Lets see what you've got, anons. We need all the ammunition we can muster for the coming campaign. This man may be more dangerous than Hillary and Soros combined. But there is no enemy too great for Sup Forums, we've proven it time and again.
Gavin Edwards
Welcome user, thank you for your service. Between now and 2020 I'm sure we'll be needing to make use of your skills.
Cameron Hernandez
he looks like he hasnt slept for a week
Ayden Hughes
>CREATE AND BUMP ANTI-FB AND ANTI-ZUCC THREADS clearly asking to raid Sup Forums in a thread started on Sup Forums WTF is wrong with you? just if anyone here had something to do with jewbook off yourself you fucking faggot
Ryan Lee
that's how reptilians look
Noah Young
fresh baked bread
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Nicholas Martin
Austin Baker
Carter Wilson
Jaxson Reyes
Carson Perez
I am Zod
Eli Sullivan
Make him look like Nosferatu
Thomas Jenkins
wait until he actually wins a primary state
then we crush him. the dems need to be divided
Adam Ramirez
what has he done specifically to deserve this
Austin Bennett
He's been a Jew. that's enough. Let the hate flow through you
Jewish people drink the same water as you sp they are not much smarten then you. They only always know were you heading so be good. A jew never hurt a good person
Colton Peterson
Carson Richardson
I read your comment in the voice of a triggered SJW. Chill out and stop taking everything so literally/personally.
Landon Bell
This is so good!!! With the servers i got i Can even Monitor people who doesnt use Facebook
Easton Taylor
These are shill threads designed to get the memes out early so he can try to counter them for his run for office aren't they?
Juan Nguyen
>just decalcify your pineal gland
Nathaniel Bell
Without these threads, there wouldn't be the memes. You're reading to deep into this, not everyone's a shill.
1. He has Facebook censor conservative views. 2. Promotes open borders.
Gabriel Mitchell
Kek, what are you saying, Dutchdude?
Nathan Howard
I dont believe he is human
Nicholas Long
He deleted a bunch up popular right-wing Facebook accounts.
Jaxon Rivera
Iam saying iam jewish but the elite jews. Just Fucked me as hard as other species. Except the jews fuck harder in other countries... iam sorry for that but i dont know them. My brain is to far damaged by fluorid etc
Gavin Martinez
David Wright
These are really, really weak.
Dominic Nelson
fresh baked bread
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Austin Brooks
Logan Roberts
Does anyone have that lulzy as fuck facebook post of his where he talks about only eating meat that he slaughters himself? It makes him look like a fucking psychopath.
Josiah Lewis
Because he's a jew
Ian Adams
>MEME kys
Cameron Flores
This is goebbelian tier level
Nathan Robinson
He's running for president as a far left open borders candidate in 2020. He also censors conservatives.