>Black people aren't monke-
Black people aren't monke-
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You forgot to change your flag, from your last shitty bait thread, you stupid cunt leaf.
O-oh, looks like autocorrect knows better, fucking shit for brains leaf.
maybe im getting soft but she's a decently cute niglet, no? and there's evidence of parenting at least in this photo. this could be much worse. i mean, yeah i wouldn't want it near me, but you're a straight-up faggot or a little kid if skin color and appearance are the things that bother you about race
Zog zog.
Repent now, user!
sopa de macaco
Get fucked redditors
Shit forgot to set it back to my real flag
These kids look like kids
black ppl don't celebrate their kids birthd-
Nice flag faggot.
Black people are lower than monkeys
We know they are not. But its like the muslim thing. The majority of them screw up neighborhoods and ghettofy cities. Its just a fact
This cured me of my racism.
Why does she look like uma delicia
dindu nuffin
>ayoo mufugga I stile thiz shit foh you
>dont cry bitch nigga. Why you be crying punk ass bitch
>take that bat out little nigga. Yeah you going to wack a few woods and bloods with that shiet little nigga
>aight how do I upload thiz shit so that white bitchez be on my dick bout how I am good dad and shit. I Aint no computer ass chinese nerd.
Summarized the video for you
The right one is perfectly suitable for a human being.
Yeah, too bad niggers are all wrong.
If I had a facebook, I would track down and message the owner of this picture. I'd tell them that their butthurt autistic friend is posting hateful racist messages about their kids on a Mesopotamian leather saddler discussion soapbox. You'd get the piss beaten out of you.
We aren't your personal army, get lost.
sopa de negro
Atleast these two kids look like they will grow up to be good citizens of America, kudos to their parents. They wont be like the hood niggers in Chicago.
haha, good.
Nigga stop acting like you are some sort of hacker who located OP and cracked the code or some shit. You found out the pic was from fb from reading jpg. Good job faggot
End yourself, shit stained leaf
I'm a father, and I want to explain to him that it's not OK to talk shit about people's kids like that. It really annoys me.
I'm not pretending anything. This little faggot is obviously friends with whoever this picture belongs to. It wouldn't be hard for the parent to figure it out. He needs to know that he's going to face an extremely angry dad if he keeps this up.
Literally nothing is going to happen
Fuck your kids. I hope they get molested by Pakis btw
Friend of a friend you cuck. Maybe you should teach your kid not to put personal shit on the internet for everyone to see like the dumbass thot that took the picture did.
Nice bait, I don't give a shit.
You can't do this to kids, it's not right. They're the definition of innocence. I'm willing to bet that neither of those children have ever wronged you in any way whatsoever.
You need to stop this. It's evil. Whatever problem you have with the parents (or the race of the parents) has nothing to do with the children. You know damn well what kind of place this is - it's not for pictures of kids. You're looking for a strong negative reaction against them.
Leave it out. You're being a real cunt and a real coward here. Pick on someone your own size. Pick on the parents, pick on your friend, pick on whoever. Kids are off-limits to anyone with even a shred of a soul.
Kek are you trolling?
>You can't do this to kids, it's not right.
Neither are niggers
>They're the definition of innocence. I'm willing to bet that neither of those children have ever wronged you in any way whatsoever.
Yeah but that doesn't really matter to me.
>You need to stop this. It's evil.
Pic related
>Whatever problem you have with the parents (or the race of the parents) has nothing to do with the children.
Man, I don't even know the parents. I saw this picture while scrolling through facebook, though they looked like chimps (they are) and decided to share it.
>Kids are off-limits to anyone with even a shred of a soul.
>Implying I have a soul
You can white knight all you want, but at the end of the day, you're not changing anything.
since when is making fun of fucking kids fine? I hate nigger adults, but this kid hasnt done anything wrong. you are really petty user.
>I don't give a shit if my kids get molested by pakis
The absolute STATE of Brittania
Making fun of juvenile chimps is A-OK
That is "Great" Britain for you.
>since when is making fun of fucking kids fine?
Since when is anything on this website "fine"? Go suck nigger child dick elsewhere pls
>special ed
>he's just black
Acts just like an average black dude. The average black is special ed after all
Shut the fuck up niggerfaggot cuck
They look like cute kids to me. You have no clue do you?
Well said moralityburger.
I feel bad for anyone that can't feel some joy from watching this videos. Only the most edgiest of teens or the most miserable humans could watch this and not feel good
This. It's a picture of two kids who look like they come from a stable family.
I'm no nigger lover but I don't see any problem here.
I wish I had teeth like that, looks so fucking cool and feral.
checks out
those kids are cute you piece of shit.
Fuck my stupid White empathy.
Send them back to their shithole continent, let them live just not here.
>Only the most edgiest of teens or the most miserable humans could watch this and not feel good
Where do you think you are?
I agree with you btw.
>clean clothes
>clean hair
>look healthy
>car looks well taken care of too
What's the problem here? Looks like a normal family.
I felt joy, but only because I see a strong family unit working as intended. Fuck white empathy indeed, but they shall keep at it in their own nations - a good example for others to follow.