Could this movie be made today ?

There is no way that this movie could be made today with the same dialog
SJW would destroy R Lee Ermy considering his lines were improvised
>There is no racial bigotry here
>I do not look down on Niggers
>We don't serve Fried Chicken and Watermelon on a daily basis in my mess hall

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Blazing Saddles. I dare you to try to make a movie 1/10th that funny today.

>could good movies be made today?

No, sweetie.

imagine this being made today

>i love a crowd

Trading places is another one that's too funny for today's crowd

>Blazing Saddles
Noseberg: The Movie

Did anyone else find this movie boring? A few classic lines and 1 shootout.
Apocalypse Now blows this shit out of the water.
Even Platoon I enjoyed more.

>that line from "animal mother" in the love you long time scene
>"all niggers must hang"

Imagine being such an intellectual retard that someone saying a bunch of racial slurs is impressive to you.

Thank God for the Sickle Cell.

hehehehe its funny because mommy doesn't let me say nigger hehehehehehe

Platoon has the best antagonist as well.

>"Everybody's gotta die sometime."

I remember thinking this movie was genuine comedy until that once scene with Private Pyle comes up. Pretty fucked up.

Has anyone seen an actual comedy made in the last ten years?
Political correctness killed humour, honestly. Only garbage that can be made is just safe superhero n°536 shit, it feels like.

Nigger detected

hehehehe omg he said 'kike!' omg
i cannot believe it
greatest movie ever

hehehehehehehe don't tell mommy though!!!

If you can't handle the bants, turn off the tv

It's not about 'bants.' It's about how retarded and gay you little faggots are. You're the kind of people that watch American History X and think it's on your side because the skinhead guy said nigger in a scene

FMJ is a classic, but Hamburger Hill may be the best Vietnam War movie ever made yet I never see it get any discussion here.


>Has anyone seen an actual comedy made in the last ten years?

I feel like the only comedies coming are about strong empowered single mothers or wives getting sick of their boring life-style and then they go slut it up like bad girls!

Here's your (You). Thanks for trying.

isn't that true ?

Oh I forgot that being an armchair psychologist ad-hominem attacks count as arguments on here
heheheheheheeheheheh he said WOP greatest movie ever! That was epic I couldn't believe he said a word that mommy doesn't let me say!

Today people have totally different associations with 'Full Metal Jacket'.

teehee he said nigger
*spills sippy cup*

Y'all take a good look at this lump of shit. Remember what it looks like. You fuck up in a firefight and I goddamn guarantee you a trip out of the bush in a body bag! Out here, assholes, you keep your shit wired tight at all times!

I used to like this movie. Then I watched it recently. HOLY HEBREW.

It basically shits all over the US Army and paints them as either pricks or unstable idiots.

That part could still be made today. The racial dialogue would be taken out except for the stuff that demonizes white people. (How many stupid or inferior nigger moments do you recall being in any Hollywood movie vs how many stupid or inferior white people moments do you recall?)

These movies are major blue pills disguised as red pills. However much fun they are from an adventure perspective, they always distort the natural order of things.

When is the last time you saw a strong white male character that was openly pro white, win in a movie? Was Birth Of A Nation (D.W. Griffith's silent epic from 1915) the only time?

you're thinking of The Producers

Yes but it would have to be independently produced, not (((produced))) if you get where I'm going with this.

Of course you dumbfuck its an anti war film. A scene even shows how racist the americans are by ordering blacks to risk their lives first during battle.
The sniper at the end wound up to be a female. literally grlll power movie

Fucking pussy, man. He's laughing at you. That's the way the gook laughs

It is a pretty weirdly paced movie, so I can see where you're coming from.

Huge fan though, personally.

Could this be made as a movie today?
>no minorities
>only a handful of women, relegated to side roles and romance interests
>no gays
>orcs look like niggers with kike noses
>gandalf becomes more powerful the whiter he gets
>somehow recieved more oscars than anything in history

hehehehehehehehe mommy mommy mommy hehehehehehehehe

>It's about how retarded and gay you little faggots are.

Pic related is what comes to mind when I read statements like this.

Imagine being such a retard that you find it offensive.

Are you okay, user?

I never saw Platoon.

Should I watch it and is it pol approved?

R Lee Ermy isn't a good guy. He operated a brothel in Okinawa.

Full Metal Jacket was a pretty conventional anti-war Vietnam film full of leftwing mockery of the military.