Salon's stock value is down to 13 cents a share. could we start a crowdfund to buy it and turn it into real news?
Buying out Salon?
Change the name to user?
>Not SSalon
Come on user...
16.5mil? good luck with that.
would be funny af thou ...
lets do this pls
>buy salon stock shares
>literally boost wealth of salon owners
You can't buy out a controlling share of salon stock. The major share holders won't sell it cheap.
Purchase it in the inevitable bankruptcy and hire Anglin as editor.
Just let it die
a domain name is like 4 dollars ,nigga
a vps is like 20bux a month nigga
I'm in so long as we take all their content and replace the lead pictures with the appropriate smuggies.
13 cents? It's also a long weekend in the USA... It could be up 30 cents on Monday.
Are all you Right Wingers so shitty and money? I get you're poor because you're stupid, and bitter because you're poor...but 13 cents?
all white males buy $NEO
stocks are for kikes and numales
Yeah, but they can sell more than 50% to Sup Forumsacks as a whole
$16.5 Million market cap. It's a stretch
Daily Stormer should buy it.
They created a monster.
If this were pulled off and it could actually wind up being a really lucrative investment..
You could try to meme the shit out of this and see what happens with the shares ...
This. If enough anons buy a reasonable amount of the shares then our politics will have influence over Salon. We could theoretically change the whole website if I understand this correctly.
the digits check out.
The only problem is share price will rise if there's any hint of people trying to buy it out.
It would take 100$ per 70k people,
digits are still checking out.....
The price will go up as more and more polacks are buying.
If you can still make a public offer though.
nice try salon shareholder
A public offer looks this way: I offer to buy the shares for a little more than the traded price, people trade in and get the money at my price.
This is awesome
I don't get it.
t. stupid goy
Why bother? It'll continue to crash, buy when it is at five cents a share. Smart business.
I wish we could
Sup Forums is already our news outlet
>up 30% on the day
Yes, let's buy them out goy-- uh -- pedes. That'll show 'em.