just fucked up straight girls who decided they couldn't choke down BBC and had to find another way to get daddy to notice them. Faggots are awful as well. But I'll take a high test fag over a dyke any day. Then again I'd also rather use all gays as hard labor slaves until they all perished.
BAN MEN!!111
Sodomy is any form of intercourse where the objective if pleasure as oppressed to procreation your degenerate filth
I've only met like, two dykes in my life but they were chill, and didn't hate men. Only average look though. The manhaters are the fat, disgusting hamplanet ones.
Have you ever seen lesbians in real life? Most of them are abominations
you've never encountered actual lesbians have you?
.What kind of shit bait attempt is this?
Stop sexualizing pure lesbian love you pig. Women don't exist for your sexual gratification
because of the anus.
the anus can't be sanctified... because it's the place where shit comes out.
>that image
more like BiBANT
Then stop posting lesbian porn webm faggot
100% of porn is wrong
Its so hot..
Im jerking it to your webms right now
Found the triggered manbaby threatened by the sexual liberation of women
knew a couple.
The bull dyke was gross. the woman of the couple was actually fucking hot.
I think she was just confused because I got her to make out with me at a party once.
It's not pornographic if the goal is the sexual liberation of women and the dismantling of patriarchal standards about female sexuality
>thinks lesbians are hot
It's not like you're fucking them.
Go home faggot.
ahhhh yeah... keep going you dirty whores.
no dick, no pussy = no sex
>I think she was just confused
No. Female nature is sexual; women will have sex with almost anything if allowed to. Female sexuality is insatiable. Why do you think civilizations throughout history try to control it?
Funnily enough so called sexual liberation allowed for wealthy and fit men to form literal harems where bitches compete over them and not the other way around. It almost like it was men who got exactly what they wanted, a lot of easy women with no commitment and complete devaluation of pussy.
Where is Argentina?
Every girlfriend I've ever had since I was 13 has asked this stupid question.
It's not ok with men because they're sticking things in places nothing is meant to go.
Also, the majority of women grow out of doing things sexually with other women. Faggots are faggots for life.
pussy is only devalued to valuable men.
it's hyperinflated to modern day betas/average dudes. I'd prophesize that women's egos are inflated way beyond where they should be, most likely to the highest they've been in history.
What's the Russian attitude towards lesbians?
with homos one or two men are getting fucked
with lesbians nobody is getting fucked
No penis, no sex. Sorry honey.
A lot of hate for gay men comes from the association with anal sex and disgust with it. But I remember reading somewhere that for example in ancient Greece homosex was mostly thighfucking which is like the most sanitary way to have sex.
Thighfucking - the way to make homosexuality great again.
The bile also say you must kill people for working on Sunday.
Exodus 31:15