Daily reminder that Sup Forums was an ancap board before the autistic nazi larpers came along

daily reminder that Sup Forums was an ancap board before the autistic nazi larpers came along

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daily reminder that ancaps are subhuman, nihilistic filth who seem to think living in chaos is a better alternative than living in reality.

>thinking ancapitalism would lead to chaos
well i'll forgive it since you live in leftyland

daily reminder that ancap is Jewish

No we weren't. At best you'd could have said we were broadly 50/50 Libertarian/Nazi.

>thinking ancapitalism would lead to chaos
People being given carte blanche save for a flimsy and unstructured NAP is the definition of chaos. The society would not work. Everyone would branch into enclaves and the strong men would no longer be deterred from being strong men.

In Ancapistan, some raving band of raiders kills you and your family? Sucks for you, should have paid your monthly private police protection fee. Standing military? Who needs that?!?

daily reminder that ancapism is corporate feudalism, and that without a government to act as a monopoly on violence the private sector would expand to fill the gap. taxes would be replaced with rent, cops would be replaced with private security, citizenship would be replaced with contracts, borders would be replaced with private property boundaries, and in the end we revert to feudalism with each corporation being its own kingdom

your ideology is fucking backwards, stupid, and subhuman. kys

Except any actually organized nation would just come and annex the bands of raiders and that would be the end of Ancap.

Daily reminder: Your ideology is an Oxymoron joke


No it wasn't you fucking autist, capitalism is the filth of this world. To buy into that notion is fucking incredible. Society needs rules, and the State needs to provide them in order to protect the native people and the native culture. This is a universal truth that has existed since society itself.



>>Except any actually organized nation would just come and annex the bands of raiders and that would be the end of Ancap.
...what? Annex people? Is that really the word you want to use?

Destroying a band of raiders doesn't solve or stop ancapitalism, if anything you're propagating it by doing that.

spoken like a true commie

yes, we need a state to be bought out by lobbyists and!
we need government to put us in cages over victimless crimes like smoking a harmless leaf!
and most of all we need a government to take our hard-earned money and spend it on pointless wars!

Daily reminder that ancap was a meme before mollys autism cult took it seriously

>muh free market works no matter what.

a system based on the free market wont totally end up with Companys using their Money to gain Power over people (private police) and start treating them as slaves and not allowing them to move.

your fucking country is a meme

reminder that ancapism doesn't work because the NAP isn't some universal truth, and just because you think it's how things should be, doesn't mean it's actually how it would turn out.

Not even nearly, perhaps if you dumb cunts spent half as much time reading as you did LARPing you'd succeed in being recognised as a real movement. Just because I want a state government and laws, does not make me a communist, you backwards middle-school dropout.

>Smoking a harmless leaf

Yeah you lost all credible argument right there. Gratulations.

that would violate the NAP and they would be invaded by private militias and shot on sight by anybody they tried it on
also you act like corporate lobbyists don't already own the government

Best cat I've seen all week. :D


daily reminder that Sup Forums is satire and everyone here is actually an enlightened centrist

reminder that we are allies. dont let the shills divide us. also sage

congratulations on focusing on the weed part of my argument to not admit the truth about lobbyists and how they can have you put in jail over a victimless crime

daily remainder that the "Sup Forums was ____ " threads are memes just like this board and Sup Forums as a whole.

Ancaps are just a meme right. No one actually believes it right

If there are private militias powerful enough to force everyone to follow the magical NAP law of the land, what's stopping them from just initiating force and doing whatever they want regardless of the NAP?

I hate to sound like a /leftypol/ faggot, but the NAP is a fucking spook. It's completely fucking meaningless. The only true rule is that might makes right. There's no such thing as rights unless you have a way to enforce them.

Take the monarchism pill, famalam.


I mean the land over which your ancap society is based would be annexed and the people subsumed into that new society.

Why would a Company spend Money on a militia just to stop Another Company?
Plus what about a Company like microsoft they would be able to conquer the fucking World in that case.

If you're smoking weed and then claim that it's "MUH LOBBYISTS" "MUH VICTIMLESS CRIMMEE" then you're a felon and should be put down like a dog. Crime is crime. Laws are in place not just for the safety of others, but for your safety, because it's the duty of the State to protect everyone, not just victims. Money printing has no victims directly, but leads to obvious reprecussions which I don't need to tell a (((GUY))) like you about. If you start to just abandon these, what are you left with? Complete chaos.

no threads were Hittler/nazis/WW2/tanks/Roman empire/ = 50% the other 50% was: let me tell you about the jews...

having many militias to balance out power as well as increasing patriotism to make people more loyal to their nation would solve that

That's probably a fairer shout desu.

>money printing
>not using a currency of pure gold and silver coins
oh honey, please

Friendly reminder that lolbertarians are nationalistic traditionalists who haven't yet figured out how to defeat the left instead of giving the same laissez entitlement and degenerative atomization that gave birth to them.

Where does the anarchy come from in ancap philosophy? You replace one hierarchy with another, if not openly giving shadowy hands control.

Afghanistan is the closest thing I can think to ancap. It's a shithole

You're not addressing my point whatsoever. You can't just wave your magic wand and say "oh, there'd never be a militia/PMC/entity powerful enough to bypass the agreed-upon NAP!"

Not only is there nothing to support this axiom, but there's nothing to support the idea that there will always be enough true-believers in muh NAP to always keep it enforced.

The problem with ancaps is that they take their axiom (muh NAP) and then drag it out to the jewiest and most autistic logical extreme. They care more about being "logically consistent" with their golden rule than they do with actually bothering to have any semblance of a realistic or coherent society. It's nothing more than a goddamn thought experiment.

didn't you lose the only war you fought

Jesus fucking Christ, the absolute state of the UK...

What about modern day Ethiopia? that's a shining example

how will it be divided?
who would make sure their balanced, what if a guy just bought the other guys militia?

When you add human nature component to that theory - it all falls apart. I mean, just look at most people.

Never forger, AnCap is the invention of the Jews.

Yeah a war between Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary and a few more nations vs the rest of the World and we where Close to winning.

No it wasn't.
It's been this way since /new/ you fucking redditor

Nice response whatever the fuck you are, supporting whatever the fuck you do.

>close to winning

Newfags should LURK
not POST

You fell into a very common fallacy. The point is, if you simply empower the state, there is NO guarantee that it will protect your people and culture in a way you expect. It takes a certain amount of effort to actually influence the state ideologically, so that its policies are aligned with your ideals. But the same (or lesser) amount of effort is needed to change society in general, in market ways. In other words, there is absolutely no reason to rely on the government more than on the market, because both can betray you, but at least the market offers you a way to change things.

>user doesn't realize people were pushing ron paul satirically


well said my snek friend

Duty =/= intent. Yes, it's their DUTY to protect and serve. But it's their INTENT to rob you blind, make your currency worthless, and toss you in prison for not kneeling down to kiss the ring. Democracy has made it harder for them to do so, but lobbying for corporate interest has been slowly chipping away at it for decades.

keep larping fag

Third post best post.

Laws do not require a government, they require people who subject themselves to those laws voluntarily and an enforcing 3rd party in case of unresolved conflict.

Private cities could perfectly well have laws and people buying property within those cities because knowing your neighbor is subjected to the same laws as you makes people feel safe.

>did "I"
>my ancestors all fought for Allies since WW1
>I was in service myself

>Germany, Italy, Japan
>industrializing small nations without colonial assets or significant raw materials
>Germany is in debt up to it's hair
>suddenly a certain ideology removes the debts and creates economic stimulation using a method that ancaps and lolbertarians abhor for some reason(?!)
>then goes to war against the four largest superpowers on Earth with massive amounts of land, limitless raw materials, exceptionally industrialized, vast populations to draw industrial and military manpower from
>USSR had 100k paratroopers,3 million man active army(not including several million man reserve). Had been building up the worlds largest tank force
>somehow this war lasted 6 years and the Axis almost won

So hows that private central bank run continuously by zionist elites doing? Oh, they lost 9 tril you say? Probably not more laundering to their friends in media. We'll be fine, because the libertarians and ancaps told me unfettered capitalism was a great thing.

Anarchy, in any form, is for retards.

>Siding with ayyrabs
>Destroy your country so hard it's now GERMany
>Lost wars because who cares about logistics or diplomacy lmao
>Mixed shit is not shit at least
>Has to enforce tradition because they're not deeply ingrained in his people's hearts
Conservatism spirit in Ancapland > le based hitler

>You can have laws without government.
But you need someone to enforce the law, the police...and who is in handels the police...the government.

>>suddenly a certain ideology removes the debts and creates economic stimulation using a method that ancaps and lolbertarians abhor for some reason(?!)

It's called Keynesianism. It works like drugs, you get the boom, and then you get the bust. Sort of like indebting yourself to live like a rich person, you better invest properly or you will fall twice as hard.

Nazis got btfo'd too early to reveal how all that military investment creating GDP growth wasn't actually a sound investment.

Well, lawbreaking, primarily.

>then you get the bust

Where was the bust?

Boom-bust cycles naturally occur in capitalism anyways. It's the communists primary argument against capitalism(USSR for example, never went through the great depression). That's what the socialist part of nationalism entails.

>Sort of like indebting yourself to live like a rich person,

Debt is a joke. Japan owes three times more than it's GDP.

Cause the USSR was in a perpetual great depression

Anarcho-capitalism is a shitty ideology because people who believe in free markets have no understanding of economics.

>But you need someone to enforce the law


>the police...and who is in handels the police...the government.

In a hotel, if you make noise after 12 and refuse to comply they will evict you, in a pub, if you start a fight they will kick you out, in a cinema, if you light up a blunt they will kick you out.

So, say that you live in an ancap world and you want to acquire property in a private city, this private city will make you sign a contract stating that they will kick you out or imprison you if you break the rules. People would still sign these contracts because they would like to know that their neighbor cannot kill them and get away with murder, so they subject themselves to those same rules.

No government needed.

Compared to the actual great depression, no. The great gap between communist states and non-communist states didn't appear until the ww2-cold war period. I'm not arguing that it's not a shitty economic system, but if you could have the best of both worlds, why wouldn't you?


ALL you STORMWEENIES need to GTFO!! This is OUR board!! YOU are not WELCOME here!

Why don't YOU STORMFAGS try and DO something with your LIFE? We're on a CRUSADE against the state. All you do is masturbate to ANIME! LOL. Fucking collectivist DWEEBS.

> they require people who subject themselves to those laws voluntarily and an enforcing 3rd party in case of unresolved conflict.
so... a government

>Where was the bust?

The bust was coming but Germany got btfo'd before we could appreciate it, like in every single Keynesian economy, it takes years to get the results of bad investment at that level. You think bubbles pop up the year they begin being formed?

>Boom-bust cycles naturally occur in capitalism anyways

Not as strong as with Keynesian policies. Keynesianism is encouragement of spending, so the bubbles get much larger and the busts last way longer.

Boom bust cycles in capitalism would be quite mild because the market corrections come up way before, but with governments forcing low interest rates and rescuing banks market corrections take way longer, so the fall is way harder.

>Debt is a joke. Japan owes three times more than it's GDP.

And Japan's economy has been stagnant for decades.

>private city

So the city government?

And no police, just mercenaries?

What happens when a conglomerate or zaibatsu achieves so much wealth, and drives down the working wages so much, they could just import or buy out massive amounts of cheap labor, equip them with AK's, and genocide everyone who isn't under their control? Since monopolies aren't broken, they wouldn't have a competitor as the competitors unite to field wipe anyone else.

And who decides the proper use of force? Where's the courts? Are those private too(and thus susceptible to bribery)?

I can smell the autism.

Government entails much more than conflict resolution.


Sup Forums was lolbert before becoming natsoc and before we were nazis we were just racists on /new/

Ancap is a recent evolution of autism

>implying chaos isn't inevitable

lmao, evolve already faggot.

Shut up nazi.

but it builds up over time starting from a base level that basically amounts to what you're talking about. The problem with ancapism is that the vacuum of anarchy will simply get filled up.

I blame all the cultist retards who came here from Molymeme, I presume.

yea i like this OP image
it summarizes my feelings pretty well

read some fucking austrian economics, you retards

>Private Borders
>Adopted Children Being Property
How could anybody over 13 be an Ancap?

>read austrian economics
Sorry if we wanted comedy we'd just turn on the late show


so youre keynesian then?

>The bust was coming but Germany

Uh, false sweetie. The economic development steadily increased until 1942 when Albert Speere enacted his war economy program. Then, almost all raw resource production except for oil tripled. The military industry expanded even further.

Where was the UK and US's bust from pre-war spending? Didn't fucking happen. You've lost this argument and you know it.

>Boom bust cycles in capitalism would be quite mild because the market corrections come up way before, but with governments forcing low interest rates and rescuing banks market corrections take way longer, so the fall is way harder.

Where to start with this one... Boom-bust cycles are worse based on non-intervention. The "free" market has a propensity for overcompensating or undercompensating, and if price gouging and monopolization occur then the cycle could be ongoing based on private decision making(which in in direct contradiction to the needs of the state as a whole- it becomes a game of "king of the hill" for anyone smart and rich enough). There's also literally nothing wrong with having a centralized bank that ensures competitive low interest rates, as long at it's nationalized and not privatized, like we have here.

>And Japan's economy has been stagnant for decades.

Yeah, because every country has a maximum amount of capability it can achieve within the confines of it's own manpower pool, resource pool, and industrial usage. Japan hit that limit. Imperial Japan wouldn't have for obvious reasons.

>your death is inevitable just kill yourself bro! haha

I'm a Keynesian/Krugmanian.

Not if it's subjected to a contract, close (geographically) competition and third party arbitration.

If I'm the customer of a city and they take the liberty to grow their reach without my consent breaking the contract, I will report them to the third party arbitrator and get compensated.

^^BUTTHURT NAZIS. Look at the DUMBO Nazis!!

Why can't you see the STATE is the enemy? It needs to be ANIHILATED. Dumb DERP HEADS.

Did you drink out of plastic water bottles as a kid?

>implying that drops in same category with the "chaos" mentioned

Ancap is the default for every human society. It's the survival of the fittest law manifest culture. Every modern political and cultural axiom is splintered from it.

I think it's bait, or he'd just present an argument by now

Agreed. Someone has to stop noseberg from importing 100 million shitskins for cheap labor and it sure won't be le free market

It's inevitable bro. Why even bring that up? lol

anclaps are truly retarded
