How many of you have access to a bomb shelter

how many of you have access to a bomb shelter

why are the doors different sizes

literally nobody here has access to a bomb shelter

you're on Sup Forums, remember?

Not everyone is the same height for God's sake.


i am the bomb

Every house, public building, and workplace where more than 5 people work all time is required to have an air raid shelter.

Speak for yourself, I am currently 500 meters above the ground in my bomb proof bomb shelter.

Swiss all have bomb shelters, so does Israel I think

it's a cost cutting measure

lower overhead saves money

> need that many piss buckets

my city is full of them but I'm one of the most likely areas for getting bombed to fuck and I doubt church/bank basements will really save people

Does anyone else get comfy as fuck at the thought of having to live out the rest of your life in an underground bomb shelter?



I think that at home I have at most 30 seconds to the closest bomb shelter (I have to go down four flight of stairs to get there). At work maybe 15 seconds. When commuting, at worst probably 5 minutes.

Yacht/boat is far superior especially if you have a crazy budget.


Yeah, thatd be decently comfy.

mine are in an urban area with lots of non-whites. The closest I could get to is across a bridge that has slow traffic at the best of times and still a few minutes away

the others are in the actual city center. I think I would just take my chances in my own basement and eat iodized salt or something

Just put mass between you and the fallout.

Hunker down two weeks.

Bring some "entertainment"

Depends how high the water table is.

me. That one looks super comfy. I'd live in something like that now if it could stay cool.

Can you imagine how stir-crazy you would get being trapped in a 10x10 box for two weeks?

Neighborhood has several such shelters, not sure how much force they could withstand.

>this nigger's never been to jail

The only problem with bomb shelters is
if they are ever really needed
then the earth is going to be repopulated
by the type of person who would build a bomb shelter.

Might as well just go extinct.

NEETs have been conditioned to deal with the end of the world..

as long as they internet and power and then they'd break down sooner than normies because they're incapable of entertaining themselves outside of siamese cartoons

Guess that explains all the beheadings in England

NK are done the second they launch a live nuke
They are on their last legs why else go for a hail mary hydrogen bomb? Fatboy knows what happens to declawed dictators.

They get a knife up the pooper

Tall one is for lanklets, small one for manlets.

does mom's basement count as a bomb shelter

Are the buckets for shitting?

No need for such a thing because The Lord is with me thus i'm not afraid for he will rescue me from death once the time will come

The only thing they dig in AZ are pools. We will fully embrace The Power of The Atom

>bomb shelter
that's cute

>never been to jail

> access to a bomb shelter

not in the way you mean...but yes

> 1 post by this id

> 1 post by this id

> 1 post by this id

> 1 post by this id


I live in the midwest. My defense against a bomb is having all the coastal states as shields against a blast.

what the fuck are all those buckets about? That's not where you going to have to store all the shit is it?

post of the week

the bigger one is for amerifats

3 floors down from where I live, there's a 400 square feet bomb shelter. I also live way up in the mountains, near a fresh water source and hunting grounds. I'll be alright.

tunnel snakes reporting in!!

>doors are same width
german education has declined since the 40s

I don't even think my town has a storm shelter. I'd be fucked.