*blocks your path*

You are in the wrong neighborhood, CIS scum.

this is why you import crack into your countries America, this is your fault.

Yes I am.

"Nerrrr, I'm happy with who I am."
"Nerrrr, I don't like these people."
"Nerrr, people who dress like that are stupid."

Sup Forums, do yourself a favor; next time you run into someone who looks like OPs pic, try talking to them like a fellow human.

I only talk to humans like humans.

>Name my band
I'll say it again.

*unzips dick*


teleports behind you.

HOLY FUCK I KNOW HER the albino quadroon in the middle.


>these are the people I will have to die for if there's a draft

Should I just move to Russia?

you have to go back, faggot.

Tell us more.

Clearly I am how in the hell do I get out


Found the (((shill)))

Lefty faggot doesn't understand you don't have conversations with these degenerates... you subject yourself to their false high-and-mighty attitudes as they talk AT you about nothing else but themselves and their "choices" in life.
I'd rather not have to hear about someone's medical problems in conversations. And they are an affront to the eyes and morals of nations.
I'm glad trannies have such high suicide rates: it means the issue will solve itself as they hang themselves with a vibrator up their boipucci or pseudovag.
Or, they'll wander into a black neighborhood, and get their asses fucked to bleeding by gang members for their faggoty behavior.

Repent, heathen!

Y-you too.

>tfw you remember these people will hang in the civil war

turn 360 degrees and walk

That's just Beetlejuice cosplay

What are you gonna do? Hit me with your purse?

I just want to fight these people, am I weird?

Does no one else just want to beat these people and throw insults cutting deep? I feel like I could fuck all of them up at the same time, for the first time in my life i've been so violent and right winged it could be due to starting to do boxing and regular lifting.

disgusting abominations I hope all of you get AIDS and die.

I'm happy all of you are killing yourselves while you overdose on drugs and rip eacth other's rectums apart.

So you walk right into them?

Good let hate run threw you

>t. newfag

yeah, nazis. you better watch out. we step on snek.

>You're in the wrong neighborhood

Indeed I am, don't know how I got here and don't want to be here. So which one of you can tell me the fastest way out?

neighbourhoods are flammable my dear abnormality.


t. fag and tranny enabler trying to trick our ausbro

t. kike