The absolute state of Sup Forums, I got banned from Sup Forums simply for disliking the new "death note" movie.
for real, why are mods in this web site all tumblr SJW shills?
The absolute state of Sup Forums, I got banned from Sup Forums simply for disliking the new "death note" movie.
for real, why are mods in this web site all tumblr SJW shills?
What did you say exactly OP?
Probably because it's a LIVE-ACTION movie, not an anime.
Oh my god, OP. You're a special kind of stupid.
I said
I got replied
>It was a good adaptation
then banned
is this irony?
well there's the problem
why? its just me expressing my displeasure
Sup Forums has very strict regulations in terms of shitposting, no plebbit tier garbage is allowed, write legible english, no pepes, no wojaks or rage comics, no nsfw, I think there's a crackdown on non-anime reaction pictures too
Sup Forums is an anime ethnoboard now, you either keep the "highy quality posts" and only anime rule or you'll get instabanned
nah i dont think so, is a tumblr hole, full of the type of people that actually ruined anime
ok keep whining then that you can't shitpost like an autist and just not go there anymore
You should get banned from Sup Forums for posting in Sup Forums weeb
Sup Forums is a private company they can ban you if they want
this thread isn't politics that's for sure, but anime will always be your overlord here little cuckface
>And they ask why most people dislike anime weebs.
Leave /a alone you goddamn plebbitor
this is the type of faggot butthurt i was taking about
censorship is politics, and given that the death note movie was a total SJW anti "white male" propaganda, I dont see a problem with this being here
you can always go back to your beloved anti anime website, SA, oh hang on that doesn't exist anymore, then it's successor plebbit
no one will miss you
larping flag
I am not a weeb, not like Sup Forums faggots, Sup Forums faggots ruined anime
>Death Note is a 2017 American dark fantasy psychological thriller film based on the Japanese manga of the same name
it was made by americans what do you expect
also do consider the following post on Sup Forums such as
"I don't like the death note movie" - ok
the anime subculture sucks, its just coopted by faggots just like comic books
I am just a regular person that likes some animes, not a tumblr SJW weeb
funny how you cunts whine all day about foreigners ruining your culture and then the first thing you do is try to go and ruin someone else's culture
as I said >>>/reddit/
you faggots ruined it first you retard, anime wasnt like this 15 years ago
The mods were wrong, OP. You deserved a site-wide ban instead of a board ban.
Please never come back, I'm serious.
fuck off, you just said you don't watch anime and hate weebs, then you go to Sup Forums to shitpost, just kill yourself
not to mention that the consensus on Sup Forums was that the death note movie was a pile of american garbage
but I guess you wouldn't care about that, you just want some basis to shitpost about your hated "weebs"
Quality post. But seriously, I don't browse Sup Forums or even watch anime but I still know they hate that shit.
>original weeb
>tumblr weeb faggot
get it?
more like
>been on Sup Forums for more than a decade and has seen 500+ anime
>watched 2 or 3 gateway shows and now bitch about weebs
Sup Forums is one of the worst boards on the site. It's been full of redditors for years
>anarchy flag
yeah i'd prob ban you too
It's a fucking Sup Forums board who gives a fuck
They jerk off to drawings of schoolgirls it doesn't require some elaborate bureaucracy
global rule 3.
Sup Forums is only an exemption because it's treated as Sup Forums, aka a pile of shit
>500+ anime
95% of which are pure shit, i know the deal
please, thats nothing. Here its worse. You must swear allegiance to Master Jewgle or your threads get banned.
Sup Forums being shit is LITERALLY why the rest of the site exists. who the fuck would unironically go there?
you're still a retarded newfag, no one would ever accept you for a weeb because you watched half of death note
I think its because you started a movie thread on the anime board.
every other board only exists to have a basis for banning any non anime discussion on Sup Forums
hey you saw my post?, I also mentioned i could stomach only half the movie
I didn't watch the movie because I don't care about some live action shit made by americans, like any proper weeb
also pretty ironic that you complain about anime being sjw when this is literally what western tv is
hell my mom was watching that dr bones or whatever show on tv the other day, I took a glimpse at it and they were going on about how homophobes are in fact closet homosexuals and in native american tribes homosexuals were called "two spirits"
like holy fucking shit, this is what you're shilling for right now
I think it's because OP didn't even lurk on Sup Forums for at least 2 years before posting. Anyone with half a brain knows that REEE shit is bad form on Sup Forums.
>inb4 butthurt faggotry ala
We're just doing our best to tell people not to be retarded.
There's no point in newshits lurking Sup Forums at all. It's a garbage board
I don't even care that L is black, it's not that unbelievable for an American adaptation set in Chicago. It's bad because they totally fucked up on both L and Lights characterization, wrote out Misa, replaced her with a character who didnt exist in the original, and added shitty romance subplot. I don't think they really understood the source material or Japanese character archetypes, Light is basically a preppy Japanese chad, his American analog would be nothing like this movie.
you do realise that pol has the most redditors on the site right?
Sup Forums has (or at least used to have) standards, unlike the rest of this god forsaken place.
There's an picture of some guy opening threads on Sup Forums, Sup Forums & Sup Forums to ask for some decent anime to watch. Take a wild guess which board was the least help and the least knowledgeable...
I have opened 3 threads on Sup Forums on my 3 visits there (and I have been here for years, I don't go to Sup Forums anymore, it is only Sup Forums and /x/ these days), gor banned twice for the first two, and zero replies last time.
Sup Forums is an embarrassment.
Sup Forums doesn't pretend to be a high quality board at all
obviously, it is reddit2.0 garbage edition, don't blame other boards for having standards though
all requests belong to /wsr/
your fault for not reading the rules again
It's reddit on both sides you mong. Sup Forums was literally getting flooded with generals and the mods had to intervene
Sup Forums is for top tier waifu posts and advice on getting beyond sad panda only. Just how new are you?
>I said
This is actually a well thought out post. Your opinion should have been respected.
are you brain damaged?
slower boards tend to develop generals, and Sup Forums has been a slower board since they enforced the nsfw rule
I think that was a bad call personally, all the loli porn kept the redditards away and made the board faster
There is a stronger probability that Sup Forums is double-concentrated faggotry en-masse, user.
except generals were started on Sup Forums to contain MLP and Homestuck and then spread all over the website with the influx of newfags
>doesn't read the rules
>doesn't even bother to lurk the board culture
>whines when gets told to fuck off or banned
so it's the white people's fault that they don't follow sharia that the coming muslims want
Welcome to Sup Forums. Enjoy your ban and trannyporn
you shouldn't admit to using Sup Forums
I don't visit Sup Forums because why the fuck would I, but there's been strike witches alive and well generals and shit for a long time
Yeah look at where that line of thinking got us.
>no point
user there is always a point to lurking. Even in [s4s] it's pretty easy to spot some new friend coming from Sup Forums because of how they post and how they almost never get cool numbers and check they're fortune. Every board has its own set of unspoken rules and by ignoring that you'll get people like OP who stick out like a sore thumb, who go on and post to just say what they want to say and not incite any sort of meaningful discussion.
To repeat:
posting in an anime thread
I posted on Sup Forums once letting everyone know that excel saga is the best anime ever and they agreed with me.