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top bantz
A challenger appears.
Very disturbing. I'm disturbed.
Neo nazi? It's a car with a Japanese flag background.
>makes fun of leftist
>automatically neo-nazi
I read the article and the retard kept calling the car a charger, instead of a challenger
I was just thinking this. Looking at this objectivly, what does this have to do with nazi ideology? It's amazing how socirty's fear mongering has ground down an entire political ideology into a meaningless buzzword.
What can you expect from a libby?
>tfw they said we wouldn't have the last laugh
i dont understand British humor
>top-tier bantz have started appearing in central London
now do this one
added for diversity
fuck i want one of those stickers
Terrible. It doesnt even rhyme like their version does.
Did they just assumed its model?
This is clear miss-modeling.
Not OK
Should print off a few personalised stickers and plaster them everywhere to trigger Antifa.
>It doesnt even rhyme like their version does.
Their shit doesn't rhyme either.
Pic related, stolen from tumblrettes
Is there the retarded swastika one? I wanna post this around and see if news reports on it.
>Trying to insert logic into leftist rambling
Good night alt right does rhyme...
How is it Nazi?
Perhaps the (((media))) should stop crying wolf while doing everything in their power to summon a real wolf.
Lawdy lawd, I can't handle this level of banter.
>Good night alt right does rhyme...
Yes, but "good night alt right" is derivative.
"Good night white pride" really is the origination of this meme, and leftists have been carrying these around for 20 years
Yeah, sure, except that isn't what the picture says so not sure what your point is
Just imagine that the news media reported on all the little things (down to a fecking sticker) that disturb YOU.
>known jew snuck into secure congressional offices
>congress on full lock-down
>head of secret service promises to find reason why jew was allowed on grounds
>ICE head questioned before congress as to how a jew got into U.S.
>President raises threat level to condition orange
Why isn't it like this instead? You're the one who pays the taxes and feeds this beast. America is your birthright.
How long, white man?
Okay, didnt know that, thanks for clearing that up.
Preferred, and it does rhyme. The left can't meme.
that one?
The jews fear the samurai, user.
no problem, potato italian