how to infiltrate Verrit
>pic related
>a "media platform for the 65.8 million." It's basically a Leftist meme factory where the memes have to be "vetted" first
how to infiltrate Verrit
>pic related
>a "media platform for the 65.8 million." It's basically a Leftist meme factory where the memes have to be "vetted" first
Other urls found in this thread:
Post are reviewed
Easiest thing in the world to memeout, literally just make outrageous fake ones. No one is ever going to actually check if they are real.
Incredible how people are STILL not over the popular vote
Also, way to shut down the possibility of reaching the people who didn't vote for her. Lesson not learned I guess
omg she actually created a safe space for here and her sheep. the jokes just write themselves
> they can find easy-to-share facts, stats and other “information you can take out to social media when you’re having debates on key issues people are discussing,”
maybe we're the bad guys?
Oh I'm laughing
all is know its going to over take lebbit, FB, twitter and shariablue as one true liberal social media site
i don't know what to belive anymore
So basically it's a literal propoganda machine for the democrats.
Whatever it is, it doesn't load.
>Looked it up
>This is considered "extremist".
It also flat out states some of these "white supremacists" are Hispanic.
what a fucking joke. this shit will die a painful death once the soros money runs out
Yeah, good luck with that.
"The media was never on my side >:("
Clinton should literally just kill herself. Either she's pure evil or has actually drunk the SJW victim complex koolaid.
It is quite frustrating that someone who ran for president can encourage such a divisive national attitude. For someone who preached of inclusiveness and acceptance to split the nation and foster such hate is a bigger crime than anything else she has done.
>So basically it's a literal propoganda machine for the democrats.
they still don't understand their worst front is fighting a meme war , if they focused on some kind of policy driven scheme it would be much more rewarding for them.
Fake but true like pic related is the best strategy.
>since the day after 9/11
How many whites are in the US?
How many Muslims?
Couldn't these rules be used against the site?
the patriarchy
rape culture (especially on college campuses)
the cops' outright desire to murder blacks
punch a Nazi
anyone to the right of Karl Marx is a Nazi and needs to be punched
someone has thoughts I don't agree with SHUT THEM DOWN
everything anyone has to say about the white race (especially white males)
free speech, what is that?
This is their policy driven scheme. Parrot cleverly worded facts and intentionally omitting extremely relevant information.
Guns are the third highest cause of death for children. Is that suicide? Is that gang violence?
There are quadruple the amount of white supremacists terrorist attack vs Muslim attacks. Are there quadruple the amount of whits in the country vs Muslims? Or are terrorist attacks disproportionally Muslim based on population?
Throwing out facts means absolutely fucking nothing when you fail to omit information and further context.
The fact that the left runs to a platform that has to be heavily censored and controlled and the right goes to ones that aren't should tell you all you need to know.
Lol im pretty sure prereviewing and requiring an approval is cancer to memes
Operation No Safe Spaces for Old Leftists is underway.
>how to infiltrate Verrit
content can be censored.
than all you need it to create a rumor that the all so morally superior left cannot criticize Israel, in response the BDS will flock verrit in an attempt to show the world how oppressed they are.
a shitstorm of anti israeli content will flood the site, some of it will be have some true anti semitic content in it which will make the sponsors poll the plug.
You're assuming the reviewers are rational people
>hint: they aren't
>Hillary wants to vet social media posts better than she does Islamic terrorists
I can summarize that paragraph into one sentence.
Verrit reserves the right to intolerance.
Here's how you can actually destroy this site:
Post pro-palestine stuff. They censor it and you can countermeme with pictures of white phosphorous children and get kikefeed and other media sources to shit all over it.
If you go standard 1488 retard then you'll just get shut down and laughed at
>ignoring the 3,000 people killed on 9/11
so it's a tl;dr version of snopes. And its trustworthiness is sold by way of telling people that it's hard to get stuff published.
Even if they actually are white supremacists, that doesn't make them "far right" or representative of Republicans.
>since 09/12/01
i wonder why they picked such an odd date to start counting
>/pol flooded by hundreds of shills every day
>still make more and better OC than any lefty
really noggles the boggin
need to infiltrate it and come at them from the left. ie. post stuff about israel and palestine. etc.
>radical islam isn't right wing extremism
So you're telling me they're leftist then.
>how to infiltrate Verrit
Why do you need to infiltrate it? I thought it would be a Machiavellian masterpiece with special outlets verifying """facts""" that fit their narrative.. but it's not. It's so shitty it's laughable.
Look at this shit. Unsupported statement with a nonsensical quote out of context for "support". You can't even fool a lefty with this. It makes no fucking sense at all. There aren't any facts here. Where's the beef?
Oh and the "source" doesn't remotely try to defend the main assertion, it's just a reference for the quote. In fact that seems to be nearly all content. Unsupported assertion + irrelevant quote, source of quote.
I'm not joking when I say he nazi infographics are better produced.
>number of attacks
why not number killed?
why not rate of terror attacks per 100k citizens?
>fight violently
okay, you do that
I thought that was called Facebook badum tsss
You guys told me the pay gap didn't exist
This place tells me we are literally centuries away
What do I believe
That is actually true.
She had no core issues nor something interesting to talk with. Only muh vagina
>Virtuous and Persecuted
My fucking sides.
Literally just flood it with so many racist memes that the post moderators can't deal with them all
So it's the left's version of Minds.
we need a script and carpet bomb em
needs to be flooded with nigger crime stats
unfucking real, it's completely censored and controlled, just how liberals love it
>Neo-Nazi killed sex offender priest
Wtf I love Neo-Nazis now.
Here is the template just to spam it all across twatter with what ever you want it to say
>Font used is Oswald Regular
have fun lads
Wow holy shit
>12% of Sanders voters
That's not even a lot. In fact it seems like much less than what it really was.
I don't even know what to make of this.
This seems like a really tailor crafted lie to shame a small insignificant minority who didn't fall in line for causing all of this.
or, these women could choose more profitable careers and work harder and they could make the same much sooner!
Does anyone else feel like this whole thing is an abomination?
Good lord those are almost bigger then her head.
Well, a white man did the math that says the pay gap doesn't exist. A black woman did the math that says it's going to exist for centuries.
You be the judge.
Socialist Dictatorship
Nobody is even using it, it's not worth the time to infiltrate.
Not only that, but their definiton of right wing is any of the following : Nationalistic, anti global, suspicious of centralized federal authority, reverent of individual liberty, belief that your way of life is under imminent attack, and belief in the need to be prepared for an attack.
So anyone who likes to be prepared or is anti-government is automatically labeled as right wing in their statistics. Bernie before he ran would have been considered right wing for his beliefs in nationalism that he held.
Feels plastic as fuck desu.
her core issues was open borders and women how could u miss it
Who's the 65.8millions? And fuck the 285 millions that's left out.
fuck off hilary
I have literally never seen a woman bitch and whine as much as Hillary Clinton. Never. She has redefined the meaning of "sore loser."
>Muh 65.8 million
well in many ways they are.
the only real correlation in the avg lefty nonislamic mindset is the right wing likes religion, therefore islam must be right wing.
not so. Islam tends to be socialist in practice.
Islam has no problem teaming up with leftys and commies to get in power (iran, infiltration of social parties in the west etc).
islam hates borders, and capitalism.
So yeah, not really right wing. imo
It's psyop time boys
what memes should we push?
>beating right wing women
>blacks are allowed to kill any whites they want bc racism
>open borders for israel
>the truth about hillary the democratic party from a pro-bernie stance
Verrit sounds like varmint to me (although I guarantee the creators were going for something that sounds like or resembles Reddit.
I hate varmints. They carry disease and destroy things. So the name is fitting.
Also, a containment zone for liberals that functions as an echo chamber and forbids creativity (meme warfare) is fucking fantastic. The alt-left is doing the best job at sabotaging itself.
Never interrupt an enemy that is making a mistake.
>can't jus be throwing around scientific facts when making policy
The Wut.
fresh OC
rate me
>how to infiltrate anything
ask the jew. im with you on this one sefardi.
>the possibility of reaching the people who didn't vote for her
Oh, is that what your heart truly desires, for Hillary to reach out to you?
It's just all propaganda. Where is the discussion 9n any of this shit?
>DNC back stabs Sanders
>Surprised when people vote for Trump to spite them.
This is the dumbest shit I have ever seen.
don't infiltrate.
shift the narrative to make it toxic.
post on normiebook about how it is biased.
create fake rejection notices for verifiable facts that are outside the narrative.
make "verrit" synonymous with "bullshit"
Parody verrit generator:
Why don't they put the quote where George Washington says to not trust Jews and if you ever let them take power they will destroy the nation?
Good idea, we should alert our brothers over at T_D and co-ordinate.
>how to infiltrate Verrit
fool, they are impenetrable
Made may dy
We have our template boys.
I like them all
which #hastags should we use for twiiter
>We can create another thread for counter attack
just for keks
>an actual echo chamber/safe space
Did you miss her concession speech or something?
Nevermind. I thought it was a youtube alternative for some reason. This is just worthless at it is.
Good, means we can destroy it before it becomes a force.
the left has fallen for the info-graphic meme. just remember that you can comment on any of them with a email address and not need to sign up or anything.
oh how the turns have tabled, lets go to their site and
>"Correct The Record"
When will you dipshits stop calling them liberals?
They are outright socialists.
You do know that means "not together"?
typing just for the fuck of it
so how many memes have you created,
what topics should we concentrate on
liberals are way ahead of you
>start counting literally the day after 9/11
Are people this fucking stupid to not notice that? Also
>not counting Orlando
>"b-but that attack was because of muh homophobia"