How do i fix my race

how do i fix my race

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You should kill yourself


You're doing fine. Ignore the naysayers.

get them to be fathers who stay with the moms/kids #1

you a straight up busta CJ

Go black nationalist, but not some kind of butthurt anti-white nationalist.
Focus on creating and elevating your own communities. Sure, white americans may be to blame partially, but there's more to do among yourselves.

If you fix yourselves, whites will lose 99% arguments against you.

Genocide is the only option left. I'm sorry, nigbro.

Bang asians non stop.

Be like Malcolm X and make a black ethnostate. Drive the jew and their filth out of the negro community.

Truth to be told, I despise jews far more than I despite blacks.

Stop blaming all of your problems on whitey. That's a start.

Our race isn't broken, We naturally have low IQ's and are disposed to be savaged.

Eugenics is our only plausible solution. Only blacks, Afro hispanics, and Africans with a 100+ IQ, No HIV, or a Criminal record would be allowed to migrate. There'd be absolutely no exceptions to these rules.

Anyone who showed any signs of sympathy or desire to spark liberal integration union for our mentally deficient brethren would be deported straight to the fucking motherland.

Our country's values and morals would center around nobility, honor, respect, and societal progress. We'd be elitist and consider ourselves well above the 3rd world gene pool we stemmed from/

dont be a bitch ass uncle tom. black people got it good nowadays. aint never been a better time to be black than now. white boys going extinct

Kill all of the niggers who are a part of your race, by that I mean those with a tendency for crime and violence, doing this will make them unable to reproduce and thus improves your race.

we gonna kill you first white boy

Seems like that image is targeted to hurt black women.

Why white girls?

They are dumb as bricks you won't fix your race like this, asians.

1). Get rid of your victimhood complex
2). Campaign to ban welfare
3). Invest in genetic editing
4). Try to change conception of education oneself as not 'acting white' but 'outcompeting white', or better yet not defining yourself based on another race

I see 7 black eyes and 7 black guys

The hilarity behind this post whether satirical or not is that it lacks the planning of what a black planet will actually look like. Good luck my low time preference friend.

Looking forward to it


Simple. You accept the superiority of the White man and accept a South Africa style system of racial hierarchy.

Everyone would benefit.


>believing the "white people going extinct" meme


Disconnect yourselves with white people. It's insane how much you guys are obsessed with us. You're your own race, stop injecting yourselves into our history.

You should start by making your own history, go try and fix South Africa or Zimbabwe. The countries are a joke now compared to when white people ruled.

I believe that Hip Hop culture pretty much ruined African Americans.

You should go back to this

and this

Literally eugenics. Either the classic way ir hope that the people that invent propper human genetic engeneering share it with you

B-but muh illuminati jay Z.

Get a better haircut cause your shit looks ridiculous, its like you have no respect for the community. Also eat a burger or 2 your looking too skinny......CJ

Race is nothing but bloodline.
You carry your own unique bloodline in your genes.Just make sure you have kids with a worthy woman who you trurly love and care for.

These, and start a back to africa movement while you're at it. Maybe be switch pleaces with the Afrikaners and Boers

That's a real struggle strategy going forward.

>Stay in school, kid... even if it's poorly funded and poorly managed.

He can't elevate his race when they're being paid not to work, barred from negotiating wages to get their foot in the door, and face tremendous regulatory complexity in operating a business.


They're both Filipinos, you're retarded.

Kek has a devious sense of humor

trump seems to have the black mans back
jobs are the answer
also resisting the ghetto thug culture pushed on black communities by an establishment elite that want to keep them down.

blacks used to be known for having strong families and being devout christians, naturally a lot of work had to be done to put an end to that

You cant. Become rich and move to africa away from the savages in a rich peoples place

niggers are ugly af

niggers are retarded and they are proud of it

use your BBC skills and fuck as many as possible white women

if you're SBC then kys because bbc is your only asset

I would like to see this, unironically. Godspeed

Yeah but, in case you haven't figured it out yet women don't really care about looks as much as you'd think. For them and, their evolutionary phycology it's more about status and, security in that order.

learn knowlege of self...

The kill a bunch of alt right member...

If enough of you repeat that, you can kill all the racists and your race will eventually fix itself.

all you had to do was to gas the kikes CJ

Paint it white

alot niggers are gonna be standing on air soon!

good idea.

Good luck fratre

Go back to africa.

No way will this end in more racism and, blacks in jail. Great plan Malik shekelberg. What could go wrong?

All you have to do is stay in front of the train

Why the fuck do you guys keep telling us that like it's a rational option?

Its a novel idea, but it would never work. What people of all races have come to understand is that no matter how intelligent blacks get, they still revert to being niggers. You can let in only blacks that have 100 or better IQs and the instant they group up with one other black, no matter how educated each one is, they will chimp out.

Blacks don't have the makeup to make it in a civilized nation. They just don't. The don't even have what it takes to make it in the majority of Africa. Its a fact that whites are the only reason that the majority of Africans are still alive. We send our money so that they can just exist. Blacks in America are taken care of hand over foot by whites. Without whites they would go extinct.

It isn't just a matter of intelligence, its a matter of genetics. Blacks, even when educated, almost always lack sympathy, empathy, morals, ethics, etc. I have met several blacks smarter than i was. Doctors, pharmacists, etc. But each one I worked around had 2 different sides. The professional side they showed at work, and when they got off work, it was straight to the nigger mentality.

Niggers are a form of subhuman. It just is what it is. There is no place in America for niggers. Look at every place they go to? They destroy it. Even intelligent blacks would do the same. It is their nature. I am sorry but the only solution is either mass suicide or i guess being sent back to Africa. But i would feel bad for the animals and land if more blacks were put back in Africa. They are just a plague.

Create a section of black National Socialists.

we're going to do a theocratic dictatorship that will operate worldwide and control the central banks. you can become a priest for your people and they will learn from you how to improve themselves and feel good about that. we're all going to work together. yes, some whites want an ethnostate, but i think most will be fine living in a pluralist society, provided we have a single state religion (of truth)

We can't, OP. All we can hope is that the intelligent beta versions of us rise up to eliminate the thug dindu tribe. It's the only way.

either don't breed or use a sperm donor. asian seems to work well with black.

It wasn't the music culture, lol. Even back in the 60s and 70s when music was more clean cut and soulful, black still chimped out the same. Blacks were the exact same back then. They always talk about how things were better back then and how the family was more intact and stable and how the men were good fathers, etc.

It is all a lie though. They acted the same. It was just not culturally acceptable to abandon babies all day long. They were still niggers. They still did all the things niggers nowadays do. There was, nor has ever been a golden age of blacks. They have always been this way. It is what they are. There is no way to fix it. The only thing that should be learned from it, is that blacks should be kept out of any civilzied nation.

What's the point in going "back to africa"? I'll never understand this meme. It's a big place. We don't know which part and are no longer connected culturally.

Your one to talk you filthy sand nigger. White women in the USA find blacks repulsive as a group, so banging white chick is not really an option. The same goes to you muhamad. You and your pedophile prophet. You are on equal footing with niggers. You are one and the same.

The point is that nobody cares what part you go back too. The world just wants you gone. They don't care if you are culturally seperated or not. They don't care if you live or die or not. They just want you gone out of their countries. And you brought that on yourself.

>White women in the USA find blacks repulsive as a group, so banging white chick is not really an option.
>the delusion

Move to Sweden and live like the Kang you are.

>. And you brought that on yourself.

Nigga I didn't do shit. They are the ones that brought us into there shitty capitalist societies where no one cares about anyone.

breed with jews to incease iq

As one of your niggas for a gun.
Find black lives matter activists
Say its their fault.
Then off yourself

>White women in the USA find blacks repulsive as a group

is this what your girlfriend told you :D

don't believe everything women say to white boys kek

based turk

black-mexican-muslim alliance when?

Again it will never work. Blacks do not belong in a civilized society. Finding a black man who is intelligent, has ethics, morals, sympathy, empathy, a good sense of patriotism, and who just wants to live the best life he can and provide for his famiily, is even rarer than finding the needle in the haystack. Yet the majority of american whites, native americans, and asians all have those values.

Intelligent blacks act just like unintelligent blacks. They can be smart, but they still act like niggers. They still have the nigger mentality. They always will. An intelligent black man alone may seem like a pretty good guy. Then that same black guy gets around another black (intelligent or stupid it doesn't matter), and they will chimp out and start acting like niggers.

Blacks don't belong in America. They don't belong in civlized society. It is what it is.

I can't tell if you are a self-loathing black dude or a LARPing white. Which is it?

and white boys dont belong anywhere on earth. you are the fucking spawn of satan. you need to go extinct you unnatural freaks, abominations, mutants

You got me there.

Let's get one thing straight, Blacks DON'T need whites to survive. That's retarded, They were doing fine 100,000 years before whites came and had their own system going. If they need to eat then they'd hunt or look for fruit.

Niggers are starving now because they've lost most of their survival skills and have become complacent and overpopulated due to over reliance on white technology.

We were better off before Colonization. Everyone still gets malaria and fucking hiv, there's not much of a difference except that blacks fucking need whitey for everything now because they've lost their sense of independence and survival instincts.

Low IQ doesn't help but it's your shitty savage "culture" that glorifies violence and wear incarceration time like a badge of honor.

So triggered

dont believe any of that bullshit. it takes a goddamn lot more skill to survive on the streets and in the hood than a white beta cuck who sits 9-5 in his cubicle tapping at his computer all-day.

who you think would survive an apocalypse? the black gangbanger who got the network and knowledge to survive the roughest conditions, or the bitch ass white boy sitting in his cubicle getting RSI working 9-5?

holly fuck. I mean, I don't appreciate black people culture very much but this is hard af.

Get out of there, and leave them all behind. Make yourself better, have a family, raise them right and break the cycle. Small steps now that lead to the best future

You just proved the point. You are a subhuman. You are a throwback. You not only do not have the intelligence to make it in civilized society, but you don't even have a basic skill set. You are hated by every people on the planet. Do you wonder why? Or do you blame it on "wrrayycciisssmm"? You are the reason the world hates blacks. You are the reason. You are the prototypical nigger.

no, they just need something to keep them from chimping out and they would do decent themselves. example: muslim african countries

Honestly, separate from white society. If blacks had a black country they could ween themselves off government assistance and be forced to take accountability. Also the competition would be less. I've observed myself that in places like Chicago and New Orleans where blacks have large segregated communities there is upper middle and low classes, and families of multi generational wealth and education. But in places where blacks are an integrated minority they are nearly all poor monkey people.

cant fix whats already broken

You newfags are always falling for bait threads.

it wasnt black people who raped and colonized the earth.

anyway. whites are going extinct. all your whining and crying is meaningless. you will never deport us and you will never save the white race. enjoy.

when whites go extinct, you will be back in chains, so enjoy the last freedom you have nigger

I mean he's got a point.

I'm actually 20% european in an ancestry test, I found this out a few days ago.

I honestly thought I was a rare anomaly negro that magically felt guilt, Deep self loathing, and deep emotions, etc.

Turns out I'm a white boy in a black body, This is fucking hell!

He's just baiting you dude. Not all whites are racist nihilist fucks. Just a small minority.


american blacks are worse than Africans themselves, only the stupid and slow got captured by european slavers, the smart and fast didnt. most black people where i live come from africa and they are quite normal people

That's a start. Practice eugenics to exclude nignogs from the gene pool. It'll take at least 3 generations but whatever

With miles and miles of rope.

Stay mad. Remember how much we built and created while you are still living in mud huts.

In other words whites just won as of late, they just genocided and conquered on a bigger scale thanks to new and improved technologies.


what do you mean by this?

Bribe the jockies.

poor poor negaroos......

You need some more schools or wells built? You need some more white mans innovations.....

I see you speak devil. You like using the white mans devil computer?

I bet when you get rich you get a white woman just like every rich niger.

get backin to wrappin my burger and bouncing your ball boy.....

My point is that most intelligent and empathetic blacks are either african anomalies or have heavy asian/white admixture .

My white admixture also explains autism and obsession with Sup Forums

You are correct. Blacks in the city in a societal breakdown would run roughshot over the whites you speak of. You would steamroll them. Limp wrist liberals and alot of the city folk have no clue how to survive without the grid. They are used to easy lives. Blacks in the city on the other hand are used to a violent atmosphere and making it on the street. The problem is blacks are almost completely dependent on welfare. If the grid goes down, blacks will loot the stores, and when the food dries up, there will be problems. But whitey will pay a massive price in the cities.

But that is where the fairy tale ends. The majority of the white populaiton lives in rural areas. They are the ones who grow the food, they are the ones who know the land. They are the ones who have the guns, the ammo, the stockpiles, and the patriotism. They are tight knit communities that are used to making it on typically less handouts than niggers. Dirt poor whites are often poorer than the poorest niggs.

In a time of crisis niggers would be forced out of the cities that they conquered and forced to the country for food and water, and whties would roll flatten them. There is no debating it, there is no question. The only hope niggers would have is that whites would just leave them alone and let them have the cities to themselves.

But you are correct. The liberals, cucks and leftists in the cities (and some right wingers too) would be yours for the taking. It would be a blood bath. But nothing compared to the massacre that would take place when blacks tried to come out of the cities into the rural areas. And you know this.