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"I can't stand black guys. I would never touch one", Paris Hilton speaks on her dating preferences
> Read more: celebritist.me
We Pop-Culture now !!
"I can't stand black guys. I would never touch one", Paris Hilton speaks on her dating preferences
> Read more: celebritist.me
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Seriously...talk crap all you want BUT:
The Jews don't like her and she doesn't like Jews. Jew media always mocked her and there was one episode a few years ago when one of her closer friends called Sarah Silverman anti-semitic names.
Lindsay Lohan hanged out with her a lot when the Jews were obviously after Lindsay to the point where Randy Quaid said she was in danger along with Mel Gibson. Like Paris was protecting her.
Once told a cab driver that faggots are gross, that they have an obnoxiously high sex drive (yes i know the predictable remarkes and jokes you will make but that was BASED as fuck)
Says she will never date black guys.
Its a shame she is a stupid whore who has done nothing any any note.
she came out in support of ICO cryptocurrency too. Is she /ourgal/?
Okay. She may represent Jewish degeneracy herself but she appears to have guts and not sold herself to the Jews totally, if that is the case i respect that.
But imagine if /our/ ideas reach a critical mass where the celebrities and entertainers that haven't sold their souls to the JEWlluminati start to "come out of the closet"?? That would be a major victory.
Paris Hilton voted Trump too
I did not know that. Another interesting fact about her...
I've never had anything against her
Anyone who stands up to the Multicult is welcome
ICOs are Jewish tricks.
is Paris Hilton /ourgirl/?
kek she is way too skinny for black guys
she made a good sex tape. not much of an accomplishment but based on the lack of good real sex tapes she actually is good at something.
photoshop !
seeing how letterman treated her was a bit of a hint for me, he always went harder on people who's politics didn't align with his far left beliefs
that doesn't look remotely real
Thats pretty much every single white woman, blacks are ugly.
Yep. You have sharp eye. That whole thing was obviously a trap. The Jew media never liked her but put her out there because people have interest in her.
Dude...for niggers she is a genetic Olympus. Niggers are racial-realists, they know where the genetic superiority is.
>standing next to is the same as dating
I can post white women getting fuck by dog too.
That's show business shit...a world of make believe, who cares? It means nothing.
lmao THOTS and principals do not mix
did i just lose it?
>The book doesn’t only reveal that the multimillionaire celebrity had breast implants surgery her 14 years old (although the implants were later removed) but also demonstrated a transcribed talk with Paris Hilton where she is left exposed as a racist.
>HILTON: I went out with that guy last night.
>Interviewer: Which guy?
>HILTON (points to an actor in Saving Private Ryan): We were making out, but then we went somewhere where it was bright and I saw he was black and made an excuse and left. I can't stand black guys. I would never touch one. It's gross. (pauses) Does that guy look black to you?
>Interviewer: How black does a guy have to be? HILTON: One percent is enough for me. Maybe was she referring to Vin Diesel? Anyway, this fomented the frivolous image that Paris Hilton has and not only that but added the racist “tag” to it.
Dating preference is RACIST white people!! Never forget that.
lol i wonder how ape shit (((people))) are gonna go when they wake tomorrow and see a white woman saying what every white woman thinks aloud
wtf i love paris hilton now?
Why are you posting pictures that are either photoshopped, mean nothing or are not even her?
Negro, go lust after the sheeboons in the ghetto and leave this thread alone. We are talking White Race talk here.
alright thx for the laugh m8
That picture is from House of Wax where she made out with Robert Ri'chard and had sex with him on camera before her character was killed.
A. I'm not black
B. I think she is trash
C. She is obvious a liar
>t. vin diesel
Paris Hilton has taken more black cock than the Kardashians.
She didn't. Call her a slut all you want but she is of the Hilton Clan, she likes fancy things. White cock is the Faberge Egg of cocks.
That one is a shameful race-traitor slut. But she once made a few funny racist remarks on twittier.
>good sex tape
Bitch can't even suck dick.
They wont give a fuck. She said the same thing back in 2009. Can't tell if you're a shut in millenial cocksucker or a middle aged faggot trying to stay hip by talking about something that happened in 2009
I heard she was genuinely nice in person when not putting on her act too
archive it you nu/pol/ fuckstain.and no, ill wait till you do it
she's part of the old wasp blue blood Establishment. she probably doesn't even consider non whites to be human.
I bet she's a fan of Richard Spencer
She must compensate by being gangbanged by 10 black men & drink their love juice
This triggers the straya
LOL @ LARPing white sumpremist who think this slut is anything but a degenerate coke whore.
Pick one.
Meme it until she gets "culturally enriched".
>Paris Hilton has taken more black cock than the Kardashians.
im not saying she's never burned coal but:
literally impossible