What is your political stance on black people (read: ourselves), Sup Forums?

What is your political stance on black people (read: ourselves), Sup Forums?

they should become black nationalist and try to build up there own communities ,thats probably what 90% of pol believes.

They'd be fine if they were in their own ethnostate far away, to rise or fall on their own merits rather than be artificially propped up by bleeding heart Jew-brainwashed whites.
It is when the races are jumbled together that everything goes to shit.


Dont really have them here in canada, atleast that ive ever seen, so i cant say for sure.

Seem like a dumb wildcard kind of liability in other countries

Cut welfare.
Guillotine the criminals.
The rest left over are fine I guess

The mess your black community is in now is because of Jewish sabotage in the 1970s and 1980s.
You need to break the Jewish poison of gangster prison drug thug culture which is a disease peddled by the Hebrews.
A black family with a father and a community is no less worthy than a white family.
The cancer must be cured for the community to begin to heal
and aggressive tumors require aggressive treatment

I take a month break from Sup Forums to experience normal life for a stretch and come back to a guy unironically suggesting to guillotine people.

I love pol lol

I think he's joking man.
What they really need is to be bisected with a bladed pendulum that moves an infinitesimal notch lower with every swing.
I mean the Jews by the way, the black criminals can be rehabilitated maybe, we owe it to them to at least try.


Talented tenth does not make up for the other 90%. Ya gotta go bud

They should blame kikes or their.parents.for.shitty life

They should get their nigger genes edited out of them

Malcolm X advocated for White Nationalists (aka what mainstream media calls Nazis) to have their own land, government, lands and citizens and WNs condoned blacks having their own, separate land, culture and government in America so what's your question exactly? America has always been black and white we don't need spics, sandniggers and chinks.

I wish they'd stop committing so much crime and revert to the way they were in the 1940s. I don't think anyone actually hates them because of their skin color, that's just a bad Jewish meme. People hate them because the majority act like faggots.

We should just send them all back to fucking Africa.


I like them when they are kind and respectful. The ones running around with the oppression complex are insufferable and I have grown indifferent to their message and welfare.

only if you're based

Black people who are polite, civilized, want to work to look after their families are OK. No need to listen to the "more racist than thou" ShariaBlue shills who spam BASED BLACK MAN at anyone who acknowledges that there are many not-awful black people.
>isn't it hilarious that we've reduced the shills to impersonating the very strawman they hate so much?

But the following blacks can be low-key genocided as far as I'm concerned:
>entitled ghetto niggaz who are happy to live off welfare
>ghetto niggaz who are in gangs
>niggaz who go around impregnating white bitches
>niggaz who abandon their kids, white or otherwise
>obese waddling women who are rude to everyone and believe your only choices of response are "immediately think of something clever and funny to say in response to their zero-effort rudeness" or "be rayces"


sterilise all under 90 iq

give them an ethnostate in the south

I don't see a problem with them I just don't like the "thuggish" ones.

This. I fully support a stable black nation state that works in cooperation with other races to overthrow the Jewish overlords.