Spitting laws

Just got told off by a PSO guard who walked from the opposite platform and told me it was dirty to spit ( i spat once ) and threatened me with a 380$ fine.

Welcome to australia.

You're disgusting

Damn son, next you'll be saying spit as lube is disgusting.

did ya tell the cunt to get a real job?

Told him to go fuck his mother.

I don't care if you spit on some poofter, i do care however when i step in your spitpuddle

I wish we had the same law here. Spitting is disgusting and literally only people doing it in public are teenagers who smoke.

>threatened me with a 380$ fine.
I wish we had that here. I had to get city shoes that I leave outside because all our pavements are covered by a 5mm layer of dried nigger spit.

Why? It din du nuffin

You should have gotten the citation.
Do you want a bunch of chinks spitting their tuberculosis spit all over the floor?

>spitting at a publicly used and maintained facility
>lol why am I in trouble

You stupid cunt.

Where the fuck are they when the chinese cunts get on at box hill and spit everywhere.

What if you had to spit? Well I guess you could go to the nearest washroom, but are you at least allowed to spit on the grass? Saliva is rich in nutrients.

chink detected

good, this isn't Iran

Dunno mate, also me and only one other person was on the platform. And he was on the other end far away.

White too.

No you didn't - you're Chinese. You stared at your shoes and pretended not to speak English and you've been brooding on this encounter all day thinking about what you would have told him (if the weather was better/if you had your running shoes on/if you could have teleported behind him, etc).

you should have got your tongue cut for damaging public property

I bet the PSO guards are just fucking bored. I was sitting on a train in to the CBD and some PSO's got on at frankston and started practically interrogating me about what I was doing, where I was going, if I was doing anything illegal and they got a conductor on to check my myki. They're annoying as shit.

>prison country

I spit because the phlegm caught in my throat is going to make me fucking ill. In4b do it into a napkin, no thanks im not carrying that shit in my pocket

What a bunch of cunts, no wonder the government doesn't want people to know how much they apent on the PSO shit.

Thats what you get for acting like a dirty nigger

This isnt china or Indonesia you fucked cunt. Spit in front of me in public and we've got a problem dumb cunt, probably javanese arent you, you dirty cunt?

They should've pushed you on to the live rail.

ew spitting is gross


You should be shot

stupid chink

The PSO cunts are never around when they are actually needed, it's so stupid. I dont remember the last time I've heard of a PSO being useful. There was a gang of 5 or 6 black "refugees" from ghanna that robbed a whole train carriage at collingwood station, my friend got her phone stolen by them, it wasnt on the news which isbullshit and the PSO's and Police were pretty much no where to be seen, took the police nearly 6 months to catch them.

Whatever the government is spending, its not worth it.

that's my man.

Shoulda axed him about the swallowing laws and axed for his mama's digits.

spitting is a maor factor in spreading TB, once spitting was outlawed TB dropped off dramatically and is the sole reason TB has receded in western populations. are you some sort of retard OP?

spotted the chink.
Go home gook, no one likes you there

It is dirty you fucking untermensch

Should have executed you on the spot, you disgusting fucking subhuman

>it wasnt on the news
of course it wasn't, that's just a non-event. nobody cares.

but everyone cares about corby getting on newstart, that's news!

Stop being a disgusting wog or asian then. Next time with a bit of luck you'll do it where there's no cameras and get pistol whipped.

You're probably a gook, only gooks spit.


>giving other people tuberculosis
Keep it to yourself you fucking animal

Good, I would increase the sentence to death, but I guess Australia is soft.

You'd get a fine here for spitting and littering as well. Welcome to the civilized world chink

I do it all the time and I'm a lawyer. I don't spit on areas people walk at though, only on the car road/ snow banks/ grass /train tracks etc

if you carry tissues, you can spit into the tissue and deposit it into the trash, scum.

>spiting on the ground
>in a city
>that's ok
nuke ausfailia asap.

If it was up to me youd get the Singapore treatment for spitting in public.

he's not Australian, he's a chink, and should be deported.

NAP violated, termination confirmed

Why are people like you here. Why even post this here?

This isnt OrwellianWatch. Theres a lot more people on goybook ironically concerned with authoritarianism poking into their lives. Go tell your spitting ordeal to them and preferably with your real account.

he should have arrested you

Spitting is a disgusting shitskin habit and is the reason tuberculosis has returned to my country despite being wiped out at one point.

Spitting is disgusting you filthy drongo cunt. Get the fuck back to india and shit in the streets there, and leave Australia to people who want to take pride in living here.

I was threatened by 6 cops with a 80 quid fine when I was drunk pissing up a wall once. SIX.

Meanwhile they are letting pakis rape 12 year olds.

Why the fuck are you spitting in the first place you degenerate


I hate when people spit on the streets.

I saw a guy that spat to the side while walking and hit a metal head's boot, tall like a mountain. Guy got smashed, it made my day.

It's the fucking city trash people mentality.
"Oh I can spit here, drop my cig there, make my dog piss on this doorstep. It's whatever man, we pay taxes for people to come and clean it".

Spitting is acceptable if you spit onto the grass or dirt, but if you spit onto a concrete sidewalk or something then it's pretty gross.

Your not denying it fag

The rain washes away the spit. You all getting your knickers in a bundle about a little organic material

Sup Forums is full of T_D bootlickers who love the feeling of a pigs trotter deep in their rectum

Absolutely disgusting

I'm indi but born Australian so im aussie.

Spitters should be curb stomped, so that their filthy mouths become the source of their greatest suffering

Well it is dirty to spit.
If you want to spit spit in a bush or something not on the fucking platform you fucking grub.

Couldn't you spit on the train tracks or a grassy/dirt area? Or fuck me, a bin? If you're spitting where people walk you're fucked, cunt.

spitting on the ground is degenerate and if I were in power the punishment would be extermination of 3 generations of the offender's family

Do you shit in the street also?

Do you bathe in fucking rivers?

Will you burn your mother alive when your father dies?
Leave your disgusting ways back in India.


gas for you and your family

As long as you benefit australia, I couldn't care less. I care about this cunt being disrespectful to my country

yeah, spitting is the reason. not the fucking pakis you import in masses.

hahaha fuck the cunts bro, next time spit on him and tell him his mother should've done the same

Shit, that will get you charged as a sex offender in America these days. Even if nobody is around and a cop just happens to drive by.

Fucking chink go back to China if you want to spit

>muh rain washes away s-spit
So now you've got plague-addled rats spreading that TB for SIX MONTHS OUTSIDE THE BODY just because you wanted to gob a fleb
Just KYS so that the rest of us might live

t. filthy abo

Unironically kill yourself

> aussies spitposting


Fuck you, you're a disgusting piece of shit. Don't spit in public, faggot.

This. I can't sit at a bench because there's a newly formed pool of spit in front of it because you disgusting shits can't stop drooling.


If you want to do this faggotry, go to poopistan or china, don't ruin cultured countries

spreading your hepatitis you filthy wog.


In New York I never seen such things, lel, maybe I am just lucky or do not see it

It's okay, in America, your spit can literally become (almost) president.

>spitting fines



Stop acting like a nigger / abo.

You sound like a degenerate, ky

Every time i see a flag like this i always imagine the poster is black and if asked why hes here hed unabashedly say "to complain about niggers, you know a better place?"

Only subhuman scum spit in public places.

Saliva is bad for sperm motility.

Cunts like you deserve a fucking night stick.

Are you a chink or something?

God damn you emu cucks got some bantz

this, nightstick up the clacker and another Sydney Labor voter

behave like a white person for fucks sake

tfw you see an old asian man block one nostril with his finger and blow a shot of snot out the other in the middle of a busy shopping centre. also tfw you see a bogan do the exact same thing but on the sidewalk.

I once saw an Asian guy openly take a piss at the edge of the Water in Brighton Let Sands, maybe 3m to the left of where people were swimming.

Use a napkin, drop in nearby trashcan. Or just into trashcan, period. Nobody wants to step in your slimy gob, you disgusting nigger.



hey we're getting a little culturally insensitive. its just asian culture to piss on people and blow snot out of your nose around people in public and spit in the garbage bins in shopping centre food courts.

I do nt think you can spit in Singapore either.
And. Fuck off, stay in your country of origin, and it all you want.
Come to Australia - learn to swallow.