
>whoever has the most resources gets more resources

why are you so cucked?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fact: free market enterprise allows for more upward mobility than any other system
Fact: capitalism is the single greatest force in history for raising the quality of life of the poor

You mean the single greatest force for systematically enslaving every human on the planet. Just because they get the crumbs doesn't mean they are being fed.

Which nations do you think hold the most slaves today?

Do you think you have more freedom in Ireland than I do?

There wouldn't be a no-knock raid here.
The whole world is enslaved by central banks you sack of shit.

suggest something other than capitalism that will last as long and won't end up in a worse situation that we are right now.

post-scarcity transhumanism

>an irishman with a "muh slavery" complex

what a shocker

>there aren't no knock raids in ireland

it's the best economic system the world has ever seen

all alternatives have thus far failed

fascism? dead
communism? dead
socialism? failed

what next?


so? would you prefer to keep your cash in your mattress?

don't take a loan and you're golden.

Except the central banks control the amount of money in circulation and its value.

No, the best economic system the world has ever seen was hunter-gatherer trading systems. They lasted for hundreds of thousands, or millions of years, without fault.

Capitalism exists on paper, and can never work in practise.

so? git gud and earn more of it.

>pickle Rick is in the house tonight

i hope you get permabanned

Capitalism: I earn my shit through hard work.

Communism: I work at a McDonalds and earn the same amount as the surgeon that lives down the street.



>implying any human mode of production doesnt result in a 20/80 rule where some are above others

ITT: faggot cries cause his gibs check isn't enough to keep 17 nigglets stocked up in pickled pigs feet and old English 40ozs but is too lazy and/or stupid to do anything about it

There is one thing we all equal in.
Elon Musk has 24 hours in a day. So do you. How have you used that time? How have you SPENT your time? What do you PAY attention to?
I'm sick of commie scum. Your ideology is the ideology of lazy thieves.

of course they do. it's all about growth, which happens exponentially. but you can start anywhere. the only problem is if YOU'RE A LAZY PIECE OF NIGGER SHIT AND REFUSE TO START BECAUSE IT'S HAAAARRRD. WAAAAHHH

Holy shit you really are all hopeless retards on Sup Forums

>whoever utilizes resources to the greatest benefit of the whole society upholds the most resources

It's more in tune with the natural order. The best bet to keep being the best, the weak does off. Amazing that the fuck for brains like you believe so hard in things like evolution, but can't make the connection that capitalism is analogous to your precious beliefs. Dumbass

My god I can't believe you guys have been this cucked by capitalism. Good goyim :^)

>Some will always make more than others

Whatever, we're all equal, this guy would be making bank, I mean millions, he's just as smart and hardworking as any CEO. But he's been real busy you know, there's like 10 shows he has to catch up to on Netflix, and there's the central banks keeping him down, and he's got this cool new game on his phone where you get virtual stuff if you click stuff, and there's privilege and shit. So we gotta get rid of capitalism or this problem's never getting solved.

There's nothing "natural" about 9-5 culture you complete and utter autist.

Two posts and not even an attempt at a rebuttal...... Come on commie faggot you can do better than that

>strawmaning this hard
christ Sup Forums is cancer

I'm not a commie I just find it hilarious how Sup Forums is anti-jew but pro captitalism.
Pic related

> my god you are retarded
> my god you are cucked
> my god you are autistic
> my god you are a strawman

My god you have convinced me. Down with capitalism.

It's all true though :^)

Lol because nobody works any other times expect 9-5 and during the week. Are you retarded? Is your side even trying anymore?

So what's your alternative?

Your argument is as lazy as you are, which is not surprising seeing the side you're on.

> Are you guys even trying? Why are you socialists being so lazy with your arguments?
>Why are you socialists being so lazy?

To ask is to answer.


You're right. Arguing with these people is pointless

"Light" capitalism mixed with socialism. Idk, I'm not a economic theorist. I just know most people are miserable in this shitty cancer culture we've been cucked into.

Then move out into the fucking woods and start hunting your own food and live in a damn mud hut. There are two sides to this; unbridled capitalism, which leaves you vulnerable to exploitation by companies, or communism which leaves you vulnerable to exploitation by the government. The SAFER bet, though far from perfect is capitalism, only because if the government isn't a bunch of corrupt faggots then the companies can be checked. If you give the government all the control you will NEVER get it back. Or like I said, the other option is to live in the woods and take care of yourself. But all these pussies today could never live without their precious internets

That's why their lifespan was like 30 years you fucking idiot.

>capitalism only works on paper and not in practice
Explain to me why it works great now
Minus the poor fools who go I don't want to work but muh money

This, the free enterprise system has lifted more people out of poverty and has allowed for more innovation than any other system.

Stay mad Marxcucks

>Sup Forums is one person

>work in factory
>learn trade
>work in trade
>save money
>start business
>grow business
>buy resources
>sell resources
>control resources
>buy more resources

Capitalism works for individuals that want to succeed, not for scummy low lives to get their fair share + participation trophy.

What the fuck man, why do you make it sound like it has be either or. Why couldn't we just be more like Spain where they have Ciesta in the afternoons and they don't work themselves into misery so they can buy a bunch of dumb shit they don't need.

The vast majority of Sup Forums is like this

Because having a farm but no coins is poverty while losing your farm for a single coin is wealth.
Wew, capitalcucks! GO BILLIONAIRES! WEEEEWW!!!

>implying you could still do this
All resources and every industry is almost completely locked down at this point

Because everyone can own a business...

Oh man i want to eat at mcdonalds now

The capitalcucks think the a bunch of plastic shit and shiny cars and green pieces of paper is "wealth." They're just too autistic to understand that wealth is food, land, air and water.

So what? Give control over your farm to the government so they can tell you what to do with it? Talk about cucked! You MUST BE Canadian.

Fact: Capitalism is a stage of history which creates rapid development and turns the impoverished peasantry into the slightly less impoverished working class.
Fact: Capitalism is not the end of history. Once you reach a certain level of development, the large working class begins demanding more and more until revolution.

Capitalism is the most basic form of economic transactions. It is the economic interactions between people BASED ON MUTUTAL BENEFIT. It is the only system that works in the end without any form of government force which is why you can find it everywhere around the world in the form of a black market if the country does not support this form of trading. Communist and socialist countries have vibrant black markets that relieves the economic pressure brought upon by failing or failed state policies. In the United States, the black market is very small in comparison and limited to goods that are either taxed or controlled in some fashion (alcohol, tobacco, firearms and experience altering drugs). In mature capitalistic systems, organizations can grow to such a scale that its size and function in the economy of its host nation will be in jeopardy in the case of an economic downturn. These companies ultimately seek to protect themselves by sponsoring politicians to provide favors during such time. This is not capitalism as it seeks preferential treatment in the political system and would be deemed more as a self imposed socialism or fascism (state directed private corporations).

It's not a flaw with capitalism, it's just a thing that happens in every aspect of human activity.

When you succeed at something once you are put in a situation where you are more likely to succeed again. If you make a successful product, your next product is more likely to be a success.

The phenomenon is called the Pareto distribution and it is true for everything that people produce that requires varying degrees of competence.

So go start a farm. No one else wants to. You can buy acres in the middle of nowhere for $5 grand or so and farm to your heart's content. Yet here you are on Sup Forums instead shitposting with your shiny plastic computer.

>fascism? dead
woah woah woah

Fascism is alive and well in AmeriKKKa.


Both capitalism and communism are jew friendly material based ideologies. Choose natsoc.

>trolling this hard

Owning a business is easier then ever. People start in there damn basements, and can sell via internet. It can range from hobbyists who just make content for a few extra bucks, to people like my aunt who just made crafts and sold them and made a good supplementary income. To people like Kevin o'leary, who started in his garage and built a million dollar company.

Are you really this out of touch with reality? Or are you just from *that* part of Canada where the province has gone full blown nannie state in which case it's too late for you.

Come west young man, life is better here


>dont pick communism
>pick socialism instead guys, theyre totally not the same thing

Antifa pls go

I'm not saying everyone should live on a farm. I'm saying the excess of our desire and consumption has gotten so out of control our entire culture and economic system has become arbitrary and absurd. It only exists to perpetuate itself.

>from each according their ability
>to each according to their contribution

There I just summarized capitalism in terms you can understand you filthy commie

>Huuurr durrr I don't know anything about history or politics but I know the word socialism = bad.
You're either a retard or a kike.

Yeah proletarian revolution ! btw. all capitalists are just cuked by (((them)))

The one that got financed by the jews or the other one ? Because i cant think of even one kind of Soclialism that´s not cucked

The British Army putting down the IRA was one of the biggest no-knock raids in recent European history.

Capitalism is retarded but most people deserve it

>implying that socialism isnt inherently jewish

because we have seen every other economic system in action.

Nice script JIDF. Natsoc is completely hierarchical, unlike marxist socialism. That's what made communism cucked. Socialism in a natsoc sense means power is taken away from (((merchants))) and used for the social good. It still isn't egalitarian though, just anti kike.

>Wealth is food, land, air and water, not this crap the capitalist system sells us.
>Well you can be rich in all that shit for nothing and a little bit of hard work
> Whoa whoa whoa let's not get hasty here

Wasn't there a poll that put natsoc as only 20% of Sup Forums users?

Maybe now with the influx of neocon t_d retards.

You clearly have no real argument if you're just gonna resort to a straw man and ad hominem every time.
I live on a fucking ranch right now with solar panels and well water.

Socialism means power is taken away from merchants and used for the social good

You wont recognize its yourself dp you ?

Maybe something about the french revolution, how it cahnged the way we see states and how (((they))) where involved
Only with post frtench revolution world view something like natsoc can exist
Natsoc is jewish to its core, their biggest finances where ,their leader was a jew and it´s a ideology that is based on the jewish french revolution

Invest in Amazon stock? Yes! Let's feed a corporation tons of money, enable them to destroy every business/job in our town, and crush any possibility of owning our own assets and creating generational wealth for our own families.

Welcome to the United Warehouses of Amazon. Formerly known as the United States of America.

wtf did i write, i try again

Socialism means power is taken away from merchants and used for the social good

You wont recognize it yourself do you ?

Maybe learn something about the french revolution, how it changed the way we see states and how (((they))) where involved in it
Only with a post french revolution world view something like natsoc can exist
Natsoc is jewish to its core, their biggest finances where ,their leader was a jew and it´s a ideology that is based on the jewish french revolution

The USA has become communist through corporations.

Obama successfully implemented the indentured servitude of American citizens. He realized it was impossible to implement his socialistic/communistic system through government alone. So, he used the greed of corporate capitalists as a weapon against the American system of capitalism itself. He used social "change" as a tool for manufactured public consent. Instead of solving major economic and social issues, he found a short-cut to power in using these issues as leverage over American citizens. Through multiplying the severity of problems, he multiplied his power in a selfish thirst, cloaked by a fake aura of charisma and likability.

Obama's America has produced a population of high-performance consumer cattle. A species of cattle programed to feed on propaganda, distraction, government programs, debt and degenerate culture. 99% of the population is made up by this species of high-performance consumer cattle. The other 1% work to maintain the docile state of the cattle and ensure their compliance. While the 1% of that 1% collaborates with the government, owning the farm, all the cattle on it, and all the choices the cattle make. Several systems are put in place in order to prevent the cattle from even noticing the chains and shackles which restrain them. They are enslaved by the binds of toxic shame. The cattle are programed to automatically expose, witch-hunt and shame any dissenters in it's own herd. Social ostracization in certain cases can be more psychologically traumatizing and destructive than a slow, painful death.

Everything is reversed, perverted. It's opposite day, every day. A mental gulag.

>This term "straw man" sounds really cool, should I look it up and figure out what it means?
>Nah fuck it I'll just use it all the time and see what happens

Literally anyone who hates the capitalist system can opt out. You can go out into the middle of nowhere, buy 5 acres for nothing, and farm and be rich in happiness and skies or whatever.

Instead people choose to be rich in iPhones and sneakers and Internet connections.

Capitalism is giving people what they want, and lots of it, for very little work. Nothing is stopping the socialist worker's paradise from coming into existence except for the fact that nobody actually wants socialism.

But that's utterly wrong you faggot. Take a look at how biggest companies have changed on Fortune500 in past 5 years alone.

I fucking hate the left because I hate stupid retarded ignorant people more than anything else. I unironically want you all mouth breathers dead and erased from history simply because you are a fucking disgrace to mankind.

>no you guys MY utopia would actually work

kill yourself you brainlett also saged

>most competent person gets more resources

ah yes very unfair if only I got resources for no reason and then everyone starved to death

>Literally anyone who hates the capitalist system can opt out. You can go out into the middle of nowhere, buy 5 acres for nothing, and farm and be rich in happiness and skies or whatever.
Except you have to pay property taxes and can't even collect rainwater.

That´s your beloved Socialism
But you shouldnt be triggered by that, it´s for the greater good

You didn't have to pay property taxes and you could collect rainwater in socialist Yugoslavia, what are you on about?

People have no control over "what they want." 90% of the population is borderlind retarded and corporations spend trillions of dollars to shove marketing down their throats throughout most of their waking lives. Idk how you can defend American and Asian consumerist culture.

>>whoever has the most resources gets more resources
inovative and resourcesful startups usually even break or get bought up by monopoly companies

ie, if you're smart enough and inovative enough then you will get rich by getting money from those that have money

>socialist Yugoslavia
Yeah it´s the Utopia with no property

>90% of people are retards who have no idea what they want and can't even exercise basic control over themselves

So why do I care what happens to them again? Retards are not going to prosper in any system, socialist or capitalist. Socialism is just designing the system to fuck over the 10% in favor of the dumb, lazy retards.

Because they were bred to be that way and there's billions of them on the planet. We could breed they're retardation out of them and make them interested in science and art and things that matter. We don't have to be a bunch of stupid cucks for the rest of history.

Oh yeah I forgot we lived in America, the place where you can't own knives, you need a TV permit, and blatant censorship of Anti-Government/hate speech. Man we really are inferior to other places in that regard.

>completely unrealistic view of human nature

Lol, okay. Good luck with the breeding program that makes people look at art instead of their iPhones.

Why Some Countries Are Poor and Others Rich

I'm not saying any of this is possible because it's not. It's just what the best possible scenario would have been before the run-away train that is capitalism destroys everything. You're a massive cuck btw for being so complacent and nihilistic.

>We could breed they're retardation out of them and make them interested in science and art and things that matter. We don't have to be a bunch of stupid cucks for the rest of history.
>I'm not saying any of this is possible because it's not

Come on, dude. This is why you see "straw men" everywhere. Changing your original argument because someone points out how blindingly stupid it is != straw man.