Why aren't you pagan Sup Forums?

We all know that Christianity and Islam are Jewish bullshit why not follow the footsteps of your ancestors?
Christianity started as a Jewish sect in Judea and Judaism is based off the Persian pagan religion Zoroastrianism.
Abrahamic religions are nothing but lies.

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Slave morality. They are betas who are afraid to say what they will without god as a proxy.

You need to know that Europe was christened by convert or die. It was forced on us by hippy Jews and race traitors. Who looked like modern day Jihadis. If Christians back in the day cared about their race, there wouldn't be a northern crusade.

Now, what to do next? We need to move forward, we cannot just sit here blame Christianity (which is reasonable) and do nothing. We need to organize and most importantly we need create and share new anti christian memes. The one thing that triggers christ cucks more than a rational argument is memes.

the reason most people don't want to do Paganism is that Jews have given it a bad name. The way to decondition people into the new (philosophy based) Truth Religion is twofold:

1. Hold that reincarnation is unfalsifiable. Never ever deviate from this. Use it to scare people into complying. Never give any of the Abrahamic faiths an inch.

2. Learn the Truth Religion - Church of Entropy: it's got all the answers you need and is strong enough to implement the global dictatorship of ur dreams. Odin is fine but let's just all take a step back and actually learn the underlying Knowledge rather than the individual ancestral God personas. that will come with time.

i am.

Yeah (((Christianity))) if you hate jews and still worship a zombie savor then something is fucked up with that.

reincarnations aren't possible as that leaves you with a problem of the starting population that is small but it gets bigger so what with the new formed life where did it come from ?

it cant be explained by reincarnation

If paganism is so great, how come it was crushed by Christianity?


Pagan is for people who are too edgy to call themselves atheists

>might makes right
>give us back our temples

Because Christianity was riding the coattails of Roman power, Kings wanted to be in the sphere of influence of Rome.

Islam crushed Christianity in many places, doesn't mean Islam is better.

didnt Odin get fucked by Loki ?

Norse mythology is full of homo shit

For such an Odin fan, surely you can tell me something about him?

For example, why does he only have 1 eye?

Nordic people are just an inch above niggers


Also, Stephen E. Flowers is interesting in combining elements of Zoroastrianism with Germanic Neopaganism. I recommend checking him out.

Until...you read that Odin gobbled up sperm...

"Paganism" is ill-defined, and I would argue that liberalism is indeed paganism, and entirely why we're in the mess we're in. If we were living in a Christian society, we wouldn't have problems with Muslims, transgenders, or liberals, because they would readily be dealt with, but under liberalism, every man is his own god, and no one is allowed to impeded on his "right" to self-creation. Paganism is the disease and certainly not a solution.

I honour both the old Gods and God himself.

Because there aren't any living european pagan traditions left user

Trolls, but whatever.

He paid Mimir his eye for the mead of knowledge, he gained knowledge of everything, including his own demise.

Universe is infinitely large. In Elysium where your soul goes after death there is a stream to drink from where you will start life over again once you get bored of paradise.


shut up homokike we of the Old Guard know why Jesus is depicted weak on purpose, take your Odinism and shove it.



outside of the med most european structures were mostly timber or built with porous lime and sandstone hence it doesn't survive the wet and frosty conditions. Doesn't mean northern europeans didn't have fine palaces and temples.

it baffles me that supposed white supremacists and national socialists would want to join a jewish sect (and worship a jew) that spread by killing white europeans that did not conform to their Israeli religion. Not to mention the fact that so many of their ideas come from the roman empire (see identity evropa), an empire that collapsed due to christianity. But ignore those facts and post funny images of fedoras or something i don't care.

Yet because the Vikings totally didn't kill other white people. Fuck you.

shuuuuut uuuuuup kike from holland already
>we know kikes are pro-baganism when in a Christian thread a fucking kike told a Christian 'I will have more respect for you if you return to your pagan roots'
>If the kikes want Odin, you stick with Christ, case closed.

>I'm doing this for my ancestors, but I cant think of a single ancestor that was pagan aside from the ever ethereal and non-descript 'n-th degree ancestor' from over a millennia ago
>excuse the fact that the entirety of European civilization and culture, and most European history of importance has been intrinsically tied to Christianity, this is the REAL European culture
>lets over-exaggerate cherry-picked singular verses of the Bible, to convince people to follow a religion with little to no traditions, scriptures, or practices, with the ones that do exist being entirely bastardized versions of themselves

>an empire that collapsed due to christianity

Sure, let's ignore the hordes of germanic barbarians swarming across their borders, the breakdown of central authority, and the cultural divide happening between the eastern empire and the western empire. It was all the fault of that dirty Jesus.

Let's also not forget that those ignorant Christian monks are the ones who preserved civilization during the collapse. Let's celebrate raiding one of those monasteries, stealing shit, and killing a bunch of unarmed people, instead.

Cool keep worshiping your kike
also i'm not from holland

>worshipping a cum guzzling god
no thank you

And God makes people eat children
>Jeremiah 19:9

The problem with most pagan gods is that they don't give a shit about any mortals not directly descended from their philandering with mortal women. You are either a plaything for the gods or you become a target for sabotage when you become too good at something. The only ones who truly receive their generosity just so happened to be the ruling class, who were themselves part of a demigod blood line. Nordic myths might be more egalitarian. I only know about the greek and roman gods.

>Odin asks you to man the fuck up xDD :-D
By massacring defenseless British peasants?
>jebus wuz a kike xD
> gets crucified by the Pharisees

The kikes don't want Odin. Jesus was a fucking Jew you moron.

"Then," said Odin, "if thou wouldst keep thy head, answer me this: what price will Mimir ask for a draught from the Well of Wisdom that he guards?"

"He will ask thy right eye as a price, O Odin," said Vafthrudner.

there is no debate about whether jesus was jewish or not

>started as
Yed, but not when Jesus gave his life for our sins. Many people who were Jewish, ethnic or religious, turned to Christ. I dont know about Odin, but I know Christ lives and calls us to follow him, which is way harder than trying to be be masculine.

You seriously don't think Jesus was Jewish?

You ancestors have been Christian for 1700 years

Odin sacrificied himself to get the knowledge of writing though

"I know I hung on that windy tree,
Swung there for nine long nights,
Wounded by my own blade,
Bloodied for Odin,
Myself an offering to myself:
Bound to the tree
That no man knows
Whither the roots of it run.

None gave me bread,
None gave me drink.
Down to the deepest depths I peered
Until I spied the Runes.
With a roaring cry I seized them up,
Then dizzy and fainting, I fell.

Well-being I won
And wisdom too.
I grew and took joy in my growth:
From word to a word
I was led to a word,
From a deed to another deed."

1000 years at most

because there is no god but allah

I think you're the dutch user from before? then this is for you:

Hi there ;D

Heathen simpletons, Christ transcends all earthly labels as he is the Logos

If Christianity wouldn't have ever existed, Jews would be belts and lampshades. I spent a short stint a a Christian, I can see why people get sucked into it.

You know it's true Christ cucks "B-but muh Templars!"

Yeah, they spit on the cross, because they knew they needed their polytheistic old ways to win a war.... how the fuck are you going so many people if your religion says YOU CAN"T KILL ANYONE?

Stop being fucking pussies. Christianity turned our Ethos (spirit) into pathos (emotions, feelings)

It changed the greatest dishonor from cowardice, to sin.

IT"S AN ATTACK ON THE EUROPEAN SOUL. Read Julius Evola "Revolt against the Modern World" right now.... it could save your life.

i'm not pagan because pagans got btfod 2000 years ago and there's no proof for paganism unlike christianity. If you worship a false idol you're finna go to hell. I'd rather be athiest than pagan.

Just finished reading the proze edda and now im tonight im going to dive myself in the poetic edda

also im getting to know more about germanic similarity.

veit ek at ek hekk
weet ik dat ik hing

''Ik weet dat ik hing'' in modern Dutch

They were awfully stupid people.

The success of the Roman empire was all the proof anyone should need. Jews had NO POWER.

Because I'm not religious. I have no idea why anyone would willingly become a spiritual slave

this would actually get me in church again.

There is no Hell.

Killing is uneccessary, that seems like it is morally wrong for most. Christ didnt call us to not defend ourselves and others though. Martyring for the faith is great, but if you have a firearm and a gang of men is coming to your family to harm you, I would argue it would sinful to not defend yourself and your family. God calls us to stop evil, but never use violence unless absolutely necessary.


>My european soul has been infiltrated and ruined the post

Proof that Paganism was better than Christianity....

Byzantine empire is not what we mean by Roman Empire, we mean the empire that was ruled by ROME untill around 500 ad

i just kekd myself

>Jebus sux he wuz a hippie:-DD
>drives the (((Money makers))) out of the temple

>implying Constantinople wasn't the new Rome

btfo that the paganized west collapsed into degeneracy while civilization continued uninterrupted in the more christian east.

>Jeremiah 19:9
I know this is a meme but come on

yes, absolutely. Scandinavian got kind of fucked up during the syncope period (just before the viking age), but it is clearly and obviously a Germanic language.

Are you saying we should go around murdering people? What was wrong with my post?

Yeah sure but its not ''Roman'', normally in conversation the roman empire is as it was at the Pax Augustus

Are you retarded or just trolling


>why aren't you a pagan
>based off of Persian pagan religion

Islam is going to rape us into history if we don't...... Jews are going to turn us into slaves if we don't

That was the entire purpose of Christianity, to make Europeans weak. It clearly worked.

Nah i realised my mistake soon after

Romans fed them to the lions.

Because I am a Gnostic.

I am Sovereign over the Archons you kneel to.

Thanks for that Israeli take on Christianity.

>dies for your sins
How can a part of the Holy Trinity die when they are literally immortal? Doesn't that mean that there was no sacrifice given?

To normies, maybe. Are you a normie?

The only reason Jews have power is because of Christianity.

Constantine became a Christian, and started the trend of converting Rome to Christianity. THEN it collapsed. That's kind of an important detail.

>Emperor Theodosius makes Christianity the official religion of the empire and does nothing to prevent the destruction of pagan shrines

You people blame everything on the jews but then fall for the biggest jewish trick in history. Seems strange

If Christianity is bullshit, than paganism is definitely bullshit. Since Christians actually have some evidence for their faith.

And then Rome collapsed....

The only evidence I need for a useful faith is a strong empire...... Rome was a strong empire, then it became Christian, and then it fell.

Man it really can't get any more obvious.

Alot of words in scandinavian just sound like words in dutch but spoken really quickly
Vader -> Far
Moeder -> Mor
Ogenblik -> Oyeblikket
Hond -> Hund (pronounced as Hun?)
Vogel -> Fugl

Also in dutch ''Oorlog'' means war but ''Krijger'' means warrior -> Krig

Is this supposed to be ironic?

Stupid cuck

read Alfred LaVey

Daily reminder that we know majority of informations about most of pagan religions because of christians from Byzantine Empire.

And please, when you worship pagans then atleast the ones wich actually gave come knowledge for Europans, not some nordic shit.

>Judaism is based off the Persian pagan religion Zoroastrianism.

Don't insult paganism by suggesting the Pentateuch was written in good faith. Don't insult the gospels by suggesting they weren't written in good faith.


Physical death, not spiritual death. Spiritual death is what is referred to as the "second death"

>implying the logos could die without the universe collapsing

>Constantine became a Christian, and started the trend of converting Rome to Christianity. THEN it collapsed. That's kind of an important detail.

The Huns driving the barbarians inside the borders of the empire after Constantine's death is kind of an important detail, too. So is the fact that the west (and east to a lesser exent) had become decadent and relied on foreign conscripts to fill their army, who naturally sided with their kin flooding into the empire.

Change your flag kike

That was written by a Christian revisionist you dumb nigger

>let's worship weakness
Fuck you cuck

The empire peaked under paganism, that's undeniable

aren't all religions man made , just do good things and have common sense

The Northern Crusades were in part motivated by German expansionism, and indeed benefited the German race.

And Europe was obviously not converted by force, but in the main abandoned their pagan religions in favor of Christianity on a voluntary basis. To the limited degree it was spread by force, it wasn't until the number of Christians reached a tipping point.

>Why aren't you pagan Sup Forums

I dont kneel to Saturn, the Chief Archon of the Hebdomad.

Your Father of the Pagan Pantheon.

The east did pretty good until """"crusaders"""" from Venice sacked Constantinople which weakened the empire and made it vulnerable to t*rkish invasion
Also barbarians would have destroyed what was left of the western empire if they hadn't converted to Christianity

Sá 's með Sygna ræsi
siðr, at blót eru kviðjuð;
verðum flest at forðask
fornhaldin skǫp norna;
láta allir ýtar
Óðins ætt fyr róða;
verðk ok neyddr frá Njarðar
niðjum Krist at biðja.

(The custom with the king in Norway is such, that sacrifices are banned: most of us have to abandon the prophecies of the Norns which we used to believe in. All men are casting Odin's family to the wind; I myself am forced away from Njord's ancestors in order to worship Christ.)

>Pagans believe only the strong are worthy.
>gets btfo all thoughout history and is now a nomadic cult sacrificing squirrels n shiet

I think you might have misunderstood the meaning of the word worthy Sven

'Died for your sins' is shorthand for 'Jesus the man suffered the bodily agony of crucifixion and death and Jesus the Son suffered the spiritual agony of taking on and absolving all of man's sins from then on till the end of time in that moment, as well as having to receive the rejection of God the Father at the same time'

Is Julian the Apostate memeing ?
Gibelinism a meme ?