Will there ever be a televised redpill for kids?

Will there ever be a televised redpill for kids?

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There's quite a few. Sometimes it's just very subtle.





There are plenty of them, I'm convinced these shows have had an impact on my subconscious

Father of 2 here. Would appreciate some recommendations.

When should I introduce my kids to them if they're toddlers? And when should i explain the meanings to them? I always hear coming on to hard will make them turn away from your teachings..

I remember watching Fantasia for the first time and saw the version where they edited this part out.

It just zooms in on the white one's face for like 7 seconds and gets all grainy. It's confusing as hell and I had no idea why it happened.
Then I looked up that they had to edit out a tar baby and it all made sense.

YouTube Elsa and Spiderman.

Angry birds the movie is the most red-pilled movie I've ever seen to be honest.

Stop being a lazy ass father and find other ways to stimulate their minds.
Read to them, play games with them, go outdoors with them. Keep their brains and bodies constantly active so they don't turn into fat tubs of shit.
Don't just plop them in front of the electric jew and then complain when they're teens that your son is a stoner and your daughter is a slut because they just had marxist indoctrination for the first 15 years of their life.

Whatever you do don't show them that kimi no namae bullshit. It was wade to fuck with children's gender identities!

Honestly get them nature documentaries, the old Natgeo stuff is great, as long as you don't poison their minds with the Jewish ADD inducing bullshit first they will hopefully love it and get them a head start in their desire for education as well

Angry Birds film - Redpills on ethnic nationalism and islamization

All Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli films are pretty wholesome and teach good lessons, also art appreciation

Disney's Lion King, redpilled on ethnic replacement of Europeans and its tragic effects on Africa (could apply to any country though) and also on honor and family loyalty

The Incredibles, redpills on family values, civic duty, and the myth of human equality and mediocrity

A bug's life, basically a parable on fascism with extorting grasshoppers being an allegory for jewish finance. Excellent speech toward the end about the power of ethnic unity.

Milo and Otis, redpilled on survivalism and manhood using the medium of a cat and dog. Also beautiful depiction of family ideal.

Yes there is, it's RICK AND MORTY BITCHEEES.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


Stopped reading there, Reddit.




c'mon Sup Forums you already know the answer

Rick and Morty

The Simpsons

>father asks for book recs
>tell him to stop being lazy
>immediately follow this accusation by telling him to read to his kids

Youre a fucking idiot.

>Rick and Morty
was that a joke?

Samurai Jack
>The Past is a world of ethnostates that live in relative peace with one another. Our hero travels the world, learning about the culture, philosophy, and martial techniques of each state to gain a broader perspective and become a more skilled warrior in order to defeat the ultimate evil.
>The Future is a multicultural corporate dystopia where most people are trapped in choking, crime-ridden megacities, and the handful of ethnostates that have survived are being systematically hunted down and subverted or destroyed by the ultimate evil. Our hero travels the world defending these isolated pockets of resistance, searching for a way to get back to The Past and fix things.

(at least the first couple of seasons)

I was more thinking Our Town.

>Angry Birds film - Redpills on ethnic nationalism and islamization
>never watched the movie
It doesn't
Sorry to burst your bubble
Those were memes based around really well placed and illustrated shots from the trailer.

You lazy fuck

Thats from the last good season.

Once they get older - you can expose them to some nice, politically impartial satire like King of the Hill or the first nine seasons of The Simpsons.


>grasshoppers warmongering against inferior armies
>Jewish financing
Fuck right off. Ever hear of Rome's perpetual war with the rest of the unwashed masses of the world? Fucking fagmoloid poser.



I don't see why little girls shouldn't watch dbz

Well, I guess those trips settle it.
Jack truly is /ourguy/

My cousin loved DBZ, and she turned out just fine. Tomboy mindset is temporary

Anonymous (ID: rXKj7liQ) 09/04/17(Mon)08:38:09 No.140227488

well. I did nazi that one comming.

I loved the 1980's era NatGeo specials as a kid. They always had a liberal slant to them, but they weren't ashamed of western culture back then.

Here's your (You).

He was asking for TV show recommendations you illiterate nigger.

I can't believe i'm the first person to say "I'd fuck that white centaur girl"

I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative Christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking Nazis.
The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millennials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with Nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVENTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.
Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.

Maybe it was temporary back then. Now if a lefty sees a tomboy they're going to leap at the chance to manipulate them into going tranny. Convincing a child to drug themselves with hormones and mutilate their genitals is worth a SHITLOAD of Virtue Signaling Points.

Moomins is pretty based and kind of based on Nordic folk lore.
Some old Polish cartoons are pretty safe. Bolek and Lolek, MatoĊ‚ek the Billy-Goat, and Pat & Mat.

holy shit, now I have to watch the movie


Has Angry Birds been syndicated yet?

It was pretty funny.



Fucking too true

Yuru Yuri is very red pilled

>pic related

true, it teaches girls to be feminine and cute

''carbon tax is the only way to fight climate change'' - Summer (season 3 episode 5)

im not even fucking kidding m8

Well, admittedly, that seems like it's good to be coming out of Summer's mouth, because her character is that of a largely state educated, liberal propagandized "powerful woman."

I still remember that fairy odd parents episode, good times

have seen it, 100% redpilled



This shit cannot be coincidental, right Anons?

What is the chad?

hes xavier
google xavier:renegade angel

just stop this fucking redpill hype
if your childs are not retarded they will understand that all you call redpill is common sense

i see this redpill word way to often, its the real fucking cancer.


Xavier Renegade Angel

10/10 writing

Old episodes of Thomas the Tank Engine were pretty redpillled

and healthy sibling relations!

Kubo and the Two Strings
The Little Prince
Old Disney cartoons (pre-Jew)
Double M




This stuff is very safe for children and teaches them how to even go potty properly.
Jesus your so old school.

this is some subversive Jew shit right here

It's all over Youtube and the kids stuff always seem to go down this rabbit hole sooner or later.
You could have them watching decent stuff for children on Youtube then next thing you know,
they're getting their innocence taken away.

What the fuck am i watching

This one "redpilled" me on smoking as a kid, I have never smoked a single cigarette in my life.

Spiderman and Elsa shows targeted for the kids, featured on Youtube.
This way you can leave your little rascals to be entertain and educated on Youtube!


beavis and butthead


now this is some fucked up shit

Holy shit that I Am Weasel episode is depressing.

Here is a Discord link to the Investigating Youtube group, if anyone here is interested in helping out with this problem going on youtube please
They are pretty serious about this. Discord invite: 4bwGskC

Season 7 is great with just some bad episodes.

HOLY SHIT WEASEL, the amount of red pill there is off the chart. I didn't even realize it

If you have boys, get them into Dragon Ball. It's the first red pill to boyhood and what it means to be a man. Also, get them into sports ASAP instead of watching tv and playing games

Kill yourselves. Everything after S3 is shit.

it was going great, till the hiatus hit.


My niggas.
Also there are some of the older Disney movies are pretty based, and studio Ghibli might be worthwhile. Spirited away isn't acclaimed for nothing.

>'Redpills' according to Sup Forums:
Brainwashing your child with whatever ideology you got cucked with via Sup Forums memes and edginess
>'Redpills' according to non retarded people:
Equipping your child with critical thinking abilities that allow him to make the best choices that benefit him and those around him the most

Protip, anyone using the word 'redpill' unironically has severe mental retardation and has been extensively brainwashed by memes

It's not even applicable to children who don't have any other frame of reference to compare against

KYS retards or don't breed

>Disney's Lion King

Homosexuals love this movie for some reason.

Is there a cut of this anywhere with all the scenes included? Not cropped out or whatever?

Nailed it.

I loved Avatar the last airbender as a kid. Don't know if Sup Forums has an opinion on it but I really liked it. I haven't watched it since I was in my very early teens but it had some good moments. Showed that national homogeneity is a strength although the main characters are all from different places but that goes hand in hand that each nation has something to offer and the Avatar has to learn all the traits so it isn't that bad.
I don't recall any degenerate behavior, there's love and teenagers trying to find themselves.
It isn't really 'redpilled' and someone will probably shit on it because of one race mixing incident. But honestly this is a kids show we're talking about, the male characters are strong and smart, perfect for a boy to look up to. The female characters usually protect and heal although some fight, I don't remember any "yas queen slay" moments. Don't touch the other show though.


I very much second this too.

>traditional family unit of mom/dad/child, nothing interracial or progressive here
>child vampire played off as a child and not an adult like degenerate jap cartoons try to pull
>playing with other children her age, doing age- and gender-appropriate activities
>but if you scour wikipedia for long enough you can find that a cartoon airing on national television with many different contributors will also have some who are jewish
>typical cookie-cutter plot of "there are monsters and how about when they interact with not-monsters!"
>this makes it bad I guess
wew boy you sure redpilled me user. It's a shitty children's show, the biggest offense is singing the show title in the theme song a bunch. That shit is always grating.

I can agree with this. That show had a lot of heart and showed how different cultures can compliment each other when they stay homogeneous as benders of the four elements do. The Avatar is the obvious exception, but again, the elemental interaction is complementary, and Aang remembers his roots above all else.

Yes (kindof)

>Man in the high castle
>Murdock Murdock

Just watching these two shows should be enough to redpill any child sufficiently, and when they can understand, show them "Jud Suss" for the complete redpill PhD