According to western women white christian males are oppressing them
What can we do to make society more progressive?
According to western women white christian males are oppressing them
take away women's right to vote would be a good start
Let women in on the boy's club. Stop getting all quiet in your group of guys when a woman walks by at work. Stop assuming men do everything better than women.
Where's my sandwich cunt
Men don't do everything better than women?
Is this the most recent photo of her OP???
>Let women in on the boy's club. Stop getting all quiet in your group of guys when a woman walks by at work.
Oh yeah, because girls totally don't stop their girl talk when a hot guy walks in.
Stop listening to western women.
Do the opposite of this, men need an outlet
Men who treat women like men either offend women or fail to convince them that they're treating women the way they treat men.
but we keep letting in the women who shit on the fun and don't actually want to be in the club, they just want to watch it burn
>What can we do to make society more progressive?
We all get sex changes and become women. And not a single sausage will remain on earth.
And we shall have a fussy bitchy utopia.
And all die. Leaving nothing after. Progress!
it's not because you're a girl it's because you over-involve yourself in their nonsense then want to back out halfway when they unload emotion onto you. if you really are interested in the conversation, ask them. they might be confused why girls don't just use kegels instead of tampons. I sure am.
>Western women are the most privileged living beings in history
>oppressing by white men
Tell them go to africa with the new tribe they favored over their own
this happens so often and it's infuriating. the fucking stupid goys don't even understand when i explain why the group dissolved too, or they act like i'm a sexist retard.
bluepill men are fucking worse than feminists.
Fuck them right in the pussy
fuck progressivism. Redpill women into fine steampunk hotties.
Progressive? Fuck off you commie POS. Women are different to men. Each have their distinctive advantages. Where they differ isn't an inequality, you faggot pushover.
women are not people
>this happens so often and it's infuriating. the fucking stupid goys don't even understand when i explain why the group dissolved too, or they act like i'm a sexist retard.
>bluepill men are fucking worse than feminists.
They almost legitimize transgenderism if that weren't a mental disorder called gender dismorphia already.
trans people do the same thing women do in those scenarios, they infiltrate and make everyone kowtow to them and demand all the attention, or they throw a fit. (They did this in the linux/open source community,gaming, many others)
why is it that the trans rate of men->women is way higher than women->men. it's for ATTENTION.
men stupidly let things like this happen becase
(and someone else said this but i forgot who, and it's a really good quote)
Men will do anything for pussy
and men will do anything to avoid tantrums.
beta retards are destroying our way of life thinking they are going to get pussy or to stop some future tantrum they think women will put on.
Oppresss them.with.muh DICK
This explains the "Wachowski brothers". They don't do interviews bc they don't want to be fame or attention yet both of them in their 30s end up trans... Statistically, that tell me you're an attention whore mental patient.
I'm going to marry August!
My bullshit radar has detected a rather sizeable hamplanet in nearby