Daily Reminder: Fossil Fuelled Climate Deniers are Literally Fucking Retarded

>muh 'only God can control the weather!'
>2 of the most religious states in the US are going to be underwater this weekend


Fuck off shill. No ones falling for your bait fagot.

yes yes good goyim

dont drive cars

The entire state of California used to be underwater.

>muh man-made global warming


>if trump had signed the paris deal hurricane harvey never would have happened...

Hurricanes have been a thing long before anyone gave a fuck about muh carbon footprint

>Daily Reminder people who can't prove shit have to resort to just calling people idiots when they're upset their is resistance against taking away their rights and property for reasons they can't even objectively prove.

Show me two earths, one with fossil fuels and one without. If the one without fossil fuels isn't warming at the same rate or the climate isn't changing at the same pace, then it's not man made. That's only way you can say it definitely. Beyond that you have man's made up models. And man has proven he will almost always choice to see what he wants, rather than what is there.

>the denier is a white male

what did the cartoonist mean by this?

I'm right-wing on most things, and against over regulation against fossil fuels, but yeah we should subsidize green energy and ban gas run cars in like 15 years.

rural and suburban retards

Save the earth by killing yourself and returning your carbon footprint to neutral.
You shilling bitch.

what about urban retards?

so fucking retarded
the epitome of crazy superstition

How was this proof of man made global warming?

>Hurricane = Fossil Fuelled Climate Change
So you are claiming that hurricanes are a recent natural disaster and they never happened prior to our use of oil?

Gee, just look at all those casualties and all the civil unrest.

Really though, even if a dramatic change in climate is occuring (climate is always changing, its not dramatic) - the affected people will just adapt or fuck off to some other part of the world. We arent all weak little soy boys like you faggots are.

>china produces 1000 times more CO2 than we could ever imagine, but yeah driving your honda civic to the grocery store is destroying the planet

>claim we're beyond the point of no return for climate change
>pump sci-fi weather manipulating compounds into the atmosphere
>monsoons in asia stop
>proved anthropological climate change by that intentional action
>fucks up the environment even more
>libs deny anthropological climate change

Daily reminder that OP is a retard.

Don't worry they we'll be at peak oil by 80s, i mean 90s, it was actually 00s, but seriously we'll run out by 10, I meant 20s and then they'll have to switch to green energy no matter what!

For people who have no problem pretending that men are women, women are men, sex with cartoon animals is okay, blacks are less violent and smarter than whites, "peak oil", etc. etc. what is so hard about believing the fact that in the last 4000 years of human history, changes in the environment are very small and it is not clear if they will be beneficial or harmful, or how significant man's role is.

I fucking hate how people who deny climate change is manmade are though of as that they deny climate change all together. Most of us believe climate change is a natural process of the planet's warming and cooling cycle.

it's a (((trick)))