Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Spooky Editon

Upcoming events:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>We are going to start translating and converting all english memes in Germans.. An example of this would be taking a smuggie, translating the mug liberal into German and slapping a CDU logo on his shirt..
>The Chad/Virgin meme is hot right now too so we could make some of those as well but let's start with the smuggies. It I'll be easy and fast
>Ignore shills, don't reply to Schulz/Antifa faggots/defeatists

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal



TV-Duell Sat1

>Wahlwerbespot der AfD

>Buzzfeed about us Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.






Who the fuck should Americans support in this?
Tell us like we are stupid, krauts.
I really can't see any food outcome for you guys.
Where am I wrong?

AFD could become kingmaker, but more likely the single biggest opposition party.

>Who the fuck should Americans support in this?
If you like Germany, the AfD otherwise all the other parties

Bump the greens under 5%


Today at 20:15 is the next TV debate onmARD

Böhmermann BTFO

>The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters.
I'd like to add that it's not only to put up posters, it's all kinds of stuff that needs to be done: distribute flyers and stuff into mailboxes, man info booths (together with experienced guys, of course), help prepare locations for speeches, look for posters being damaged/stolen, go to local meetups to discuss plans/ideas etc.

Every single person and every single hour helps.


Look at that fucking cuck in there. What the fuck is wrong with men nowadays, going around spouting sexist bullshit against their own gender? Why don't these people just kill themselves, if the world is so much better off without people like them?

Crime statistics 2016


Wagecuck bump


Mr. Brexit is on our side

Guys? Can someone please tell me something uplifting? I think my morale is shot. I feel completely drained lately; saw an AfD election rally in my town the other day and offered to hand out fliers for them being that I already deliver packages and newspapers and such for a living anyway, but it turns out they don't have a presence in my town, the next office is two train hours away. I can't afford to regularly go to their events and they brushed off my offer. I want to do something but can't reach anyone. I want to somehow help fix this shit but I seem to be completely powerless. Even my family is against me for reasons they staunchly refuse to explain. Is there even something a lone poorfag with low mobility can do to help? It all feels so fucking pointless. I'm actually begging you here; where or what can I take hope from? Is there anything?

Bei dem TV-Duell Video auf Youtube waren (sind?) Dislikes blockiert



>Is there even something a lone poorfag with low mobility can do to help?
Spread memes and redpills online on FB and twitter

>Eine Sprengstofflänge Abstand halten

I tried. But I really do mean "lone" as in "alone". There's noone I'm aware of I would reach over my FB (the content is still only visible to people whom you've "friended" right?), and I never even got a twitter for that exact reason.


This will be much more polarized than the bullshit yesterday. Second consecutive day of meme warfare on social media!

Auf FB kannst du zum Beispiel unter Post von Nachrichtenseiten wie Welt oder Zeit deine Kommentare schreiben, die sehen auch Leute die du nicht als Freunde hast.

Twitter ist langfristiger, dort musst du eher Netzwerken um etwas zu erreichen, oder dich selbst in die Trends pushen mit fake accounts

I think I will simply give in and stop caring as best I can. But for what it's still worth: I really look up to you guys. Good luck with everything.

Oh? That is a thing? And here I was going to just give up. Scratch then.

I'll see what I can do.

Auf Twitter würde ich als Mädchen/Frau larpen. Man bekommt viel schneller Follower


Notiert. Ich glaub ich konzentrier mich aber auf das Facebook-Nachrichten-Ding, das klingt eher so als würde es mir liegen.



He is one of the two leading candidates of the green party. The other one (a woman) is also on the picture.


Go to the grassroots. Read OP and act accordingly!
Even the stupid Buzzfags "found our oh so conspiratorial boards and '''''secret''''' chatrooms".
We're """famous""" nao ... lel
Spread the memes, user but since you're located in a small town, I'd instruct a low key approach.

You could also check out this discord

Yeah, do it online. Write comments in newspaper comments sections, post on well-frequented Facebook and Twitter accounts of news outlets (TV and print), but keep it civil, of course (lest you get banned).

Did you sign up at the link in to donate some time? They'll most likely give you a call back and you can check with that person if there is anything you can do, maybe the guys at the event were stressed out. They'll most likely enter you into a database of volunteers, you can ask if they know of any other supporters close to you who might be able to give you a ride to events. You can also post on your regional AfD Facebook page and check there ("anyone near Bumfuckhausen who can give me a ride to events, I'd like to help" or the like).

If there is really no other possiblity, and you have a few Euro to spend, you can also go to this site:
and buy some stuff yourself, some stickers or Einkaufswagenchips (leave them in the cart for the next person; might not be much, but it's subtle and shows we're out there, and it's a positive experience for that person) or even posters.

Anyway, when you're "on the list" you might also get emails with internal events in your area, and even if it's not close by, if you go there once you might be able to find someone there who can give you a ride, maybe halfway, dunno.

It's tough, but as said, in the very least there's always online campaigning, and everything helps, so just keep on fighting!

Let's archive it

>buzzfeed com/karstenschmehl/willkommen-in-der-welt-von-discord-teil1?utm_term=.bjPX13XAMO#.rnjgMpgnZ2

>Twitter ist langfristiger, dort musst du eher Netzwerken um etwas zu erreichen,
It's similar to Facebook, really; just follow the big news accounts, and comment on their related posts (election, immigration, culture etc) as quick as possible. Anyone opening that tweet or wanting to comment themselves will then read it.

Also you can still comment on some news sites directly, national and regional. Just get your point of view out there as much as possible.

Buzzfeed is still observing us.

>It's similar to Facebook,
Yeah if you just want to comment it's the same thing but getting into the trends is more complicated


I think the plan was to show people "see, the CDU and SPD have answers to these problems, too, and they are just as tough as the AfD!"
It's a show to mislead the voters, as Merkel said at one point to Schulz: "Wir versuchen hier doch nur, uns an Härte zu übertreffen, weil Wahlkampf ist."
It's a fucking clownshow/propaganda.


afd needs to gain at expense of cdu.
If this happens to a large extend, merkle is weakend within her party cdu, she might be disposed of internally or weakened so she can't continue her agenda anymore.
Merkle is tolerated by large parts of cucked cdu only because they think she pulls vote, take that away: lame dukc

how long till the red pills hit him?

Bizarrely enough I notice that I now almost feel insecure about getting to do something at last. I'll call it stage fright and check out those links. Thanks, everybody.

>Yeah if you just want to comment it's the same thing but getting into the trends is more complicated
Indeed, close to impossible to create a trend on your own, I reckon, but we can always hijack established hashtags.
I remember in the meme war of 2016, you could hijack the daily hashtags like #MondayMotivation or #WednesdayWisdom and post some fitting memes. E.g. pic related, this would fit for anything motivational.

Currently, the top-trending hashtag for Germany on Twitter is #Schulstart. This means children, so we can make tweets about the future of our children, about leftist indoctrination in education, about making schoolchildren uncertain about their sexual identity ("You have a penis, but maybe you're a girl!! Wouldn't that be great?") and so on and so on.

>eleven fucking percent

haahahahahaha oh wow Like you realy thought afd would have a chance like just wow dawg just wow


guilt by association, the most base logical fallacy fot the intellectual pleb


Resolution too high for potato computer need potato version

>Buzzfeed cuck
>taking the redpill


>Sie hatte sich in der Asylbewerberunterkunft mit mehreren Bewohnern getroffen. Auf dem Heimweg soll dann das Unfassbare passiert sein

Fotzen holocaust wann?

Germans simply can't meme.

>Fotzen holocaust wann?

ich weiß schon. Der hat schon seine Meinung oft genug bestätigt bekommen, lesen hat der sicher nicht mehr nötig

Yeah, that's human. Just push through it regardless, you can stop anytime you wish.

seriously though, we can't let pussfeet get their hands on the pisstapes

>Like you realy thought afd would have a chance
Goes to show how little you understand about the elections

Don´t worry, it hurts only in the beginning, after a while she enjoyed it.

you really think your meme team is going to win? They're not even gonna get seats in Parliament. Even if they get above 4%, mama Merkel is going to step in and physically remove them.

Another site is reporting about us

I think it's the same burger (or Ronnie troll with a proxy) making always the same post. Just disregard.

>Schon am Anfang der Live-Übertragung (hier das TV-Duell im Ticker nachlesen!) musste sich Strunz von Schulz korrigieren lassen: Er hatte den SPD-Chef mit einer Flüchtlingsaussage verkürzt zitiert, dieser habe die Flüchtlinge als „Gold“ bezeichnet. Schulz stellte klar, dass er wert legt auf die vollständige Nennung des Zitats: „Was die Flüchtlinge zu uns bringen, ist wertvoller als Gold.“

Inwiefern ist das skandalös und nazi, dass Strunz ihn mit "die Flüchtlinge sind so wertvoll wie Gold" zitiert hat, das eigentliche Zitat aber "wertvoller als Gold ist"???

warum haben die nen geileren Deutsch-Pepe als ich REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Die Motherboard Redakteure behaupten, die Kraut/pol/ Anons sind des Kampfes müde! Seid ihr bereit diesen Kampf fortzusetzen, bis der Sieg in unseren Händen ist?“

Die Journalisten behaupten, die Kraut/pol/ Anons hat keine Lust mehr, sich der überhand nehmenden Memearbeit zu unterziehen. Seid ihr entschlossen das Letzte für den Sieg herzugeben?“

Die Lügenpresse behaupten, die Kraut/pol/ Anons wehren sich gegen die totalen Mememaßnahmen des OPs. Es will nicht den totalen Meme-Krieg, sagen die Journalisten, sondern die Kapitulation. Ich frage euch: Wollt ihr den totalen Meme-Krieg? Wollt ihr ihn, wenn nötig, totaler und radikaler, als wir ihn uns heute überhaupt erst vorstellen können?“

can't you be arrested for posting a nazi frog online?

Vice mal wieder zu dumm um inzu Statistik.
Deutschland hat mehr Einwohner als Canada, Australien und Schweden zusammen und trotzdem sind die Schweden nur knapp hinter den Deutschen und die Kanadier vorne genauso wie die Australier.

Was soll das?

Warum sind deutsche Journalisten immer so behindert?

Can't make this shit up.

In germany you can be arrested for disagreeing with merkel in a polite fashion.

Germany is basically north korea.
It's important to notice that the GDR completely took over west germany.

Angela Merkel was raised in a north korea style system and was a hardcore commie and switched to the west german conservative party as a adult.
Nobody in their right mind can believe that decades of commie programming didnt leave their marks.

Do better then.


Das Originalzitat war wohl "Was die Flüchtlinge zu uns bringen ist wertvoller als Gold: der Glaube an Europa" oder so.
Was eigentlich eine noch hirnverbranntere Aussage ist.

Ich bin mit euch

Kraut/pol/s get observed by lefties media and I assume the german intelligence service is watching us too.

Call the Führer I don't give a fuck

why would they think tere is a surprisingly large number of german posts on Sup Forums?
Why are they so easily surprised generally?
Thea really think they are hot chit, don't they

Sheesh, stop it with the kindergarten insults.
Americans DO meme better you retarded nigger, that's why we're here and not on krautchan.

For leftists, everything is either shocking and horrifying or beautiful and powerful. There's no middle ground.

I would take gold over violent crime anytime.

well, lets hope or help that this pseudointellectual faggotry backfires

Na, wenn alle so empört darüber sind, dass ganze Werbung im Sinne der bösen AfD war, dann kann die Sendung ja gar nicht so schlecht gewesen sein. Ich persönlich hab es nicht gesehen, krieg Bluthochdruck von TV Duellen dieser Art.

Because they (and the left in general) have an utterly limited view of "the world", which mostly only translates to their own tiny area of experience. Like how they use "minorities" only in the sense of their own neighborhood/country, how they judge people just based on their own anecdotal evidence ("I know a few Turks personally, and they are peaceful and well integrated, and the guy at the Döner shop is always friendly when I buy there, so there really is no problem with insane mass immigration") etc.
They are unable to put things in a bigger context or to think long-term.

It's because leftists operate like women.
Either everything is lovey dovey and unrealistically nice or everything is so shocking that you have to stand there with your mouth agape, rolling your eyes like a carousel and being unable to utter anything than to repeat the statement you just heard in a disgusted way as a question and looking towards your peers for reaffirmation

>They are unable to put things in a bigger context or to think long-term.
Like seriously though.
Most german leftists cant into basic statistics even though they keep on bringing them up constantly

für jeden der das TVDuell verpasst hat

The moderators dropped some hard truths ("More than two thirds of Germans think the Islam does NOT belong to Germany") and put quite some pressure on them ("How long does it take to integrate the million refugees from 2015 alone, when only a tiny fraction of them have found jobs so far? Will this be a problem for my children, or even my grandchildren, still?" and Schulz said something like "it will take a generation, maybe" - "So, like, THIRTY YEARS?")

However, I think the greater plan of TV and the two politiclowns was as stated here:

how does one establish the following in the minds of a large part of a populace:
>always look where the most fake/manufactured moral outrage lies, there you might the truth' ??

Warum lässt man zwei Kommunisten die in der Refugeefrage sich nur uneinig sind wieviele Kanaken kommen sollen und nicht ob überhaupt welche kommen sollen 47 Prozent der Zeit darüber diskutieren.
Zumal beide Parteien derzeit in Regierungsverantworung sind,.
Kann mir das jemand erklären?


Yeah, requesting that Kartoffelpepe. They surely must've gotten it here somewhere?

>be german
>vote afd
>go back home proud of your decision
>there are 3 gestapo SPD agents waiting at your door
>"we heard you have right wing tendencies,Hans. I'm sorry but Nazis have no place in Merkel's Reich"
>get shot
>your body is never discovered
>people will just assume you went missing forever

well said

Und Pepe sagte zu ihnen: kommt mir nach, so will ich euch Menschenfischer werden lassen.

Arbeitsmarkt, Rente, Steuern, Sicherheit.. das sind ja alles Themen, auf die sich die Flüchtlingspolitik gravierend auswirkt. Sind die dann in den 47% enthalten, oder wird das separat gezählt?