Why doesn't minimum wage increase proportionally to inflation and the cost of living?
Why doesn't minimum wage increase proportionally to inflation and the cost of living?
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Because every ideology and society needs a serf class to survive.
Labor surplus
But they do? Oh, you live in America
There would be fewer debtors and the Jews would lose power
>t. jewish excuse
We may never know.
Because it's only a sop to test society and drive down the baseline towards subsistence over time, while distracting everyone with the specter of inflation and the lie that a growing economy should still have everything getting more expensive over time.
Immigrants and jews
If the government skims the cream, then it is your job to drink the whey.
open wide slave
>muricans have to beg and scrape to get a $10 an hour job
>meanwhile i can make $25 an hour no experience required at a call centre
if only you guys realized just how third world you really are
rich people make more money because no one notices
Some european states under socialist governments, including us, at one point tried this. Unsurprisingly for anybody that actually has a grasp of economics, it ended very quickly (1975-1991) as the only result were:
- More inflation, almost getting out of control
- Heavy burden on public finances
- Increase in illegal and unregistered jobs and payments.
t. pajeet australian
Australia has one of the highest unpaid overtime of any country.
My friend was making less than me over there working a professional job. It was laughable. And if you account the value of the money. It was pitiful. Stop lying fag.
I made $550 today just by driving 30km and closing a valve on a truck. Took me less than a 1 1/2 hours total and its currently 11:05am here.
>B-but blue collar is a meme
Who cares, but why is she so perfect?
>anecdotal evidence
>But they do? Oh, you live in America
>kike excuse
You can't have a labour shortage when you can make hundreds of millions of them around the world each year, especially if you don't make the effort to make more jobs. It's the kike strategy you dunce: Increase in demand for basic commodities, combined with an inflated supply of labour. Immigration's great for increasing wealth gaps within our borders.
Have private unions negotiate your salary, and give them by law power to organize strikes.
immigration? jesus christ it's not that difficult burger
>Have private unions
>implying modern unions care about workers
We get a raise every year.
I thought you guys were living in a zombie like situation
Which is it boers
Do you seriously believe this?
>hello yes I have brown skin
Your country is working surprisingly fine to be honest. Probably the last one in Western Europe together with Switzerland and Norway.
I would say this place is deteriorating faster than OP's anus at this point, might as well try jewing my way out of here before everything comes crashing down.
Macron is looking towards Denmark for inspiration on how to reform the French labour market
>The Danish labour market is regulated by the trade unions and the employers’ organisations. The organisations represent the majority of workers and companies in the labour market. Around 67 % of the Danish workers are members of one of the trade unions, and a lot of the companies are also members of the employers’ organisations.
>Trade unions represent the workers, while employers’ organisations represent the companies. The trade unions are typically organised according to economic sector and educational background. Some of the employers’ organisations are also organised according to sector, but the bigger ones include many sectors.
Great idea retard, you should move to Venezuela
1975 - 1991, I'm guessing most people could afford to buy and own property such as houses during this period. Then free markets fucked everything right?
But 92 to present the ((economy)) has done well and the proles such as yourself think you have done better in life because you have an iPhone instead of your own house.
It's shocking that this isn't your number 1 priority already
Well we always try to stay and fix the situation, but at this point fighting a civil war is pointless. We have nothing to gain as our country is slowly being sold to chinese and indian (Gupta) corporations, so even if we won we would still lose.
pls don't post kumiko
Suuure veneswala totally did that
Increasing the amount of dollars instead of increasing the value of each dollar seems like a death spiral to venezuela-dom
Minimum wage is like taking asprin when you have pneumonia.
Why don't you ask about (((inflation))) instead?
It does in 1st world countries.
A lot of the problem is Americans tend to live well about their means. It's a common sight to see obvious poor people walking around with the latest iPhone and designer bags. Not even $15 will save them.
Just remember, you or the dudes in Rhodesia never actually lost.
All I can do is apologize for living in a country that did this to you. It actually disgusts me
>Paying minorities more money
no it doesn't
check your housing prices
>minimum wage
why not wages in general ?
Actually you couldn't be far from the truth.
The best years for Italian economy were 1953-1967, 1984-1989 (but only due to massive deficit spending), and 1994-2002.
But nice shitposting, kiddo.
>typical Sup Forums
Your country played a role in in with Kennedy
>Why doesn't minimum wage increase proportionally to inflation and the cost of living?
So that your CEO can afford a slightly more expensive lunch.
>Why doesn't minimum wage increase proportionally to inflation and the cost of living?
it is here, its great if you make minimum wage and the government isn't lying about the inflation numbers.
Why does my love of Kumiko increase proportionally to the amount of times she gets posted?
muh minimum wage! You should know that any increases in the minimum wage will be met with increases in prices and general inflation. It's just there so you can't replace workers with 2 dollar per hour Mexicans.
Because then people with real jobs get fucked when everything gets more expensive. Which in turn fucks the entire economy because middle class normies have less spending money.